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I dragged all three of my suitcases down the stairs at once and nearly killed myself in the process. I misjudged a step and went tumbling down after my fifty pound suitcases. Wow. Perfect.

After taking on the stair-obstacle course, I dragged my bags across the floor and out the front door. Great, it was raining. Well, raining was an understatement. It was raining damn rocks. Big, huge, hard rock drops. The porch was my only cover at the moment but, of course, my car was parked out in the street. With the raining rocks.


Shit. Fighting with my sister, I could handle. Falling down the stairs, I could handle. Facing the damn rock-rain, I could handle. Seeing Nathan in all of his beautiful but untouchable glory, I could not handle. Turning my head to the driveway where he was currently standing, I realized just how much I could not handle it.

Nathan looked too damn good to be so wet in the rain. With his normally shaggy blonde hair stuck to his face and his big blue t-shirt that hugged his subtle biceps, he looked so damn hot. His glasses were wet and had rain droplets covering the lenses. He probably couldn’t see worth a damn, which was good because I probably looked like hell.

"Hey." I made my feet go one in front of the other and started walking towards my car, hoping that he couldn't see the way that my heat was breaking through my eyes. He was so good at pagbaba me. When I got to my car, I popped the trunk and threw my bags in. I stood there for a few seconds, trying to gather my wits.

"When are you leaving?" He asked from behind me. It startled me, knowing how close he was. Maybe I was imagining it but I could swear that I felt his breath on my neck but he had Brooke now. The pag-ibig of his life. He didn't need me. That thought was enough to almost bring me to tears.

"Um," I swallowed back my tears, "in a few minutes, I think." I turned around and sure enough, he wasn't anywhere near my neck. He was about a foot away, which was way to far away in my opinion.

Nathan nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets like he always did when he was nervous. This was the goodbye I was trying to avoid. "I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I couldn’t help asking. Sorry for not loving me? Sorry for loving Brooke? Sorry for shattering your puso into a million pieces and then stepping on them?

His head was pointed towards the ground and he used his left foot to kick the back of his right foot. Another nervous sign. "For everything," he said. "I'm sorry for pulling you in so many different directions. I'm sorry for ignoring you even though you did nothing wrong. I'm just so damn sorry," and then lifted his eyes to mine. The darkness of his wet hair and the lightness of his blue eyes cause such a contrast with each other that the sight was breathtaking. I was literally just standing there and staring at him.

What I didn't miss was the fact that he apologized for all of the wrong things. He didn't apologize for hurting me, for choosing Brooke, for my shattered heart. Then, he shouldn't apologize for things he wasn’t sorry for.

The rain had soaked us both through our clothes, and my teeth started to chatter. I once imagined halik in the rain but never having my puso beaten in the rain. "It's not a big deal." Lie

"It is a big deal!" Truth.

I took in a deep breath, thankful for the rain because it was now masking my tears. "It isn't. I promise." Lie. "This was just a summer thing." Big fat, nose growing lie.

Nathan sighed and then stepped closer to me, the tips of our toes touching. He was invading my thinking space. "Don't lie." He sinabi through clenched teeth. "I hurt you. Say it."

I didn't want him feeling sorry for me. "You didn't. See," I gave him a broad smile that probably ended up looking like a grimace.

"Damn it. Don't lie to me, Demi."

My whole barrier broke. The walls that kept my emotions in place fell all at once, which was very overwhelming. My shoulders slumped, tears fell even faster, and it felt like my chest had a thousand pound weight dropped on it. "What do you want me to say?" I asked a little hysterically. "That you broke my heart? Yes, Nathan, you broke it. But there's nothing that can be done because you pag-ibig Brooke, not me. And that's okay. You can't help what you feel." Boy did I understand that madami than anyone right now.

He stood there, staring at me directly in the eyes. For one moment, I thought that he would lean in and halik me. halik me in the rain like every teenager wanted. Maybe he would scoop me away and we'd leave bratty sisters and ex-girlfriends behind.

