Raven's tagahanga club Club
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This is some of Raven's funniest lines.Comment if I make a mistake. Enjoy.
------------------------------------------ Beast boy:So, my fellow sopa potatoes, which movie do you want to watch: Ninja Showdown 8, or The Attack of the Protozoids?
Raven(sarcasticlly): Gee, they sound sssoooo good.
Cyborg:Yeah, it's so hard to choose. Wanna watch em' both?
Raven(sarcasticlly): Here, doggie, here doggie.
(dog hops onto Raven and starts licking her.)
Starfire:Where are you Raven?
Raven(as a bunny): Up here.
Beast Boy: Um, why does that bunny sound...
continue reading...
posted by ravenfan247
Well i know there are multiple teen titan clubs, but there just wasn't enough of emphasis on the coolest member. So i made Raven's tagahanga club, although, to date, there hasn't been a lot of activity... But i trust in raven's fans to pull this club thru. so anyways that's all i wanted to say. i know that there are a lot of fan's and i need your support if this site is going to stay active. if this site fails I will remake it, and continue doing so until it suceeds. I have no mga kaibigan to ask, so i'm asking you, the fans, please help me keep Raven's site up.

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!