Beast Boy's new song to Raven that he will be pag-awit to her in a future episode of Teen Titans Go! Song sang and written sa pamamagitan ng Greg Cipes.
*VIDEO NOT MINE!!* I give a lot I mean A LOT of credit to whoever took the time to make this awesome video. At first I thought it came from the actual episode XD. pag-ibig pag-ibig pag-ibig IT!!
Beast Boy's voice actor, Greg Cipes, sang this at Kortoricon of January of 2015 in Beast Boy's voice for Raven. This is an actual song he and his band 'Cipes and the People' recorded and performed.
This is a tagahanga made video of the song Beast Boy sang to Terra in the Teen Titans GO! episode "Be Mine" but instead he sings it to Raven. Video made sa pamamagitan ng Nabbie Draws.
Footage from San Diego Comic Con 2015 of Beast Boy's voice actor, Greg Cipes, pag-awit a live performance seek peek of Beast Boy's new song to Raven. July 10, 2015. Song confirmed to be in a future episode of Teen Titans Go announced sa pamamagitan ng Greg Cipes.