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posted by mikaela_isabela
uy guys, this is a loooooooong chapter, i had a lot of enjoi!

As we pulled into out drive-way, I was pretty much on the edge of my seat.
We were finally home, and I needed to see Bella. Carlisle could feel my tension.
“Edward, there’s no point going to her now, she’ll be fast asleep. It’s almost 7 in the morning.”
You’ll need to give her sometime, Edward. Let her cool off. Esme, always the logical thinker. But she has had over three months to cool off, and if I don’t see her now, I might just explode.
As soon as the car pulled to a stop, Alice said, “Have fun…” and I ran as fast as I could away from the house.
I got to her house at record speed and scaled the front pader before I had time to think. I opened her window, not caring if it squeaked, it would let her know that I was back.
But as I stood up straight, I saw that her kama was empty. I looked around her room. All of her stuff was here, so she hadn’t moved. I went over and sniffed her bed. She has been sleeping on it. Just not tonight.
Maybe she was staying at Leah’s tonight, that’s why she wasn’t here.
I lay down on her bed, breathing in her intoxicating aroma. Was it just me, or had it gotten madami appealing? The venom filled my mouth, and I tried hard to fight the urge for her blood. It was worse because I had been away from it for a while.
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
I sighed and looked at the caller ID.
It was Jacob.
“Hello Jacob.” I greeted him wearily.
“Edward, you need to get to La Push…Now.” It was the urgency in his voice that had me upright in an instant.
“What is it?” my voice was hollow. Had something happened to the wolves? They never allowed Bampira on there land except for emergencies.
“Seth has some news for us, but he won’t tell us until you, Carlisle, Emmet and Jasper are here. The girls can’t come, I don’t know why.”
I understood now the urgency.
“I’m on my way.” I hung up the phone and flew from Bella’s window at break neck speed. As I got to the border separating us from the pack, I saw Sam and Paul in their lobo forms waiting for me. They started running with me, leading me the way. About a quarter of a mile in, I caught Carlisle, Emmet and Jasper’s scent’s close by. Either they were just ahead of me, or right beside me.
Sam and Paul suddenly veered to the right, and I was followed on their heels before they came to a stop. Uh…we’re about to switch forms…so, uh…do you mind…? He trailed off suggestively. I turned my back on them, as they took the pants from their legs and laid them on the floor.
Thanks. They thought appreciative. I heard the slight shimmer as they switched forms, and the sound of material being pulled on.
“This way…” Sam’s voice sinabi clear and direct. I turned and saw them heading into a slight clearing in the forest. I followed immediately.
We walked in silence until we found Jacob, Embry and Quil waiting for us to arrive, with Carlisle, Emmet and Jasper standing uncomfortably near the trees. As soon as we came into view, everyone seemed to relax. Sam and Paul walked straight over to the others, while my brothers and Carlisle joined me.
They all looked to the right and I saw Seth sitting on a low hanging branch, his eyes closed, with his hands over his ears. It was the sort of image you would expect to see on a five taon olds face, not a teenage werewolf.
“Seth.” Sam sinabi in a strained voice. Seth didn’t ilipat an inch. “Seth!” all of the mga lobo shouted at him. Seth’s eyes opened and he removed his hands from his ears.
“Not so loud!” he sinabi with a horror-struck look in his eyes. “Leah is just inside, she’ll hear us!”
There was a rustling in the bushes behind us, and we all spun around to locate the sound.
“Too late.” A female voice said, sounding angry.
Leah walked out from between the trees and glared at us. She saw Seth, sitting on the puno surrounded sa pamamagitan ng 4 Bampira and 5 werewolves, and moved instinctively to put her between us and him.
“So…” she started looking at each individual face, glowering at me and Jacob in a manner that suggested that Bella had told her about what happened. “You’re back.”
Seth got to his feet, and went to stand susunod to his sister.
“I was just about to fill them in on what they missed while they were-”
She turned to glower at Seth.
“What’s it to them?” she sinabi furiously. “If they had stayed, they wouldn’t need to be updated, would they?”
“Leah-” Sam started reaching a hesitant hand toward her.
“Don’t touch me!” she screamed at him, her whole torso quivering with rage. “Stay away from me you-you-” a loud snarl ripped from in between her teeth.
