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Total Drama Island Fancharacters Tanong

Describe your OC then yourself.

Your OC is what you really love, what you would pag-ibig to experiance and/or just see come to life.

Well I want to know the difference.

Just describe your OC's personality and apearance then your personality and apearance(at least from your point of view).


My OC is really thin but good body, epicly punk style and pretty, originally brown eyed but she now wears ice-blue contact lenses. She has one little brother and her step-mother is pregnant. She's had one hell of a dramatic life and she's pretty much scarred.
She's had only two boyfriends because she believes boys can be complete jerks and hypocrites.
And she's incredibley gorgeous-at least if she were real-.

I'm similar but not completely the same.
I'm not thin, I have big both hump and lady lumps(xD), I dress crazy and with a lot of black but I'm sure I don't look as good as Elen, I guess I'm okay face wise...I have light brown eyes, I have 5 older sisters and 1 older brother, my parents are together but super disfunctional.
I have had a pretty bad past.
I've only had one boyfriend...which only lasted for two months.
And I actually believe that the cutest guys are always the most risky while the fugliest guys are the best...and I know this is incredibely shallow but I'd rather take my chances.
 Describe your OC then yourself.
 Freaxxx posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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Total Drama Island Fancharacters Sagot

Lolly4me2 said:
Okie derrr.
I'll describe my main OC -w-

Sofie, who I labeled with my actual nickname, is very socially active, but talentless. Like me, she has narrow observations of men being trustable creatures. She lives in the moment and enjoys drawing and cooking no matter how much she fails epically at it. She's tall and relatively thin, with bright green eyes and orange-as-fuck hair that is quite long when out of pigtails. I based her body (bust, thighs, etc.) off of some of my friends, actually :3 Even me.

I am quite short, to be honest -3- My hair is short and brownish. I was originally a red head, so I still qualify myself as a ginger. But I plan on dying my hair kulay-rosas very soon. Not to be like, an over-exaggerating bitch, but I guess I have pretty big boobs. For my age, at least >3> lol~ Unlike my OC, I wear shitloads of black. And I'm a little chubby 8D;;; I pag-ibig cake and I'm gonna eat it no matter what haters say. And I'm not social. However, I do pag-ibig to spout walang tiyak na layunin crap at the tuktok of my lungs to annoy the Blondie crowd. I draw and sing and write. But I'm average in all three areas -__-;;
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
I think we're related o_o xD except I'm a little TOO social xD
Freaxxx posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
XD Somehow, I think I can relate to everyone in some way. Since I always get that "I'm pretty sure we're sisters or something" reaction. PFFFF I'M SPECIAL
Lolly4me2 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
^^Same. XD
Lolly4me2 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sumerjoy11 said:
Actually my OC Zoey is supposed to be based off me a bit. At first she used to be a TDI version of me but then I changed her. I used to have brown hair with blond highlights like my OC does but now I have red hair. We both have blue eyes, light skin, and pag-ibig for the color pink. Also I made her to have basically the same personality as me. Shes caring and can get made easily, like me. So there's only a few differences.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
bcthestrongest said:
ok i give it a shot my ocs Noel Kenya nightstar nightmare nightlight and nightwing is base off my mga kaibigan and me Noel is Noel real name his a emo type of boy but when u see him he looks normal Nightstar or lumboy her two nicknames she is a trouble maker in my thing Nightmare loves scarying the pants off his sister Nightlight who screams at him Nightwing the oldest sleeps during the araw awakes at night but in real life he does the oppsite Kenya is my real name she is the animal lover and i still am in real life but i only pag-ibig pigs and pitbulls Mercades is base off a girl i knew when she got in trouble she twitches at vroom and mer mer because she is name after a car
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
I'll do my main OC,Buddy. Buddy is overly tall,and alittle linky. He's soft skinned due to a birth defect,mixing with hereditary half albinism.His hair is brown with white streaks,and newly dyed blue tips and streaks with a hair poof in the back.He wears a worn out brownish-red drench coat,ripped extra long skinny jeans,and a simple t-shirt underneath.He seems to be uncaring,but he has a soft spot,and happens to be loyal to anyone he thinks deserves it. He has a twisted veiw on life,however,and goes out of his way to expunge the 'scum' of the world,AKA: Bullies,rapists,wife-beaters,animal abusers,ect. Though he thinks he's doing the right thing,he knows that he'll end up being punished in the longrun for his actions,and continues despite his own self destruction.He's lazy,and enjoys sleeping,often taking naps in walang tiyak na layunin places.He's an animal person,and has issues seeing any hurt animal.

