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Girl sonic tagahanga characters Tanong

Why are is there so many recolors and remake recolors here

like ive gone through all the pics here and they r mostly of reccolors but the latest 1 is a remake recolor meaning gender switch or look changed recolor like dimaond but y though no affence
 Livi64 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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Girl sonic tagahanga characters Sagot

shelly_the_cat said:
because some people are just too lazy to make their own characters ^_^
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
Shadey_Grey said:
Shadey: Ok... people are lazy... but some aren't...
Chang: Like me!
Shadey: Your a recolor of a tagahanga character this user made.
Chang: Oh...
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
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