Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Club
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added by vasanthi
Source: vyshnavi
added by flam8
added by tinaloo
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode The Forge of Creation
ultimate alien
episode 16
added by wenjing10
added by EmCon
added by wenjing10
added by RealBenTennyson
added by gokuladam
added by wenjing10
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode Escape From Aggregor
ultimate alien
episode 5
escape from aggregor
added by wenjing10
added by fankid
Source: SRoy
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode The Girl Trouble
ultimate alien
episode 25
added by wenjing10
posted by MOFOprincess
This is probably my last review of Ben 10. I feel like I need to do one madami review for closure and memory's sake. There are so many things to say, I don't know where to start. But I guess I'll start with why I was inspired to write this final review.

I just watched the last 10 minutos of "The Ultimate Enemy." I woke up late and wasn't planning on watching it right away, but I'm sure the part of the episode before that point was basically just a lot of fighting and the team talking about what the they will do to stop Vilgax.

So, what really got me in this episode was memories. Memories of Ben...
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