Now for me,I'm a short,red-headed girl with some zits and freckles,alittle chubby,but loosing weight.I dress brightly,and wear panda arm warmers often.I'm giggly,and happy,but also shy and unsociable.I only ever open up when I'm around people I turst,and know.I draw alot,and I sometimes get depressing and paranoid thoughts.I'm jumpy,spazzy,and easily scared,and it doesn't help being a kendi addict. I die without my computer,and I value sleep XD

Raaaaaaaaaaaah,boringness XD
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
Duncan-superfan said:

She is can be shy, but she is also a spaz. She can be quite clumsy and is a total fangirl.
She is very sweet and caring for others. Lisa is thin and has large breast.. xD She also has long legs which gives her her height. She has medium length brown hair and a green streak in it. She has brown eyes.


I'm very shy and can be a bit introverted. I'm a spaz and can be very akward. I'm very fangirly and a bit nerdy/dorky. I'm a bit overweight (Yes it's true I'm like 260 pounds. ._. But I'm losing the weight a bit :D) I have short brown hair with blonde and red high lights. I have long legs and okay sized breast.. xD I'm very sweet, but can be bitchy when I have 'moods'. XD I have blue eyes and wear glasses..

Personality wise we are similar.. Because I based Lisa off myself. XD
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
mindy890 said:
My OC Sky:
She is very out going. Strong and kinda like Courtney but not as mean as her. If your on her bad side she can tear you apart emotionally. She is sweet though. A punk girl. Kinda emo. Never goes to far with boys and does not have a boyfriend at the moment. She dates guys that she gets to know and does not just accept any invitation to a movie or something (sometimes)Sky is thin and her hair color is black but she got red streaks. She has two younger brothers and a step dad. Her life is very drama filled and she is not afraid to take a risk because it won't matter, she has almost nothing to live for.
She is very clever.
Also men often go for her but she turns them down unless she likes them.

I am thin like her. I don't have a boyfriend and I have the same dating rules. I am not as outgoing as her and there is certain things I wont and will do. My hair is brown but I dyed it burgundy red and the color is already coming out. I have a step dad and two brothers, but unlike her I have a sister to.I have almost nothing to really live for as well. We both have a dramatic life. I can tear people apart to. We are both very clever.

Sky pic:
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 My OC Sky: She is very out going. Strong and kinda like Courtney but not as mean as her. If your on her bad side she can tear you apart emotionally. She is sweet though. A punk girl. Kinda emo. Never goes to far with boys and does not have a boyfriend at the moment. She dates guys that she gets to know and does not just accept any invitation to a movie or something (sometimes)Sky is thin and her hair color is black but she got red streaks. She has two younger brothers and a step dad. Her life is very drama filled and she is not afraid to take a risk because it won't matter, she has almost nothing to live for. She is very clever. Also men often go for her but she turns them down unless she likes them. Me: I am thin like her. I don't have a boyfriend and I have the same dating rules. I am not as outgoing as her and there is certain things I wont and will do. My hair is brown but I dyed it burgundy red and the color is already coming out. I have a step dad and two brothers, but unlike her I have a sister to.I have almost nothing to really live for as well. We both have a dramatic life. I can tear people apart to. We are both very clever. Sky pic:
posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
V-GIRL96 said:
I pretty much give all of my oc's at least one part of my personality (besides kuro and emi)

Hmmmm, I guess'll do Lexi since I made her first ^^

Lexi: Lexi's body is very mature (body and personality), she has large breasts (my only oc that does xD), is pretty thin, and average height. She is a very realistic and cold person, but is also very motherly and overprotective of people close to her. Lexi is very determined and confident, she puts 120% into everything she does (unlike me xD). She is also considered "wise", and reserved when it comes to her emotions/ feelings. Lexi despises weak people.

Me: I am very sarcastic and a bit cold myself xD My brother and others consider me emotionless most of the time. I am very blunt and will almost always pick telling things how they are instead of being considerate. Many people including my parents think of me as insensitive. I get irritated very easily and won't hesistate to snap at people. I am also very fangirly and don't care what people think of me. Cute things are my weakness and I will squee if I see something absolutely adorable (very critical and picky when it comes to cute things). I am not big on romantic relationships and don't really make an effort to make or keep mga kaibigan ^^;. I'm kind of a loner. I make cruel jokes frequently. I am an Otaku -.-' and I really can't stand downers and although many people think otherwise, I am a very positive person. I, like lexi, hate talking about my feelings (unless I am speaking with my dad, then I kind of get kind of different xD). I am also lazy. ohyeah, my looks -.-' I was a red head and then blonde when I was little, but now my hair is brownish gold, bit orangy. My eyes are brown and kinda big. My nose is going through a funny stage and is kinda long now. I am constantly teased sa pamamagitan ng my mother and aunts about my "large" chest. >///.///<' (ipersonallydon'tthinkthey'rethatbig>.<)I am short. I have gained a lot of weight lately so am officially "approaching overweight". Bull, I'm fat now and have accepted it u.u My feet are big. I am ussually complimented on my looks, I'll agree that I was good-ish looking when I was little, but I am not looking so hot now that I am in my teen years (imho). I come out looking like crapple in pictures... kthxbai

