harry at draco Club
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posted by Liepe
Title: My Bloody Valentine

Pairing/s: Draco and Harry (One-sided); Harry and Ginny.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, that belongs to a great writer J. K. Rowling. Nor do I own the song “My Bloody Valentine”, that belongs to the wonderful band Good Charlotte. I am doing this for my own pleasure (ha, that sounds so dirty), and not for profit in any way, shape or form.

Warning/s: Character death; Mental disorder; First person in the form of Draco; Draco acts OOC (Maybe).

Chapter/s: One.

Summary: I am in pag-ibig with the boy hero, Harry Potter. There's only one problem that is stopping me from taking what is rightfully mine, and that is Ginevra Weasley-Potter. But I have come up with a brilliant plan to get rid of her; all I need to do is put it into action.

Author Note: This is a song-fic (The song being “My Bloody Valentine” sa pamamagitan ng Good Charlotte) and it was rather a strange idea since I don’t really write dark fics. So, I hope I did okay!

Draco is suffering from erotomania, which is basically “where a person believes that a stranger or a famous person is in pag-ibig with them. It's mainly a delusional disorder and it's a part of schizophrenia and other such disorders.” That is how my friend described it to me.


- Liepe.

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time

I sat on my bed, holding up a picture of him. It was flawless - how his hair looked. It had probably never seen a comb in its life, but the messiness just added to his appeal. Esmeralda green eyes sparkled with joy and happiness behind his glasses – eyes that would someday be aimed at me with such a look. Turning towards the camera, a cheerful grin was stretched across his face. How could this picture of him be any perfect? But it paled in comparison to the actual man.

I heaved a longing sigh and flopped back on my bed, holding the picture that I was lucky enough to have to my chest. Now I just need the real thing, and I will have him. My life will then be complete. There's just one little problem standing in my way: Ginevra Weasley-Potter.

Oh, how I hate her for stealing my Harry away from me. She has no right! She wouldn’t appreciate him like I would! She's lucky enough to wake up with him, to go to sleep beside him, to cook for him, to buy him gifts, to make him smile, to get to wear a wedding ring binding her to him, to get to have his last name. It infuriates me!

I took a calming breath and was horrified to see that I was crumpling the photo. I quickly smoothed it out and then used a spell to get rid of all the creases to make it perfect once more.

But I would soon get rid of the She-Weasel, and it was only a matter of time before I put my plan into action. I was so pleased with myself that I almost cackled with glee.

I gave my picture one last yearning look before putting it back safely in the drawer susunod to my bed. Perfect. But not perfect enough.

He dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do cause I'm so in pag-ibig with you

I watched them carefully for the susunod three weeks, getting to know their habits. It appears in the last week of my observation that the first stage of my plan worked out perfectly and they had a fight, arguing on how a lacy kulay-rosas bar and matching panties ended up under Harry’s unan and finishing with Harry being kicked out of the house sa pamamagitan ng Ginny, disapperating and probably going to Weasley and Ganger‘s (Or should I call her Weasley as well since she married him?) house to wait for his wife to cool down and tell her that he has no idea how that bra got there or who it belonged to. I always knew a Weasley’s temper could be used to my advantage someday. It seemed Merlin was watching over me.

I intend to strike tomorrow night, Valentine’s Day. How fitting that I end Harry’s suffering on such a romantic day.

I apparated as close to the house as I could since it was warded, but I knew how to get past those and it only took me twenty minutos to get rid of them without alerting the owners of the house. I stood outside the house, beneath their bedroom window, and saw the light being switched off.
She was getting ready to go to sleep.


I ripped out
His throat

I slipped into the house, careful not a make a sound. I slowly open the wooden door that led me into their bedroom.

It was a simple yet tasteful room, mostly dark wood, reds and whites with a few personal touches here and there, but I didn’t pay close attention to the room. I was madami focused on the girl sleeping in the double bed. She looked so peaceful there, like she had nothing to worry about. How it made me want to vomit.

I leaned forward, my hands going for her throat. I wrapped my long fingers around it and slowly started to squeeze. I decided to kill her the muggle way, since she isn’t worthy of having a quick and painless Avada Kedavra for taking what was rightfully mine. She deserved all the pain and terror she was going to feel.

And called you on the telephone
To take off
My disguise
Just in time to hear you cry when you...

I sat on the sopa patiently, waiting for my beloved. I just called him after trying a couple of times on how to work the muggle contraption and saw there was a note sa pamamagitan ng it that told me Harry’s number in case of an emergency. When he sees her dead, he’ll be all mine, I thought with barely suppressed glee.