Sam and the other mga lobo started backing away. She seemed to fall forward, still shaking with anger, before she exploded as she hit the ground.
A series of larawan flickered in her mind. One of Bella, they araw after we left, he ignoring her phone at the mall, one of Emily at the doctors, the doctor holding up a ultra-sound test, one of Bella in the hospital her eyes wrapped in gauze, one of Bella getting the gauze removed…the susunod image made me gasp in shock. Bella, lying on a hospital bed…with startling green eyes.
All the mga lobo surrounding us were starting to shiver as well, trying to calm her down, but being ready in case she attacked.
“Leah…we didn’t want to leave…” Sam was still reaching towards her. She growled at him, and he removed his hand from the temptation of her biting it.
She turned and ran into the forest, Sam watched her until he couldn’t hear her anymore.
“Seth…” I gasped, looking at him with shock in my eyes. “Her eyes…they’re…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I couldn’t get the image of the new Bella out of my head.
He nodded.
“That was only the first thing though…” he was looking at `all of us now, but his eyes were flicking mainly between me and Jacob. “Her hair changed next…” an image a blond girl talking to Leah, made me suck in another startled breath. “Then she started to lose a lot of weight…and it looked as if she were shrinking…” he laughed unexpectedly. “The exact opposite of Emily. While Bella’s been shrinking, Emily’s been growing!”
Sam looked at Seth curiously.
“What do you mean?” his voice was confused.
Seth looked embarrassed. “Leah doesn’t want me to tell you, but you’re the Alpha, so I have to…” he trailed off and looked into the trees where Leah vanished.
He sighed. “Emily…” he sucked in a big breath, and let it out in a gust. “Emily is…pregnant.” He finished looking Sam directly in the eye.
We all glanced at Sam. There were several emotions playing on his face.
“H-how f-f-far?” he stammered, settling on a shocked expression.
Seth smiled at him. “Almost 5 months…she found out the araw she threw you out…that’s why she threw you out…” he trailed off thoughtfully.
We all stood in silence for a few minutes, absorbing that. Emily had found out she was pregnant with the pag-ibig of her life…and he left.
No wonder she threw him out.
“Seth…” Jacob sinabi suddenly breaking the loud silence. “Turn into your lobo form…we want to see what we missed…” Jacob was already quivering head to toe, as were Quil and Embry.
Seth nodded and moved a few steps back. Sam, nagyelo in shock, stayed in the same place, vibrating violently.
They all turned at the exact same time, and I could see everything that they could.
Their families, their imprinted, the lives, their school…everything they had missed while they were gone.
“What are they seeing?” Emmet asked annoyed. He hated being out of the loop.
“Everything…”I sinabi still watching as he went through it all. “Everything they missed while away…”
Carlisle and the others were muttering something, but I was too focused on the conversation at hand.
He finally got to the part with the green-eyed Bella, and I heard Jacob’s shock to. The other mga lobo thought she looked even madami gorgeous…the Bella in the memory was about to say something, when the familiar roar of an engine, snapped Seth out of his memories.
We all looked toward the sound.
Crap! Bella wasn’t supposed to be here until later!
“Bella.” I whispered.
A look of comprehension broke across Carlisle’s face, along with the others.
The engine cut off and the silence was deafening.
I heard the car door open, and slam, and then there were almost silent feet on the dirt road leading towards the little house on the other side.
“Why, hello Bella!” a female voice sinabi cheerfully, Seth’s mother I assumed. “What brings you here this beautiful day?”
I heard Bella laugh, and the sound would have made my puso flutter if it weren’t dead. “Don’t tell me Leah’s forgotten today? I really need her help.”
They laughed in synchronization.
“I’m not sure, but she phased before in the woods, and I don’t think she took clothes…she went looking for Seth, he hadn’t been tahanan all night, I was getting worried so she went and checked…but she phased too quickly, so now I think she may be naked.” She chortled.
I heard the laughter again, which sent an electric shock down my spine.
“I could go and leave some clothes for her if you like…I have to wait for her anyway!” she was still giggling.
