Debra also decided to sumali the pagtatalo over the feud between Jane Fonda and Megyn Kelly after the NBC host asked the Oscar-winning actress about her plastic surgery. Debra tweeted “This is disgusting. Shameful,” in support of Jane Fonda.
sa pamamagitan ng
ClbWNsa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Debra Messing Says a Director Once Pressured Her to Film an Unplanned Nude Scene The director interrupted filming, claiming her nose was ruining his scene.
sa pamamagitan ng
drewjoanasa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Debra Messing, Robert Lee Morris (legendary jeweler) and World ginto Council are hosting a contest for consumers to win a ginto bracelet designed sa pamamagitan ng Debra Messing herself.
sa pamamagitan ng
TomTullysa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas