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posted by PungoBliss

Several thousands of years, not really sure anymore what the exact number would be.

Fairly calm and straightforward, focused on whatever task is at hand. Well trained to not expose any sort of emotion to those around her. Treats most people very well, with kindness and understanding. Unless she’s supposed to kill them.

Slim, almost delicate, with long dark hair and golden brown eyes.

A small arsenal kept on her person, including daggers, throwing knives, and Arroc, a sword forged sa pamamagitan ng angels.

Akira is, well was, an angel. She grew up alongside many of the fowl creatures that escaped the portal, but also alongside many that where much madami kind. The humans referred to her species as “Angels” And they accepted the term with some amusement.

Akira herself was bold and careless, for an angel. She refused to follow the strict rules and dictations of her superiors. So she was cast out from her home, her wings ripped from her body, and was forced to wander alone for a thousand years.

To regain her wings, Akira set out as a Mercenary, killing the most foul of creatures at the command of her superiors, earning madami and madami towards regaining her wings, and with them the power she had once possessed. So, when portals began opening to a new world, occupied sa pamamagitan ng the humans, she chose to follow the creatures she hunted into another, strange world, to protect the human occupants and put an end to the reign of the foul witches that created the portals.
posted by Rogue475
 Heraldry of House Altair
Heraldry of House Altair
Name; Lars Altyair

Age; 29

Rank/ Standing; Lord of Brightfall, and Royal Advisor to the High King.

Appearance; Average height, Lean build, Hazel eyes, with Bronze locks.

Weapon; Ornate Broadsword.

History; Lars Altyair was born into a middle class of the Noble Houses. But found himself lucky during a chance encounter with a future king. Lars at one time squired for the High King Leopald before his ascent to the throne. As a loyal friend, and Knight at his side, when he won the crown of the High King, his young squire was ibingiay a pamagat and lands fit for a high lord. This started the nobility of House Altair, one of the most prominent houses in the Western Realm.

Dragon; Altyair "The Brightroar"; Forest Dragon, scales lined with a golden hue.
- Martin Wes

- 49

- American

]Magician Title]
- Professor

- Expert Level Physical Magic
- Adept Level Healing Magic
- Apprentice Level Combat Magicka

- Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, average build.

- Casual suit and tie

- Glock 17 Handgun

- Martin was first introduced to magic during his freshman taon of high school. After a small incident, he was taken to the Sanctuary to be taught. After reaching Adept status he moved on and went back out into the world. Professor Wes graduated from Yale at the age of 28 with a PHD...
continue reading...
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Name~ Khan

Race~ Human

Age~ 19

tahanan Planet~ Tatooine

Faction~ The Resistance

Rank in Faction~ Sergeant

Role~ Medic

Skills~ He is an excellent medic but he can shoot

Appearance~ Messy blonde hair, light blue eyes.


Backstory~ Khan was born in Tatooine orphaned. He was without name nor family. There was taken in sa pamamagitan ng a Twi'lek women part of group of nomads. His foster mother, Elnan, taught him the art of healing. Then everything change when his group was attacked sa pamamagitan ng the First Order. He managed to escape, being rescued sa pamamagitan ng the Resistance. Four years later he is serving faithfully to rid the galaxy of this evil.
posted by Hades_Shadow
Name~ Dahjydir Anifogu

Race~ Weequay

Age~ 21 (or weequay equivalent)

tahanan Planet~

Faction~ none

Rank in Faction~ See above

Role~ Podracer, Smuggler

Skills~ Pilot, pistol marksman.

Appearance~ See picture for facial features, a bit huskier than most Weequay, wears padded kahel leather racing armor, an kahel leather helmet, blue lense goggles and a blue bandana.

Weapons~ dual Unica Class-A Blasters, just in case

Backstory~ Just trying to see what he is good for in the world besides joining a puwang pirate crew.
posted by PungoBliss
Name: Emilia Styel

Age: 20

Nationality: French

Army: English Royal Army, segundo Army of Richard I

Title: Archer

Role: Still an Archer

Appearance: Slim, small, graceful. Blond hair that is always tied back and tucked under her surcoat, tanned skin from being out in the sun constantly.

Equipment: Longbow and Quiver, Archer's surcoat

Family: She comes from a large, very poor family, and is the oldest of her siblings, so she spent a lot of her childhood hunting with a handmade bow for their susunod meal.

Character Summary: Emilia spent her life caring for her family while her father was working, she spent a good deal of time out in the forest hunting, and her skills are nearly unrivaled, she gained notoriety at a competition in a nearby village and left tahanan shortly after to persue a career of it.
posted by PungoBliss
Name: Nicholas Durell

Age: 18


Army: Royal Crusade

Title: Squire

Role: Still a Squire

Appearance: Tall and lanky, dark hair and eyes, tanned skin. He will grow some madami into a well build man, but for now he is skinny and a bit awkward.

Equipment: An old hand and a half broadsword, hardened leather chest plate, old armor. Cheap things.

Family:A very poor farming family, fairly unknown.

Character Summary: Nicholas left his family as soon as he could, desiring above all to be a knight, and he found the armor and training to learn to become one just in time for the great crusades to start.
posted by PungoBliss
Name: Dierdre (Deer-dre) MacCleland

Age: 28


Army: None

Title: Lady

Role: Court Lady

Appearance:Fair skinned and of medium build, not fat, but definitely has the appearance of a well groomed noblewoman. presa blond hair and sea green eyes.

Equipment: A small book to write things down in, a small kutsilyo on her person at all times in case of the need to defend herself.

Family~ The MacClelands' are a long standing line of nobility in Ireland.

Character Summary: Dierdre is a fiery young woman, with a bold personality, though she was raised properly and holds her tongue well. She is dedicated to her work, and though she is beautiful and in high society, has chosen not to marry, seeing marriage as something that will hinder her greatly.
Name~ Patrick McGinnigan

Age~ 34

Nationality~ Irish

Army~ English Royal Army

Title~ Templar Corporal

Role~ Infantry man.

Appearance~ Stocky, average height, short hair, light beard.

Equipment~ Light plate armor with a tumawid on the chest. One handed Broadsword. Norman knight's helmet with a tumawid on the face(White and red). Heater shield, white surcoat with tumawid on front and a satchel.

Family~ The McGinnigan's are simple potato farmers in Ireland. Patrick as a boy was devout in his faith and often skipped out of farm work to pray or to read his bible. He got married at a young age and had one daughter.

Character Summary~ He left his family for the Third crusade in order to reclaim the holy land for the lord and so he could bring back spoils of war for his family so he could support them. Before he left for the crusade he had joined the Templar order and had gone on several expeditions with them beforehand.
Name~ Darim Kassis-Bisharassaf

Age~ 34

Nationality~ Levantine

Army~ Saladin Sultanate

Title~ Corporal

Role~ Pikeman

Appearance~ Tall, broad, dark black hair that flows out from his turban, dirty curly black beard, tired expression, scars all across body.

Equipment~ Long spear, Hardened leather scale armor, a canteen and a round shield with a spike in the middle for offense, if needed.

Family~ The Kassis-Bisharassaf family is a wealthy family that had originally situated itself within Syria before Saladin conquered it. Darim's grandfather fought in the first crusade and his father fought in the second, allowing him the time to get married and have six children. Four son, and two daughters.

Character Summary~ Darim is a hard working man who is willing to kill infidels for his religious belief and his family.
added by Rogue475
added by Rogue475