"The first thing I thought when I met Leighton was, Fucking hell, this girl's gorgeous. And she was incredibly sweet." He chortles. "Now we tell each other to fuck off whenever we want to." Both Blair and Chuck are fond of impractical accessories — especially removing them. "There's always something great to undo or pull on or tug on, so it's always like, what can I do to make this madami fun?" Westwick says, laughing. "We've been fake shagging for a taon and a half now."
It doesn’t hurt that Leighton is blessed with the metabolism of an overworked 23-year-old. One memorable paparazzi picture involves her shooting on a freezing New York street, inhaling a large sandwich. “Ha!” she laughs. “It’s normally the only thing I have to eat on set.” Westwick says, “She can handle these big, gigantic sandwiches, and she’s got the most tiny little gorgeous figure. I don’t know, man, it certainly doesn’t work for me.”
Awwwwwwe E/L ftw:)
It doesn’t hurt that Leighton is blessed with the metabolism of an overworked 23-year-old. One memorable paparazzi picture involves her shooting on a freezing New York street, inhaling a large sandwich. “Ha!” she laughs. “It’s normally the only thing I have to eat on set.” Westwick says, “She can handle these big, gigantic sandwiches, and she’s got the most tiny little gorgeous figure. I don’t know, man, it certainly doesn’t work for me.”
Awwwwwwe E/L ftw:)

-''I've always connected with music. Life is not always what u see , it's what is going on in your head. Musicis what comes out from your subconcious.''
-''Music is my release''
-''I am a showman....I wouldn't say I'm a rockstar.....all right, in my dream world I am ''
-''My brother and I had a band (Fangs of Fury)for about five minutes(when he was 6),I just sat and watchedhim . So we were a two-man-band with one man doing something.''
-''I am a louge guy. I pag-ibig playng in the pool.I pag-ibig finding someplace where it's quiet enough that u can control the jukebox and get on with your life.''
-''Music get inside u,music capture u. Music becomes your heartbeat .It's a drug and makes u feel whatever is the music about.''
*Add fact: he has a tattoo 'Heartbreak Hotel' an Elvis Presley hit in his chest

Ed on set of the Teen Vogue shoot!