But instead he took a step away from me, like I was a dangerous snake that he just happened upon. He opened his mouth but then the screen door from the house open and close. Both of our heads turned towards the noise and Sarah, bless her, came walking down the porch steps and the driveway.

The interruption couldn't have come at a better moment because I was pretty sure that I didn't want to hear what he was about to say. My sister, oblivious to the intensely awkward moment she just intruded on, looked at me expectantly. "Are we ready to go?"

I nodded while trying to collect myself so they couldn't tell that I was crying. "My bags are in the back."

"All right," she sinabi while getting into the passenger seat. "Let's get going. This town sucks."

I couldn't agree more.

Nodding to Nathan in a polite gesture, I got into the driver's seat. Closing the door, I told myself not to look in the rearview mirror when I drove off. I didn't want to see him slowly fade away from sight because that was exactly what was happening and I couldn't handle that.

But of course, as I slammed on the gas, I looked behind me to see him turn around and walk away in the opposite direction.
posted by jasperwhlover
Wishful Thinking

Introduction: I thought it was a sweet beginning, a chance to start anew, no looking back, nor turning. What I’ve found here, has me in its grasp, it’s captured me in its spell. But like every sweet beginning we never know how the story ends.

Hi, I’m Alicia Alice Davidson, but you can call me Alice. I’m from a family of five, and I go to the best High School in the country, I’m confident and I follow my instincts I’m a fighter mentally and physically. It started off as the same boring, disappointing araw I was used to, at my school, it’s an all girl school you see....
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posted by jasperwhlover
Wishful Thinking

Introduction: I thought it was a sweet beginning, a chance to start anew, no looking back, nor turning. What I’ve found here, has me in its grasp, it’s captured me in its spell. But like every sweet beginning we never know how the story ends.

Hi, I’m Alicia Alice Davidson, but you can call me Alice. I’m from a family of five, and I go to the best High School in the country, I’m confident and I follow my instincts I’m a fighter mentally and physically. It started off as the same boring, disappointing araw I was used to, at my school, it’s an all girl school you see....
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Chapter One

Expecting Michael to susunod to her, Jamie moved around to her husband’s side of the kama and wanting to see him sleeping susunod to her the first thing she sees in the morning, Jamie opened up her eyes and founded no one there.

Jamie sighed when she saw that, knowing where her husband of seven years was sleeping right now. Since he returned from Iraq a few months ago, Michael Thomas had become a different man. A man who never saw the bright side of things and never wanted to look at people in the eyes.

For the past four months, their three children, Mackenzie, Isabella, and Jake had been...
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posted by TDIlover226
~one of them, how could I be one of them! I'm completly human, they're, they're just ugly freaks!.

