Danny&Lacey Twisted4Dacey Dacey and Delena (Simarlites between the two.)

DamonsLilBird posted on Jul 06, 2013 at 02:41PM
Good Morgan Twisted and Dacey lovers...

Its time to bring out the Twisted thoughts and see what can be said about our favorite potential new pairing. First off I would love to thank Kylie Bunbury and Avan Jogia for their amazing chemsitry. There is something about these two that I just loved and truly treasured.

I want to talk about two popluar couples, with the first letter in their fandom names, staring with a "D". One of them not so my favorite anymore but for right now, I will take a few pages, from them. To make my thoughts clear. Damon and Elena or as their crazy jackaroo fans calls them Delena. (I call them Dumb Entertaiment lol because they bore me to tears.)

Though for now they are useful towards my assessment, I'm trying to make here. Damon and Elena started off really slow on CW's The Vampire Diaries. There was this strong attraction right off the back and its because they met first. (Lies, Writers stole that from the Bamon short story L.J. Smith wrote.) Anyhoo the reason why I couldn't really get into Stelena (Delena's sister pairing who aren't really popluar but popluar enough.) was because out of nowhere, they make them a fast paced couple.

In the books it was totally different. Stefan hated Elena because she reminded him of Katherine, had the writers went this route Stelena would be more popluar than Delena. The same thing is happening over on ABC family's Twisted. Janny fans have gotten their taste of what could be and think, the highest opinion of them (So they believed their couple is end game). Though with Dacey their much more popluar because of the potential, build up and pulled between them.
Lacey's not getting in Danny's face 24/7 trying to chat with him. No she's sceretly wishing she could get near him or have him come near her. Instead Lace puts on "The Elena front". The Elena front is what a person could say a girl, does when she's feeling a strong attraction between another guy. Who at the moment isn't her boyfriend but a person she feels strongly for.

This is Lacey she's got her Elena front up and ready to shoved it in anyone's faces if they ever, questioned her about Danny. Another reason why I love Dacey more than Janny. Janny is loveable and I really like Jo (Sometimes though, honestly the girl annoys the bloody hell outta of me alot and her facial expressions are annoying too.) When it comes between the two pairings I choose Dacey because of the build up, we're seening on our screens.

Elena fought off her feelings for Damon for three seasons. Until the fourth season where they finally did the deed. This is where the simaliarites between the two pairings, come in play. Lacey is right now fighting her feelings for Danny. She wants him and she wants him badly. Not just in a sexual sense but in a lonely missing my ex best mate. Lacey's now popluar just like Elena who couldn't be seen with Damon. Her friends didn't approved of him. (Well except Alaric and even then he had his thoughts.)

Lacey's friends are just like that. They see Danny as a germ who's not going anywhere any time soon. They hate the fact that he's trying to get into Lacey's life again, (Especially Archie). Lacey has worked pretty darn hard to achieved this new life something Jo, could have tried at but choose not too. (Her fault not Lacey's so come with a better excused why Dacey doesn't work Jannies.)

If Lacey was to give in right off the back. Then it would look weird it would look stupid or unrealstic, out of place. Because she's the hottest girl at school and everyone wants to be, her friend. They also know her befriending her ex best friend who was in junvenille for murder, isn't a good look. (Including our misguided Jo, Oh Jo Jo.) So for Lacey she's stuck between a hard decision. "Do she give up her new sweet life for what might be another heartbreak?" I say wait awhile. I feel Abc family writers and producers are trying to tell us to wait awhile.

Lacey's outter shell is cracking but only because of Danny. (Even Jo sometimes but mostly Danny.) Their cracking it and maybe in the sixth or seventh episode we will see, a softer newer side of Lacey but for now we are seeing what Lacey, has become. Elena when she finally became a vampire wanted Damon even more than before. Her feelings just became more heighten which made Stefan, realized this sooner.