I looked at the blood on the back of my hands and wrists with a sense of curiosity. Her nails had broken through my skin while she struggled – how interesting. The wounds were still bleeding slightly and the blood was making trails across my pale skin, half of it already dried. Before I could think madami on it the front door opened and a very distressed Harry walked in.

He looks as handsome as he always does, no matter what expression he has on his face. He glanced at me with some confusion.

“Malfoy, what are you doing here?” And then he saw the blood on my hands and I watched as his eyes widen slightly. “What happened?” was his susunod question.

I smiled a happy smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Harry. And nothing that wasn’t necessary, she just wouldn’t give up without a fight.” I rolled my eyes but kept on smiling.

“Malfoy, what happened?” Harry asked again, this time his voice was demanding.

“I don’t like you calling me Malfoy. I think you should start calling me Draco, since we are going to start a new life together,” I pointed out, frowning a little. “It’s just not right calling your husband sa pamamagitan ng their last name.”

“Husband? Malfoy, I’m married. Wait, where’s Ginny?” At this Harry looked around the room, becoming madami worried.

My smile came back and grew bigger. “No longer here. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Harry glared at me, the one that I’m guessing he uses on his suspects when he interrogates them. “Where is she?”

“She was in the bedroom,” I answered vaguely, since she is no longer with the living so there for she is no longer here. I heaved a sigh when Harry went straight there, leaving me sa pamamagitan ng myself. I got off the sopa and went into the bathroom that I happened to notice. I turned the tap on and washed the blood away, frowning at the sting. I could hear Harry’s heartbreaking shout which probably meant that he had found his dead ex-wife.

I sighed once again and dried my now blood-free hands on the towel susunod to the sink. I exited the bathroom and went down the hall to the bedroom. I looked inside the room with intrigue. He was on the bed, holding her dead corpse in his arms, sobbing, tears making their way down his face. I didn’t think he’d be this sad to see her gone.

I felt anger rise inside of me at the sight. Even when she is dead she manages to take up all his attention. I wished that she was alive just so I could kill her again. But I took control of my emotions and put them aside. It no longer mattered. She was gone and now Harry and I can live the rest of our lives together. I kept that happy thought close to me.

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life

I dumped my now empty mug in the sink and went to explore the house. They have a bathroom that was down the hall, two bedrooms, guessing one was the spare room and I avoided the other one for obvious reasons, a kusina that opens into a lounge, turn the corner and you have the dining area and that makes up their small, but modest, home.

Yawning, I walked back down the hall to the spare bedroom and decided to sleep here for the night, just to be close to my Harry. I took off my shoes and got under the covers, closed my eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time

When I woke up the susunod morning it was to a light drizzle tapping softly on the window. I rubbed my eyes and frowned around the room, having no idea where I was. And then it hit me.

Ginevra Weasley-Potter is dead.

I started to laugh with happiness, hoping that this wasn’t some kind of beautiful dream. Quickly getting out of kama I went down the hall to the bedroom door. The door was still closed and there was no sound that could be heard coming from the room. Gently, I opened the door and poked my head inside.

The first thing I saw was Harry sleeping. I smiled, thinking now he can rest peacefully without that girl hanging off of him every night. Entering further into the room, I tip-toed to the other side of the bed, where I found a seemingly sleeping Ginevra. I put my index and middle finger against her throat and help my breath, waiting to see if there was a pulse.

There was none.

I heaved a big sigh of relief, smiling once more. She was really gone. All gone. Leaving Harry for me, and me alone. Oh happy days!

I released a little giggle before exiting, going down the hall and into the lounge. There I sat and started to araw dream of dreams with Harry and me together, dreams that now have a chance of becoming real. I sat there for a long time, Nawawala in my own mind, a content smile of my face.

There was
Police and
Flashing lights

I might have dozed off or something because when I woke up it was to a sore head. I tired lifting one of my hands to press it against my forehead but found I couldn’t ilipat it. This puzzled me more. Pushing my pain to the side for now, I tried to take in my surroundings.

I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a poorly lit room, the only light coming from a single blub hanging down from the ceiling. There was a window in this room, but it was dark outside and the heavy rain that could be seen blocked out any view. The colour scheme of the room was plain, just white and no other furniture other than the chair I was sitting on could be seen. I tried again to ilipat my hands but found them tied to the back of the chair, the ropes digging into my skin. I tried pulling them. Knotted tight. My legs were also tied but to the legs of the chair.

I frowned, once I noted all these facts, and wondered how I got here. The last thing I remembered was mangarap ng gising that now can turn into reality.