Eddie just sat there in the dark room, alone. He wasn't sure if he should try to escape, or stay to see exsactly what "one of them" ment. "I can't stay here, with those freaks, they'll probably kill me, they're ugly mutated freaks and I'm getting out of here!" sinabi Eddie. "Ugly freaks huh" sinabi Annie stepping out of the darkness of the room, "yeah, wwe get that alot from people like you". "Well, mabey if you would just tell people what's going on, mabey-". "You don't get it, do you, you are one...
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Okay it's now or never Rachel. You need money for food. Yeah and uh clothes. You are doing it to survive not because you are greedy
I sigh. I never liked stealing jewels but what are you gonna do on your own? I turn invisible and walk through the door of the store. It's very dark in here. Huh they must be closed or something.
I look around the room. The glasses cases are begging to be smashed open.
I walk up to one of them and pound my fist into it. The glass breaks and a ringing fills my ears. The stupid alarm does bull.
A red gas fills the room. Crap Gas! I suck in my last breath and grab...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
I glared at the blond with evil eyes. She was pretty, but evil. My family loved her, laughing at every joke she made. They hung off her every word even Liz, the only one that stood sa pamamagitan ng me was Callum and he just doesn’t talk much so he wasn’t really doing it for me. He only smiled at one of her jokes. Ethan was holding her hand and laughing at one stage he even kissed her on the cheek! What the hell? Was he going out with her when he kissed me? When he yelled at me before? “So Sadie, how do you like Palm Springs?” The blond one asked me. I smiled. “It’s just fine” I said. She nodded....
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posted by TDIlover226
It was Halloween eve and we had nothing to do.
My sister, Lee was on the computer searching for haunted places, it was a saturday night and her and her buddies we're bored and needed something to do, we were at our grandma's and she lived around alot of creepy places. She searched this cemetary that had alot of spiritual sightings. She of corse no longer believed in all that crap, she was 19. Me and my friend Vanita dared her to go there. "well" she sinabi "you have ta go with me too!". Me and Vanita agreed, Vanita had been to alot of haunted places before, and he thought that he wasn't gonna...
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posted by summerfrog
OK so i was walking down the street...all the rain...not happy but not sad ether...when suddenly I ran into a magnoliya tree!I don't know how I didn't see it...or why it was in the middle of the road-but it was there and when I looked at it I saw it was the biggest magnoliya I had ever seen;it was absolutely GINORMOUS!it to be at least as tall as a skyscraper. I couldn't even see the top.Now what is the easiest way to get past a tree? Go around it of course! but when i looked there was a wall!Two walls!on ether side of the puno that prevented me from passing(again,how didn't I see this before?)It was not an ordinary
pader ether,and must have taken allot of work to build because it was as tall,or taller than the tree!so I was stuck with a magnoliya and two walls
what was I to do?turn back?I had come too far!so knowing this,what do you think I did?What would you have done?
posted by XhuddyobsessedX
I look at the old photographs. It kills me to see him smile. I've only heard about him. I hear he would have loved me. I hear he was nice. I hear that he was a good dad. I hear he was an okay husband. I hear that he would have made a good grandfather. It's not fair. It kills me when my dad talks about him. My dad sinabi one of his last words to him were "Dont miss me when I'm gone." Those words run through my head. araw and night and keep me up thinking of him. Why did he have to go? I pray he's okay and fine in heaven. I pretend he's still here. If only he were ... I miss him....

I guess he's just....
Hard to Let Go

Dedicated to my grandfather I miss you ... even if I never met you =,[

susunod journal entry coming up in few please
“Alec, what the hell is a Rokurokubi?” sinabi Marley. “I don’t bloody know, maybe some sort of ancient demon” sinabi Alec. “We Rokurokubi are creatures like you from the other realm; we are also seen in Japanese history” sinabi Mia who seemed very happy to talk about her race. “So are you some sort of badass, apoy breathing, soul sucking, body eating, shapeshifting, winged beast from the depths of the great abyss?” sinabi Marley taking a few steps back. “Umm... my race aren’t like that, there are stories of us eating bodies and drinking blood but that is a false accusation, the...
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Some Bampira have a certain side effect to when they bite a human. This mostly happens with pure bloods or half bloods that gained their power from their vampire history. Bampira who were bitten and had their blood changed will rarely get this trait because their blood was once human so the DNA does not release this effect in their blood. Marley, Alec and Opal each have a side effect when bitting someone. The People Alec bites start to concentrate a lot on their pag-ibig life, this is because Alec cares a lot about his pag-ibig life (One of the many reasons he does not bite men) The Side effect People...
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posted by BellaSwan636

I hated seeing her cry. Knowing it was my fault immediately made me hate myself, not that I didn't already. I needed to hear her voice, know she was really here.

Some part of me registered the fact that I'd sat down, and that I had touched her, if briefly. I had said, "Tell me."

She met my gaze, looking terrified. She closed her eyes firmly, as if she was living a nightmare. Maybe she was.

"I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry," she whispered, looking anywhere but at me. "I thought it would be better that way, you had your whole life ahead of you and I couldn't take that away because of my...
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posted by BellaSwan636

When it comes to relationships, I'm no idiot. I could totally see what was coming. But come on; who didn't?

The new girl and Shaun. Plus he didn't like attack her or anything when she sat at his table. What was so special about her, anyway?