Archie will realized this as well when the time comes. (Though like Stefan he's picking up on the obivous signs now.) Lacey is going to give in though it looks that way, next week in episode four. I doubt it will be done so quickly. They have a long way to go before Dacey can really be explored which is okay, with this fan. I like the slow approach the writers are taking with them. Espeically since the writers over at CW, did this very same thing with Delena, which is why alot of fans loved them more. (Not this fan anymore.)

Lacey isn't so forgiving or welcoming to Danny as Jo. Some calls her a bitch while others claims she's superfical and cold hearted. I like this about her at times don't get me wrong it can be annoying but in a good way. I find certain annoying things intresting and the fact that we Daceies hasn't seen, alot of episodes together is one of them reasons. Now again with the Delena and Dacey simaliarties. Damon wanted Elena right off the back the same way Danny, seems to want Lacey.

However for the sake of his brother's love he backed off. (Not good enough though.) We saw this with Danny when he confronted Archie on numerous occassions, telling him Lace will never give him a chance. It really looked like it hurted him and Lacey seemed to be the only one who can do that, right now. Lacey's feeling guilty because she knows what her hearts telling her but the fear in her mind, is tugging harder. This is how Elena felt when she wanted to kiss Damon again or be around him more.

The feelings they have for one another didn't go away. That's all due to the long hard buildup with teasing from the writers, this is why Delena is where they are now. I see Dacey in that same spot. We aren't getting a hand full spoon of juicy things but little teases here and there, while Janny fans are getting the butt load. Some Dacey fans are complaining (I'm one of them.) but I say wait a while.

It's coming maybe not next week but its coming. We have to wait if this show really takes off and I hope so. (Then most of us will be regretting complaining about not having more Dacey scenes. Especially if they decided to hear the Janny fans. I do believe Janny fans wont stop watching, if their couple doesn't happened but the writers don't know that. So watch and tweet mates everyday if you can.)

Then we will see Dacey becoming the true love story, their meant to be. Delena offically happened in Season four. Though the teases from the last passed three seasons did help their caused. I see Twisted going for maybe two, five to six seasons. Sixth being the last and finale season which is good. (A show doesn't need to go on for so long *Coughs throws reed at TVD*)

Another thing Dacey has in common with Delena is both leading males are, dangerous, mysterious and good looking. Danny is alot like Damon in some ways he's moody, dark, sexy and mysterious. This brings on that seductive feel between him and Lacey. Elena has this same tension with Damon. Lacey will warm up her cold shell and be more willing to try with Jo and Danny. (Especially Danny) we just have to remember all good pairings have a great build up. Another couple you can say Dacey relates to is Arthur and Gwen, from BBC's and Syfy's Merlin.

Arthur is prince of camelot and hottest single guy who's always, getting the ladies. Gwen was a servant but not willing to accept Arthur like most women or people. She made him earn her trust, respect and eventually love. Lacey right now is doing the same thing, she's allowing Jo to basically be pawn and show her what she's missing. Danny really didn't give Lacey a great start for him so he has to back off and allow, the growing tension between the two, to simmer.

Next week's episode looks good but I'm not really excited because of Janny potential. I'm hoping its not what it looks like especially since the promos for the show's, first episode wasn't anything like what we saw. All in all I speak okay english unless really upset and not feeling well. (Which at the moment I'm not.) So with these posts you will get to see what I'm trying to convey here with Twisted and the not so hopefully love triangle between, Lacey, Danny and Jo.

I want a clean cut. Someone else for Jo if not Rico, perhaps Archie, Scott, Tyler or the guy who thought Danny was cool. Anything but Danny himself because this will be a deal breaker for me. I see alot of potential for Dacey and Twisted in general, without the same old same storylines. We need something freshed as I have hinted in pervious post here's hoping, they listened. As I closed this thought for today, I ask you Dacey fans to wait. We're going to have a good build up to an awesome ride, that is Dacey. So as always stay Twisted.

Danny&Lacey Twisted4Dacey No ang sumagot