(^how long was that!? conceited much? xDDD)
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
FUCKITYFUUUCK. My family ALWAYS teases me about my chest! D8 Even my sisters mga kaibigan do, it's so embarrassing... TT//___//TT
Lolly4me2 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
mindy890 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
38 someonewho understands my pain! T///T *begins to cry hysterically[?]*
V-GIRL96 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
DX I know who you feeel,all my friends,plus my mom makes fun of mine,too DX I was complaining about my weight yesterday,and Sydney told me to shut up,that it all goes up there,and to stop worrying about it >3<
STALKER-TOAST posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
ShionKaito said:
I don't exactly have an oc yet but i can describe myself.
Im a cosplayer.
Im funny.
Im nice.
Im generous.
Im protective.
Im out-going.
Im a vocanerd.*meaning im obsessed with vocaloids*
Im lovable.
Im a sucker for love.
and Im just a teenage dirtbag.V.V
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 I don't exactly have an oc yet but i can describe myself. Im a cosplayer. Im funny. Im nice. Im generous. Im protective. Im out-going. Im a vocanerd.*meaning im obsessed with vocaloids* Im lovable. Im a sucker for love. and Im just a teenage dirtbag.V.V
posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
You should make an OC
mindy890 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
yeah but not now im too lazy -_-
ShionKaito posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Lol just don't ask people to make one for you because other people will start saying"You shouldnt ask for help be creative" there will be a lot of haters in the end....
mindy890 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Lollipop97 said:

Well, I'll just describe Lynette because she's my main OC... Which will probably be VERY boring, since the most of her is based of me x33

Lynette: She is a very moody person and her mood can change every segundo according to what people say. She can be geeky at times, loves everything that's anime related. She has an old bad habit of never doing her homework before the very last minute, and normally she's very calm and optimistic (which pisses off a lot of people >.> ) but if you actually get to make her angry, she DOES have a very harsh temper. She is an out-going person and likes meeting new people. She's very very VERY clumsy, but she has never had a broken bone because her Buto are pretty strong. She's very stubborn and normally wont give up before she gets her will and she will get very disappointed if things doesn't end up like she thought it would. She likes to draw and is actually pretty good at it. She can be sarcastic at times, especially when she talks about how much she looooves her natural curls xDD (She hates them!!)

Me: I can be very moody at times, even tho I pag-ibig meeting new people. I'm in pag-ibig with EVERYTHING anime-ish, even tho I don't have the time to watch it on the internet ^^; I do my homeworks early at times, but thins as book reviews and speeches I never do early, being the lazy asno I am. The most of the time I'm staying calm and optimistic (which pisses of a lot of people) but if someone makes me angry, I can be hell of a pessimistic person. I'm very VERY clumsy, but I've never had a broken bone, but I sprain something almost every month. During Autumn this year, I sprained my fingers about 9 times! And that was before November ended. I'm stubborn as hell and I hate it when I don't get my will. I'm always thinking about how things will turn out, and when it doesn't end up as I thought, I get disappointed. I like drawing, even tho I suck asno at it, and I can be sarcastic at times, especially when I talk about how much I loooove my curls. (I hate them =.=' ) I also have nightmares about houses at times, and they're always very similar, I walk through a very big house filled with beautiful bedrooms and bathrooms, and to get through the house (which is often a long, straight one) I have to go through the first bedroom, then the bathroom, then the susunod room (That's way better than the first) and then the susunod bathroom (that's even better than the first) and every single room I pass is better and madami exclusive than the last one, and when I finally have gone through the last bathroom, I end up in front of a big metal door with chains around it with a "KEEP OUT!" on the outside.