Sure she was pretty, but there where way prettier girls, who'd each thrown themselves at him, (he wasn't that bad looking, actually) he'd ignored since freshmen year.

I flicked my hair over my shoulder. I could see she liked him too, she'd looked around the cafeteria yesterday and looked way disappointed when he wasn't there.

So I waited a little after...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Later on that araw when I am in my bedroom and Ethan is downstairs watching the game. I lay on my kama doing nothing but thinking. I hear my name being called I get up and walk downstairs. Ethan is at the door, someone is asking for me. I start to walk towards the door and see Adam he sees me and smiles I smile back. Ethan turns and sees me his expression is anger, he walks away. I walk up to Adam. “Hey, I didn’t see you at school today” he said. I wondered how he knew where I lived and why was he here. “Ah yeah I’m a bit sick” I sinabi putting on a husky voice. “I see that anyway,...
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posted by Pushkin319

You're standing in a long line to pay for your groceries. Which sentence do you think will get you through?

1. "May I go ahead of you please?" Put on a really sincere face.

2. "May I step ahead of you please, because I'm really late for my doctor's appointment?"

Using the word "because" will get you closer to 'yes' in almost any circumstance. Why? Because your request is followed sa pamamagitan ng a reason, an explanation for the request. If the request is reasonable, then why not say yes?

The word refers the listener to some background, some circumstances, a framework related to the request....
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posted by TeanRose424
have you noticed when you fall in pag-ibig it feels like your flying? I have. It the most wonderful feeling in the world. But when do you feel it? Do you feel it when you fall in love, or when you just are overfilled with joy?

Have you ever felt it? Or have you felt anything close to it? What does it mean? Does it mean that you have to fly away from it before your pag-ibig hurts you? Or does it mean that your body enjoys the joy filling your body?

Tell me what you think...
posted by ashesandwine
I'm not sure if I'll keep this going but if I do, I'll post it on my spot and here:) I still remember posting my first story here! I after sent it to my spot where it's still going, but this was the first place and I thank you all for receiving it:) Thanks! So I hope you like this one too:)

"I pag-ibig you..." Was the last thing I heard from him, as the blade went through his throat in one gracious move. That was it... All that I had ever fought for, all that I knew and loved, Nawawala in one single move! I was Nawawala in the darkness, trap in the sorrow and blood...
"I'm sorry..." Was the last thing...
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posted by emmett
A was an Artist who wasted his talent
B rode a Bicycle and was very gallant
C was a Conductor with a musical ear
D was a Drunk, addicted to beer
E climbed Mt. Everest and achieved his goal
F was a Fireman and slid down a pole
G was a Glutton and ate what he got
H was a Hunter, a very good shot
I was an Ice skater with brand new skates
J was called Jane and couldn’t pay the rates
K was a King who ruled all the land
L was a Lady, a white glab on her hand
M was a Milkman who turned gatas into cheese
N was a Nanny who made the children say please
O mined Opals and sold what he got
P was a Princess who bought...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
hey... so this is my new story... I don't like the other one! So... I started this one! don't forget 2 comment and rate!

Something was missing. Something big, like my heart! I couldn't find it. I got up from my own screams. I couldn't breathe. He wasn't there to hold me in his cold hands. He wasn't there anymore. I doubted if he would ever come back. I was thinking of everything I could do to get to him. Tears came down of my face and dropped on my unan as I tried to stand up and go to the bathroom. Charlie was already downstairs so I hurried and made him breakfast. I didn't eat anything like...
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posted by Office_001
A little peak of sun shone in his window, yes! It was Saturday; Jake Scott loved Saturdays because these were the days when his mom, Terri, and he would go to the park for a picnic. Jake was so excited for today that he slept in his clothes though the were now wrinkled but he didn’t care. Creeping down the hall way quiet enough as to not wake his mom Jake went and made himself his paborito cereal. Jake usually had his mom help him get his cereal because he was seven and short that he couldn’t reach the cabinet, but he wanted to surprise his mom, he wanted to make his own breakfast today....
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