"Teito Decisive Battle" The Akuma collect together under the Earl of Millenium's command to form one big Akuma, and the Exorcists have to figure out a way to bring it down, sa pamamagitan ng attacking its head.
"Invasion" Hordes of Akuma attack the ship where Allen, Lenalee, Lavi, Krory, Bookman, Anita, Mahoja and the crew are setting sail. Allen was taken away sa pamamagitan ng the Akuma and when Lenalee reaches him, they both discover something about Suman Dark.
"Clown and Auguste" Allen engages in batle with the Earl, but the Earl soon retreats with the remaining Noah. Lenalee is ligtas and awake and the Exorcists decide that they will continue to look for General Cross. The Earl's pet Lero appears.
"The Signed Name" Allen's Innocence is in a better condition than he were before his arm got destroyed. Both the Asia Branch and HQ are working their hardest to get data on the Ark, so they can use it to send Allen to Edo to help his friends.