“That would be great. She was heading up the trail…you might find her there…or if you see Seth, can you tell him to come home? I’m really starting to worry.”
I heard the front door open and the voices went muffled, but I strained harder, to hear the one voice I would recognize anywhere.
“Yeah, I can do that. But first I should get his sister some clothes…it would be awkward for him to see his sister naked.”
They laughed again, their voices soft, and hard to understand.
Aw crap! Seth was panicking. Leah! Leah come back! Bella is here and she’s coming into the forest where we are, looking for you!
I could hear the growing sounds of paws beating against the forest floor, coming directly toward us.
I’m on my way. Vampires, and other wolves, you’d better disappear; she’ll be pissed if she finds out. Even her thoughts are malicious and angry, directed at us with so much venom in her voice, she could have been a snake in another life.
Bella’s not like that. Jacob was stung sa pamamagitan ng that.
In the distance, I heard the front door open again. We all froze; even Leah came to a stop.
“I’ll be back shortly Sue.” Her voice was cheery.
The soft sound of her feet crunching on the gravel and dirt was the only sound in the forest.
Guys, get in the trees! I had never heard Seth speak with such authority before. The other looked at him questioningly.
Now! She will be expecting me, but if she see’s you, she’ll freak, like Leah said, now go! You too Edward, tell the others!
The other mga lobo crouched down low, and sprang into the puno in record speed, while Carlisle, Emmet and Jasper watched confused.
“Guys, get in the tree…” my voice was uncertain, as my body was facing the direction of Bella’s approach.
“Why?” Emmet asked surprised. “It’s only Bella.”
“That’s why we have to do it.” I reluctantly turned my gaze to my family. “She won’t be happy to see us right now, so we get in the puno until she’s gone, okay?”
They nodded and sprang into the tree; the same speed as the werewolves, but much madami graceful.
“Seth?” Bella’s voice was suddenly right outside the trees. “Leah? You guys here?” as she sinabi the last word, she broke through the trees and I heard several different gasps of shock surround me.
Bella had changed significantly since we last saw her. It looked as if she had Nawawala most of her height; she was roughly the size of Alice now, almost pixie like. She was also visibly thinner, but not in a way to make her look sick; enough to make her look athletic and fast. I had already seen her with the new eyes, but the memory had not done it justice. They were almost the colour of a river filled with seaweed, flowing downstream. They seemed to be in motion when she was staring straight ahead. Her former long brown hair had now been cut to about roughly her shoulders or just past them, was now a startling shade between bright blonde and tsokolate brown, both colours dominating her head, giving her a multi-tonal look.
She was stunning; it knocked the breath out of me, and the others sa pamamagitan ng the sound of it.
She saw Seth in his lobo form and stopped.
“Oh,” her voice was embarrassed. “Sorry Seth, uh…you seen Leah?” she looked at him confused as he moved his head side to side.
“Uh, could you phase back? I can’t read your head movements…” she chuckled to herself; the sound was like a shot of heroin to an addict.
Brace yourselves…Seth thought wryly.
He started vibrating and pulled himself onto his hind legs, as he pulled himself into his human form.
Bella turned her toward the other direction to give him some privacy.
“Uh…you might have to stay like that Bella.” Seth was looking around him, looking at the shreds of his clothes.
Bella was quiet for a second. “You exploded your pants?” she asked warily.
“Yeah…” Seth sinabi sheepishly.
Bella shrugged out of her thick winter amerikana and handed it to him without a word.
“Bella, you’ll freeze-” Seth started to complain but Bella cut him off.
“I’d much rather face the people I’m talking to…call me old fashioned, and I’m not quite that delicate…” she added with a wry smile, that made me think of an inside joke that we were missing.
“Uh…okay then…” he took her dyaket awkwardly and wrapped it around his naked torso.
Bella glanced over her shoulder to make sure he had it on, before she threw a smile at him which had me gasping again.
“So, have you seen Leah? Your mom sinabi you were in your lobo form, and pissed her off so she phased…” something seemed to dawn on her. “You heard something from the others didn’t you?” she asked, her voice had some deep emotion boiling underneath her words, which was hard to understand, it sounded almost panicked.