Before I could ponder madami on how I made it here, I heard a door being opened, the sound coming in from behind me, the footsteps loud in the semi-quiet room, walking towards me. I was starting to think that this might be a dream but I discarded that thought when I saw who entered this boring room.

Oh, my love


This wasn’t a dream; Harry looked too perfect to have been a figment my imagination. His hair was as wild as ever, wearing his official Auror robes that were slightly wrinkled, dark circles forming under both his eyes telling me he hasn’t had a lot of sleep, and stubble was forming on his face. But even if he could have looked better he was still the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

I smiled. He’s coming to rescue me, I just knew it. My smile grew wider when I saw him pull out his wand. He’s going to untie me and then we are going to run away together. I could barely contain all the joy that I was feeling.

“Harry,” I breathed, the name of the man I pag-ibig tasting so sweet on my tongue. “You came back for me.”

But he shook his head at me, taking out a quill and parchment. With a flick of his wand the two items were suspended from the air, quill pose to write. I was confused. Did he mean that we mustn’t talk? Save our breath for the running we have to do to get out of here before my kidnappers know that I have escaped? I could do that. Anything Harry wants me to do; I’ll do it, for him. But why was a piece of parchment and quill here? To write a letter to the people who brought me here?

So I kept my mouth shut, but I grew madami and madami perplexed when Harry didn’t release me from my bonds. Instead all he did was stand there, looking at me. I didn’t mind it, though shouldn’t he be trying to get me out of here before the people who captured me got here?

I was going to ask just that when Harry cleared his throat and said, “Draco Lucius Malfoy, you are brought here for questioning for the murder of Ginevra Weasley-Potter.” His voice caught slightly at the name but he continued speaking nonetheless. “If you are found innocent, I, Harry Potter, head of the Auror Department, shall release you. If found guilty you shall be put on trial, and the Wizengamot will determine your punishment. Do you agree to these terms?”

I swallowed and was about to ask what was happening and if this was some elaborate joke when Harry gave me a look that demanded an answer, so I nodded.

After seeing my nod Harry carried on talking, the quill scratching quietly susunod to him. “We shall determine your state of innocence sa pamamagitan ng using Veritaserum. Do you agree to take it?”

I nodded again because really, what could I do except agree with Harry? I was bonded to a chair and he would probably pour the liquid down my throat whether I say yes or no, so it was best to just go along with it.

Harry took out a vial of the truth potion. Grabbing the hair at the back of my head, he pulled sharply, forcibly tilting my head back.

“Mouth open,” he commanded and I followed his order, opening my mouth as wide as it would go. He pulled the cork off the vial and poured two drops of the potion down my mouth. He then released his grip from my hair and took a few steps back, arms crossed over chest.

I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right

“What is your name?”

I moved my tongue around my mouth. The potion didn’t have any taste but it did make my tongue feel funny, almost numb.

“Draco Lucius Malfoy,” I answered dutifully, my voice almost monotone.

“And did you kill Ginny?”

Well that was a pretty obvious tanong so I answered it simply. “Yes.”

Harry eyes seemed to grow harder, looking at me with something akin to disgust. But no, that can’t be right. Harry loves me. He might not know it yet but deep down he loves me. He’s just scared, that’s all.


Another obvious question. “She was keeping you away from me.”

“And how was she doing that?”

“By being your wife and just existing in general.” I’m starting to wonder what was the point of using the truth serum when I could have answered these tanong without it.

“And you do know that you just murdered someone?”

I frowned at that question. “I wouldn’t call it murder, Harry, I’d call it... solving a problem.”

He looked rather surprised at my answer. “You really believe you didn’t kill her.” It wasn’t a tanong but I answered anyways.

“Well, I killed her but I didn’t murder her.”

“What’s the difference?” He seemed actually confused.

“Murder and killing are very much the same but there is a slight difference between them. Murder is ending someone’s life because you want to. Killing is when you end someone’s life because you have to.”

“You had to kill Ginny?”

“Yes,” I said. “She was keeping you away from me.”

Harry shook his head like he couldn’t believe what I was saying. “You’re mental, Malfoy.”

“Draco,” I corrected him.

“What?” He seemed thrown sa pamamagitan ng what I said.

“Draco,” I repeated. “I want you to call me Draco.”

