it all started, when i heard a segundo kuroshitsuji was coming. then, i started looking it up, along with my sisters. i seen pictures of what i began to think was a girl! i thought she was pretty, but when i heard he was really a guy, i was ashamed!(i should've known!) as days passed, i was thinking to myself,"what is kuroshitsuji 2 about??????". that's when my walang tiyak na layunin yet meaningful pag-ibig for the boy sprouted! i just started "obsessing" over him! i didn't know why, yet my pag-ibig for him had such a great impact, and purpose on me! he grew as a stranger, just any kid from kuroshitsuji, to my paborito character, noone can surpass!i was happy he was an anime character, i was happy he was brought into this anime world.