Seth just nodded, keeping his eyes locked on hers. Her eyes widened marginally, before she composed her expression.
“Huh,” was her genius reply; she changed the topic. “Your mom wants you to head home, she’s worried.”
Seth shifted his weight from foot to foot nervously.
“Yeah, I’ll be there soon…but I’ll try to find Leah for you first…but you can head back to the house if you-”
Bella cut him off again.
“I have clothes for her, so I’ll wait here for her.” She sinabi her tone severe. “Can you tell her to hurry? I only have so much time before I go.”
Seth sucked in a deep breath, glanced upwards briefly at Sam hiding in the puno who nodded, still in his lobo form.
He let the air out in a big gust.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
She turned away again as he dropped the dyaket and phased into his lobo form. She smiled at him sweetly when he nudged her with his nose.
Don’t come down here! He was talking to me and Jacob, I could tell it from his voice. I mean it, I don’t want her to be running and screaming so close to the house, mom will worry.
With that he took of the direction Leah disappeared in, almost twice as fast as her.
Bella stared after him, and heaved a sigh. Oh, how much I wish I could hear what she was thinking!
Quil moved his foot to the left slightly, trying to regain his balance, he did it so quietly that it was almost impossible to hear, but when he did, Bella’s head whipped to the side as if it was the loudest noise ever.
“Hello?” she asked, not sounding frightened as she should.
She sounded guarded.
Did she hear me? Quil was thinking in confusion. I didn’t think it was that loud…
It wasn’t…Sam was thinking, instantly suspicious.
Bella moved forward, measuring every step with care.
I could vaguely hear Seth and Leah arguing in the packs head but I paid no attention to it.
“Is that really Bella?” Jasper asked his voice unsure.
He sinabi it so fast it was almost soundless.
I nodded my head, not taking my eyes of her approach. I could hear Emmet and Carlisle’s shock and Jasper uncertainty.
She stopped; looking at the trunk of the tree, before her eyes flickered up, just to the left of where Quil was sitting.
She moved pasulong again, reaching for the same branch Seth was sitting on earlier. She began to pull herself up and I felt Quil’s panic.
She Nawawala her footing a fell a little, and as she tried to reclaim her footing, Quil jumped to the puno with Jacob and Sam in it.
Bella pulled herself up again, and looked at the exact spot where Quil just was.
A confused expression crossed her face.
The sound of Seth running was suddenly deafening in the loud stillness. Bella’s head whipped around at the sound. She pulled herself a little higher up, putting her legs on the main part of the tree. She leaned back and before anyone had a chance to think, she flung herself backward out of the tree.
A yelp of terror built up in my throat as I assumed Bella would fall to her death. But she twisted gracefully through the air, and landed at the exact same place when Seth left on the balls of her feet.
I wasn’t the only one gaping at her in shock.
Seth walked into view in his human form, a lie from Leah already embedded in his head.
“Bella, Leah told me to tell you that she might be a little late, so you should go on without her…she sinabi that she was sorry and that she’ll try to be there as soon as possible.” He sinabi this with perfect authority which made it hard to hear the lie.
Bella grinned at him.
“She can’t get out of her lobo form huh?” the laughter in her voice was material.
Seth smiled. Sure, if you want… “Yeah, I really ticked her off…”
They laughed together.
“Well then I better be off…” she sighed. “Tell her to come down when she’s finally human…”she sinabi smiling and shaking her head.
“I will, Cya later Bella.”
She began to walk away, back through the trees, when Seth remembered her jacket.
“Hey, wait!” He called after her, stooping forward, picking up the jacket, “You might need this!” he threw it to her and it fell a few inches in front of her. She laughed at that, and moved pasulong to pick it up, she bent down and grabbed it, but something caught her eye.
She leaned down further, and gasped almost silently.
“Carlisle…” she whispered, terrified.
We all froze.
She looked up at Seth, who was looking her with a frightened expression.
“T-t-this is Carlisle’s ID tag…” she stammered; shocked as she held up a shiny medical identification tag up to ipakita him. “A-a-are they h-h-here?” she began glancing around the forest panicked.
Seth nodded.
“I’m sorry Bella, but I didn’t think you wanted to know just-”
