Barack Obama Club
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added by chel1395
Source: Stock larawan
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by jmcruz
added by chel1395
Source: Stock larawan
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by cooperinacooper
Source: Gary L. Cooper
added by chel1395
Source: David Katz/Obama for America
added by JoeysBabyGrL
Source: Just Jared
barack obama
john mccain
penn badgley
blake lively
added by chel1395
added by SwarlsBarkley
Source: erin_chupacabra @ LiveJournal
 President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
I was up this morning at 3:OOam to watch the anuguration of American President Barack Obama. I was eagerly glued to my telebisyon set and watched in awe the hundreds of thousands of people that turned up in Washington in sub zero temperatures to watch the anuguration of Barack Obama.
I am not an American. I am an Australian, living in Australia. Unless my circumstances changes drastically, President Obama will never be MY president but I am so happy for him - and for America.
The coverage here in Australia was unbelievable!
Every channel screened the anuguation and parade from about 3:OOam right...
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added by Victoriallen
added by cherl12345
Excuse me? Did I just see this right? Unfortunately I did.
Some racist idiot decided to stoop as low as to photoshop a picture of Barack Obama, the hero of this country, shining SARAH PALIN'S Shoes??? What in the name of hell???
To tuktok the moral injustice of this, the photoshopped picture is completely sloppy! It doesn't even look realistic! Thank god! How dare someone do this?
I am fuming behind the screen...
The complete racism of this new campaign tactic from McCain is disgraceful. We can all hide behind the fact that McCain had no idea and he in no way wants to spread racism, but we all know...
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