Yeah, me and my freaky nightmares o.O
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 Well, I'll just describe Lynette because she's my main OC... Which will probably be VERY boring, since the most of her is based of me x33 Lynette: She is a very moody person and her mood can change every segundo according to what people say. She can be geeky at times, loves everything that's anime related. She has an old bad habit of never doing her homework before the very last minute, and normally she's very calm and optimistic (which pisses off a lot of people >.> ) but if you actually get to make her angry, she DOES have a very harsh temper. She is an out-going person and likes meeting new people. She's very very VERY clumsy, but she has never had a broken bone because her Buto are pretty strong. She's very stubborn and normally wont give up before she gets her will and she will get very disappointed if things doesn't end up like she thought it would. She likes to draw and is actually pretty good at it. She can be sarcastic at times, especially when she talks about how much she looooves her natural curls xDD (She hates them!!) Me: I can be very moody at times, even tho I pag-ibig meeting new people. I'm in pag-ibig with EVERYTHING anime-ish, even tho I don't have the time to watch it on the internet ^^; I do my homeworks early at times, but thins as book reviews and speeches I never do early, being the lazy asno I am. The most of the time I'm staying calm and optimistic (which pisses of a lot of people) but if someone makes me angry, I can be hell of a pessimistic person. I'm very VERY clumsy, but I've never had a broken bone, but I sprain something almost every month. During Autumn this year, I sprained my fingers about 9 times! And that was before November ended. I'm stubborn as hell and I hate it when I don't get my will. I'm always thinking about how things will turn out, and when it doesn't end up as I thought, I get disappointed. I like drawing, even tho I suck asno at it, and I can be sarcastic at times, especially when I talk about how much I loooove my curls. (I hate them =.=' ) I also have nightmares about houses at times, and they're always very similar, I walk through a very big house filled with beautiful bedrooms and bathrooms, and to get through the house (which is often a long, straight one) I have to go through the first bedroom, then the bathroom, then the susunod room (That's way better than the first) and then the susunod bathroom (that's even better than the first) and every single room I pass is better and madami exclusive than the last one, and when I finally have gone through the last bathroom, I end up in front of a big metal door with chains around it with a "KEEP OUT!" on the outside. Yeah, me and my freaky nightmares o.O
posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
LOve her pants lol
mindy890 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
I had some that was similar when I was younger xDD
Lollipop97 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
She is pretty
mindy890 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Thank yew >w< Lynette: *sarcastic* Yes, you're right, I'm just sooooo pretty =.=
Lollipop97 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
tdifan4ever said:
i tryd to make her look like me and act the same

she is shy used to get bullied 4 haveing big ears but changed as she got older has 2yunger brother 1 older and 1 older sister she sometimes wishes she could end it all but knows it would make some suffer her parents broke up and she is a bastard (her perants wernt married when she was boren and never were)she never had a boyfriend and puts a happy face on even in her wost times fav food:chilli heatwave doritos 8D her best mga kaibigan are aidan and bethany

well same personality and my mga kaibigan have the same name the apperarance isnt that much diff i have bulimia and i am skiinny i have long black hair and tanned skin and green eyes

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 i tryd to make her look like me and act the same she is shy used to get bullied 4 haveing big ears but changed as she got older has 2yunger brother 1 older and 1 older sister she sometimes wishes she could end it all but knows it would make some suffer her parents broke up and she is a bastard (her perants wernt married when she was boren and never were)she never had a boyfriend and puts a happy face on even in her wost times fav food:chilli heatwave doritos 8D her best mga kaibigan are aidan and bethany well same personality and my mga kaibigan have the same name the apperarance isnt that much diff i have bulimia and i am skiinny i have long black hair and tanned skin and green eyes
posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
hblm2 said:
I'm borededededed so..... Imma do this.

My main OC-
Aimee: 14, multiple personality disorder, depressed, tomboy, smart, fave band is paramore, daydramer, can't cook or draw, thinks all guys should be killed like the dinosaurs, likes kulay-lila movies/video games/books, tall, skinny, tan, blue eyes, pigtails, half hair is black other hair is light blonde, little sister (5 years old), bad past, dad is a drunkie, mom is in a mental hospital, likes to cuss peeps out, fighter, loner, slacks at school but is still in honors, all the guys like her.

Not 14 xD. No disorders as far as we know, crazy, happy most of time, tomboy, smart, fave singers are nicki minaj and rhianna, daydramer, good cook and artist, thinks most guys are.....alright, likes kulay-lila movies/video games/books, short, not skinny, pale, brownish-hazel eyes, short wavy hair, hair is dark brown, two little bros, likes to cuss peeps out, fighter in mind, loner (besides to besties), slacks at school but is still in honors, only weirdos like her, hates girlys (besides bestie Krystyn), likes to push people's buttons.

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