She began backing away from him, the same terrified expression on her face.
Sam and the other mga lobo dropped to the floor. I exchanged a glance with Carlisle and the others, and we did the same.
She began panting, her eyes widening with fright.
“Bella-” Carlisle started to say, but at the sound of his voice, she cried out in pain.
Jacob and I both moved pasulong at the sound, but that just made her cringe away.
She was still flickering glances between all of us, when suddenly; she turned and sprinted into the thicket of trees.
She ran away.
I waited to hear her feet stumbling over the gravel and pebbles on the road…it never came.
The sound of her truck was the only thing that let us know she had made it out of the forest.
We ran after her, making sure she hadn’t hurt herself. She was going faster than her normal speed, so we had to push ourselves faster to try and keep up. Everyone was thinking the exact same thing…what will we do when we catch up to her?
She turned sharply onto the highway, and her truck was the only car in sight.
“Maybe we should let her go…?” Jasper was trying to lighten the now hectic mood with his gift, but our emotions were much too strong for that right now.
He seemed to sense everyone’s negativity at that, and didn’t say anything more.
Her car started to slow, very suddenly before it came to a dead stop on the side of the highway.
We hung back, hiding ourselves in the trees and listened to her breathing.
She was talking to someone.
“T-t-they’re back…Nate, they’re back! They were in La Push when I went to get Leah! What do I do? I think they’re following me, but I can’t hear anything…”
There was a pause for whoever she was talking to, to answer.
“Okay…”her voice was much calmer, “Just wait for me there please; I don’t want to be there alone…” she sucked in a deep breath, but when she answered her tone was venomous. “They didn’t touch me…they’re not like that…you done even know them!” she yelled at the person. “No, you guys are not getting involved…tell Thackery no, this is my problem, and I’ll handle it…look I’ll meet you at Charlie’s in 15 minutes, we’re getting my stuff, then getting out, you got that?”
There was another brief pause.
“Okay, Cya soon.”
We heard her snap her phone shut, and breathe in and out for a couple of minutes.
“Edward…” Seth was whispering sadly, “Go to her.”
I looked at him, and at everyone else, they all nodded in encouragement.
If anyone can get her to calm down it’s you, bloodsucker. Jacob was thinking regrettably.
I nodded, and headed out of the shade of the trees. I walked slowly, but surely to her passenger window and tapped it lightly.
She jumped at the sound, and looked at me with fresh panic in her eyes.
“Bella…” I had no idea how to start. “Wind down your window.”
She looked at me, still panicked, before she leaned over the upuan and wound the window down and inch.
“Edward…” she was talking to me at least, but that didn’t cover the hurt tone of voice. “Please…” she was looking at the upuan under her hand.
She glanced up at me from under her eyelashes, her eyebrows pulled down in the middle in a heartbreaking expression; I immediately wanted to comfort her, and whispered. “Let me go…just let me go…”
I could feel a sharp line of pain going straight down where my puso used to beat. I took a step back from the window; I struggled to umakda my face, but obviously failed.
She looked shocked at my face.
“Edward…I’m sorry…just give me time…” her voice was reasonable, but there was an ageless sadness under her casual tone.
I just nodded again.
She pulled up one side of her lips into a half-hearted smile, and looked over my shoulder towards the mga lobo and my family, before her eyes snapped back to me.
“You know? Some times…I actually wish we were older…”
I gaped at her, as she wound the window up and drove away. The appearance was one thing, but now I was sure…
This was not the same Bella.
posted by surfergal
I had had enough staring of into puwang wondering what Nathen looked like or slid he was going to be okay. Everythig was running through my mind so fast and so intence I was getting a headache. I walked upstairs and into Carlisle office.
Carlisle can I please see Nathen? I ask.
Addi, are you sure? He ask.
I'm sure I can't stop thinking about what he looks like and if if he is going to be alright. I told him.
Okay come this way. Carlisle said.
We walked out of the office and into the big long hallway. Emmet was beside me I guessed that Carlisle wanted him up here for my support. Carlisle open...
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10: Set her up with Tyler

