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CSI: Miami Tanong

Okay, I am so confused...

Okay, I missed the season finale, my family deleted it. Then last night, I saw the episode that Horatio got shot in, then got on here today. I noticed a lot of stuff about that episode, and thought that that was the season finale. Then I noticed all of that stuff was posted a taon ago. What happened in the 2009 season finale??? Is Horatio alive??? Was Ryan involved???
 bRiNnAyCuLlEn posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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CSI: Miami Sagot

Calleigh-Eric said:
that episode was from last taon and it was all a set up and ryan was in on it. Horatio is alive it was to help catch a killer.
And in this season finale Calleigh was in a shout out with alot of people and then a car fled the scene which turns out to be eric driving with his dad beside him and so calleigh i think accidently shouts eric. then they find the car with erics dad and he has blood on his sando but it is not his blood and he says that eric was hurt and Nawawala control of the car then you see footsteps going into the water and the last scene is calleigh walking away crying because she doesnt no if eric is ok or even alive bacause they cant find him.
Hope this helps!
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
pretty much
Paramore-CSI posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
why do they always have to do this to us? they leave us thinking that one of the csi's are dead. :(
ord101 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
idk it's stupid but id think eric is dead cuz i think they will lose most of their tagahanga base if hes dead
Paramore-CSI posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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