Chuck & Serena Club
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 It feels amazing.
It feels amazing.
Congrats C! You are the 4th FOTM on the seresa spot! How does it feel?
-It feels amazing. I feel so special that I was considered worthy of this honor sa pamamagitan ng people who are definitely bigger seresa fans than myself.

1. Tell us something about yourself.
-Hmm, let's see. I'm Courtney, for people who don't already know, and I'm 18 years old. I'm really obsessed with Harry Potter, I've reread the books and watched the pelikula madami than I will ever care to admit. lol

 I was rewatching 1x14 that's when I started to pag-ibig them.
I was rewatching 1x14 that's when I started to pag-ibig them.
2. What made you pag-ibig Cherry? And when?
-Well, I started liking them in 2x03,...
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 i'm honered to be the first FOTM and i'll do my best to live up to this amazingness!
i'm honered to be the first FOTM and i'll do my best to live up to this amazingness!
Introducing our very first seresa FOTM! *inspiring music plays*... BELLA! Woot! Woot! *bows at your feet* Tell us oh Sacred One, how does it feel to carry the honor of representing the hottest couple around?!
Absolutely amazing :D i'm honered to be the first FOTM and i'll do my best to live up to this amazingness!

1. So do tell, what made you first become a seresa shipper and what was it that made your pag-ibig grow?
Well that would be the scenes in 1x14/1x15. First how he annoyed her and then helped her with the georgina stuff. I could just see how hot they would be if they got together.
What made...
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 Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Congratulations Karoline! You are Cherry's FOTM for the buwan of December! How does it feel?
It's really amazing and I can't believe it really! Thank you so much!:D

1.For those of us who don't know you really well, why don't you tell us something about yourself.

Well I'm Karoline and I'm 14 years old.. I'm from Denmark - if you even know what that is :P no xD i play handball and I'm weird - oh and confused :D

2.So what attracted you to Cherry? When and why did you become a fan?
I don't know really. I didn't care much about them in the start.. but then I came here and I - finally - saw their awesomeness...
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 lets have a party s!
lets have a party s!
this is just a one shot fanfic. im a chair tagahanga but i just wanted to write this and see how it would turn out. in this fanfic the chair stuff hasnt ever happened. enjoy.
chuck and serena are both in the van der bass apartment. serena has sort of grew fond of chuck as a sort of brother but still wont admit it to anyone.

C(Chuck): i think we should through a party while they're away.
S(Serena): chuck your parties always end up with something broken and things ruined.
C: thats the beauty of being chuck bass i dont get blamed for anything because they...
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 I think of myself as the biggest seresa tagahanga out there...
I think of myself as the biggest Cherry fan out there...
Congratulations to our segundo FOTM here at the seresa spot, Lucy! I don’t know anyone that deserves this honor madami than you do. How does it feel?
-Thanks C! It feels wonderful. I think of myself as the biggest seresa tagahanga out there so I like to be acknowledged as such. lol

Before we get to the real stuff, why don’t you tell us something interesting about yourself?
-Besides Gossip Girl related things, I'm obsessed with Matthew Fox, Beauty and the Beast, and Ron Weasley.

When did you realize your pag-ibig for Cherry?
-It was a slow developing thing.. I mean, I loved their families merging in the...
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posted by clm-anomaly
 Congrats E!
Congrats E!
Congratulations on being our 5th seresa FOTM! You’re very deserving, if I do say so myself. How does it feel?
First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I don't feel like I'm deserving it AT ALL, but anyway, it feels awesome! plus, this is my first FOTM, and so this is pretty AH-MAZING and special.

1. Firstly, why don’t you tell us something about yourself?
Uhmm, okay. for those who don't already know, I'm Elisa and I live in rome. that's pretty much all, like for real.

2. When did you become a Gossip Girl fan?
Well, I started liking the ipakita from the very first episode, but probaly I became a fan...
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