9: Insist she needs a new hair cut and force her to let you do it. Give her a Mohawk.
…make sure you do this just before she goes on a petsa with Edward.

8: Tell her that Edward is really a wizard named Cedric Diggory, and that he dies in the 4th book. Refuse to explain what the heck you’re talking about.

7: Send Mike pag-ibig letters and sign her name.
…afterwards ipakita Edward these letters.]

6: Tell her Jessica and Edward are getting married. Ask her if she would like to be the bridesmaid.

5: Tell her that some people named Jane and Aro are coming to visit. Watch her scream....
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posted by Gabstaaa
Thankyou so much to soo many people. You have really helped. i know its not much but its going to gett interesting at the school ;) romance for Harley. Danger. Immortality. Unexpected visits. Death. Cantt wait ot write it!

‘School? Harley? Are you sure? There’s no rush atall. It’s pretty easy actually. Our brains can handle a lot madami information than an average humans can. I could teach you much madami than they do there.’ He just doesn’t get it does he?
‘Carlisle. I want the experience. I want to meet people and talk to someone other than a vampire. I mean, I pag-ibig you all… it’s...
continue reading...
posted by edwardcullen865
"okay let me see.we go to the Italy and try to negotiate a deal to get my daughter back?" i was calm thank to Jasper .i owe him so much.
i looked at mason lying in my arms .he looked just like Edward and a little of me thrown in there.
"well Bella we don't want to hurt Renesmee at any circumstances." Carlisle said.
"i do feel for Bella so much has happened in the last year."Carlisle thoughts touched me.
i tried to focus in on Edward's thoughts.
they were appointed to Jacob .
" I'll kill him if we don't get her back. he is dead.she is not going back to him i don't care how much she loves him."...
continue reading...
I was looking at a beautiful girl in the mirror.
No, she couldn't be me. This wasn't me. My right nostril is bigger than my left nostril. My left cheekbone was higher than my right, making my eyes shaped funny when I smile. I hated it, but that was me. I was looking at a gorgeous girl in the mirror. Her eyes where blood red though, which sort of scared me. Behind her eyes was pale white skin. Her features where perfect, perfect wasn't even the word. They where marvelous.
I continued to look at the girl, her long curly hair was perfectly curled. A small kulay-rosas blush was plastered onto her cheeks....
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posted by Whiskey37

Blood trickled down his face from his paralysed victim,
Her body pale white and completely oblivious to what had happened,
His eyes, red as rubies,
Hers, totally lifeless,
His teeth were as sharp as razorblades,
They sliced threw flesh with ease.
The trees nearby whispered and mumbled,
And the stream glistened like glass.
He watched his victim,
The one and only pag-ibig of his life,
He remembered to well what happened that night, the kicking the screaming,
The mistakes he made.
The clothing around her neck was crusted with her own blood,
He studied his hand and own clothing with the same result.
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Alice! I sinabi NO! NO sparkles, and NO glitter!" I yelled at Alice as she appeared with a cartload of tiny baby outfits. Covered in the very items I'd just forbidden.

"Oh, come on, Renesmee, you're ruining my fun," Alice pouted at me. I sighed. Alice was the definition of an unstoppable force. With a pout that made you feel like the guy who killed Bambi's mom. Yeah, that guilt-enforcing.

"FINE. But I approve the outfits, okay?" I gave in.

This is what happens when a pixie and a vampire interbreed. Alice. Directly translated, it means:

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posted by rachel-rathbone
ok this is something that i made up if you like it come be my fan.

EACH segundo I AM AWAY FROM...
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posted by Doopey
Here is the susunod one :) hope you enjoy it (:

Chapter Five

I could feel myself gettin my senses back. But i did not ilipat because i could hear a voice in the other room.
"She has been out for five days how long until she wakes up !?" Aros voice sounded angry, i figured he didnt think i was going to be unconcious. I heard a reply from the other end of a phone.
"One or two days master." Phew, he will still think im unconciuos. But suddenly i heard his footsteps coming into the room i was in.
He crouched down and whispered in my ear.
"Dear bella. I am getting quite thirsty i will be back in an hour...
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posted by alicecullensBFF
heyy everyone.. umm i wanna know how u like the changes i made. if i kept the events the same i thought it would be to much lyk the original version, but i may be wrong. i would appreciate the comments and suggestions. thanks!!