He shook his head again before clearing his throat one last time. “Draco Lucius Malfoy, I hereby find you guilty of murdering Ginevra Weasley-Potter. You shall be put on trial in three days’ time.” The quill stopped Pagsulat in midair, a few segundos after Harry was done talking, ending in what seemed to be a full stop. With another wave of his wand the quill and parchment went fluttering safely back into Harry’s open pocket. One last wave at me with his wand and the ropes were loosened and untied. He gave me one nod before exiting the room, leaving me sitting there in the quiet, the silence only being broken sa pamamagitan ng the heavy rain tapping on the window.

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I pag-ibig you tonight

Two other Aurors come in after Harry left, grabbing me forcible sa pamamagitan ng the arms and lifting me up from my seat, ignoring my tanong of where they were taking me and where was Harry. I soon found out that they were going to put me in a prison cell deep within the Ministry until the araw of my trial. A dark, dirty, unsanitary cell, one not fit to hold a Malfoy. But neither of the officers listened to my complaints nor spoke to me at all, just giving me the silence treatment.


I didn’t know how many days pasted in the cell, time is hard to tell with barley any light, the only one coming from the weak light blub hanging from the ceiling in the corridor, hardly even reaching the inside of my cell, and also the occasional bright light the comes streaming in when someone opens the door. Other than that, there are no lights so there fore no time to go by. But I did know when three days had past for people come in to get me.

Harry was amongst them, for the lifted my hopes up a bit that he might put a stop to this and get me out of here. But no, he juts stood there, arms crossed, glaring at me, while two other men dragged me out. One of them I realised as Weasley, glaring at me with such hatred and disgust. I couldn’t care less what the weasel thought of me, Harry’s opinion is the only thing that really matters to me. So why is he just standing there, watching as these two buffoons haul me to the Wizengamot? It made no sense.

“Harry?” I whispered as we walked past him, searching his face for answers. The only one I got was a shake of the head. I then realised that Harry wasn’t going to help me. Maybe he was still in denial? Maybe he couldn’t believe his luck that he was finally free from that wrenched woman and can now start a new life with me? Whatever reason, I knew Harry wasn’t going to rescue me, so I had to rescue the both of us.

I struggled against the hold that both Aurors had on me, screaming at them to let go. Out of surprise, they did. Using this to my advantage, I grabbed Harry’s Auror robes in a tight fist and looked into his green eyes. Oh so very green.

“Please Harry,” I begged. “Please. You know we are meant for each other. You know that. Deep down you do. Please Harry, come back to me.”

But before I could make Harry see reason the other two forcedly pulled me away from my love, Harry doing nothing to stop them.

I looked determinately ahead of me after that, resigning to my fate. Azkaban will only hold me in for a short time, this I knew of, and when I am finally free, I will return to my Harry and make him see that we are perfect for each other.

Someday, Harry will be mine.

Headlines read
A lover died

Harry Potter’s Lover Found Dead

It was found that when Mister Potter arrived tahanan four days nakaraan he found his wife lying on his bed, seemingly having been killed sa pamamagitan ng suffocation. It was also found that the method of the killing was done sa pamamagitan ng the person’s hands, a very Muggle way of taking someone else’s life.

The very susunod araw Mister Potter brought ex-Death Eater, Draco Malfoy, into the Auror Department for questioning, under the use of Veritaserum. Here he confessed that he was, indeed, the one to murder Ginevra Potter-Weasley.

He has been put on trial and has been sentenced to ten years in Azkaban. For one, the reporter is pleased to hear this. Draco Malfoy seemed destined to follow in his father’s footsteps at some point in his life; it was only just a matter of time.

For those of you who haven’t been with the news lately, or can’t remember anything about the Malfoys let this ulat remind you.

Lucius Malfoy was and always has been a fine supporter of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and has committed horrid crimes such as...


The End

Authors Note: And there you have it, one dark fic. Comments = <3. Okay, maybe they don’t, but it would make me smile.

Thank you for reading!

And a big THANK YOU to my best friend and one awesome beta, Jen, and also to the person who gave me the mental disorder so I can write this fic properly, Kiniko90. Thank you both from making this a reality, you guys rock my socks!

Here are the lyrics to the song, since I had to split it up in the fic and moved the order of them to fit what was going to happen in the story:

“My Bloody Valentine” sa pamamagitan ng Good Charlotte

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life

I ripped out
His throat
And called you on the telephone
To take off
My disguise
Just in time to hear you cry when you...

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time


Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I pag-ibig you tonight

There was
Police and
Flashing lights
The rain came down so hard that night and the
Headlines read
A lover died
No tell-tale puso was left to find when you...

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time


Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I pag-ibig you tonight


He dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do cause I'm so in pag-ibig with you

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I pag-ibig you tonight
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