Okay I narrowly escaped Edward yesterday so I need to be really careful. So I promised I would tell you about what happened in the past few days. We were all in the main house and Alice was dancing around fixing things that were already perfect so I knew something was up. She was really anxious and it was almost like she was waiting for something. All of a sudden there...
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posted by Edward_lover101
uy guys this is the last one for a while. I'm Pagsulat a book called the Invasion. I have to get that done before I can write another twlight Zone. I hope you like this one.

Today was my wedding day. Alice grabed my hand was towed me to her colset. There was my wedding Dress. It was white, with squence down to my waist. This was the dress of my dreams. Alice and Esme helped me into my dress. Alice was putting make-up on my face while Esme did my nails. When I was finnaly ready, we drove Alice's car to Carlisle and Esme's house. There house was huge! There house was coverd in bulaklak and white...
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picture below :D

Bella's pov

“I’m not planning to wear this at school, but don’t you agree I look hot in this dress” I sinabi and turned myself towards the mirror again. When suddenly Edward grabbed my hand and dragged my back into the closet, closing the door behind him.
“What, I’m just joking” I sinabi serious
“Bella, I don’t want you to go to school, I want you to come with me to Italy” He sinabi slowly
“Italy? Why do I want to go to Italy. We have class in less then 2 hours” I sinabi back while looking for something else to wear.
“I’m not going to class, Bella and neither...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
My eyes unfocused, I was reminiscing that night that I proposed to Bella. I remember how in pag-ibig we were, or at least how in pag-ibig I thought we were. Was I ready for this to happen? I didn't know.
"Edward? Be honest, if you don't want to marry me, then tell me, but I would really appreciate it if you sinabi something."
I focused back on her, realizing my mouth was open. I was determined to make this sound right.
"I'm not saying no, but are you sure you want to?"
I watched her expression as she thought. I needed to understand her.
"I definitely want to. I mean, I pag-ibig you, I've had experience dating,...
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posted by jamiesue00
Ever since Jake and Nessie got engaged, Nessie has been busy with Alice, Esme and Rosalie planning the wedding. Things were moving rather fast the wedding was less than a week away and there was so much left to do. In only a few days, Jacob and Nessie would be married and ilipat out. I got to thinking about it, where were they going to live? Renesmee lived with us and Jacob still lived with his father. With this problem I had to speak with Edward about this. He came walking in to the cottage and saw the look on my face. “Bella, what’s wrong?”
“What are we going to do? They can’t live...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
Ok guys i correct all my writings i hope you can understand them better!! please comment!!!

I didn't know how my life will be as vampire, how things should work with Charlie and Mom, keeping my self away from them is torturing my self.
I felt like I’m trapped without an exit
the only thing that keeps me strong is my family
Edward and Rennesme, now that they are not in madami danger I feel madami in peace.
But what will I should tell Charlie when the time to ilipat arrives?
How will he react to this, He will have too many tanong and how I suppose to explain it to him? I think that he already knows what we really are, but he is too scared to say it or just think about it.
But what I really know right now is that we are ligtas and will start our Happy Ever After no matter what happen or what people think about us.
I think
posted by Wordwok
While I was trying to sleep I couldn't help feel excited about Breaking Dawn and remember the theories I read throughout the day. Then, I remembered the thing about dear Alice having Nawawala all memory of being human. This led me to believe (since her lover was a vamp. right? or something like that.) that maybe Alice actualy wanted to become a vampire.
As a penalty or something, she forgot her memory....
So, maybe this will happen to Bella.... But, I doubt it.

It was just a walang tiyak na layunin (and possibly a WAY off) theory, but I just wanted to share it with all of you.
I might be generalizing when I say this, but this fandom is none too friendly. I am willingly to bet my life that there /are/ level-minded people here, who pag-ibig the series for what it is, a great epic story-one that we all adore.

But I think it must be my fault that I can't get to these people. There is an army of irrational fangirls that stand between me and some relaxed chats with some admirable fans.

I thought maybe after the initial "outrage" of Eclipse then people will chill out. But I was wrong.

With all the Anti-Jacob Black groups that spans all the way to Deviantart to fanpop, I can't...
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added by rakshasa
Source: wolpeyper Abyss (edits)
added by rakshasa
Source: wolpeyper Abyss (edits)
added by rakshasa
Source: wolpeyper Abyss (edits)