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Hermione Granger vs Ginny Weasley Who's best with Harry?

48 fans picked:
 TheLiineGirl posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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daniellastar picked Ginny:
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Peepsyble picked Ginny:
But I really don't like this couple.
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sunschine said:
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Ginevraaa picked Ginny:
no doubt <33
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emilykuru picked Hermione:
hermione's the one for harry!
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Beatit picked Ginny:
Hermione ment to be with Ron;)
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Elsiej picked Hermione:
Well actually,I'm a bigger fan of Ron and Hermione.
But still,Ginny and Harry.They're not such a good couple.
I see how Ron and Hermione would work.But not Ginny and Harry.
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DeniseAnne picked Ginny:
Ginny has always been loving Harry, and when he noticed her he really fell in love with her, so I know they will be a great family. But I have to admit that Hermione would really be perfect for Harry: she understand him so well and she know how to deal with him.
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EllaKnight picked Hermione:
I'm a fan of Ron and Hermione.
But Harry and Hermione would be a great couple.
But not Harry and Ginny.
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BrittanaForever picked Hermione:
My OPT!!! And seriously Hinny? Come on, give me a freaking break!
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rebecaleia picked Ginny:
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MissHermione picked Ginny:
In romance relationship Ginny,in friend relationship definetely Hermione.
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rebecaleia picked Ginny:
^ i agree :)))
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lunagranger picked Ginny:
they are obviously for each other (ginny)
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Stargaryen picked Hermione:
Oh please, is this even a real choice? "But Ginny always loved Harry". Come on, what does a ten-year-old know about love. She only noticed him when he was already on the train and everyone said he was the famous boy-who-lived. If he really loved him from the beginning, why didn't she notice him BEFORE someone mentioned his name? It's just fangirling. Yes, Hermione knew all about him too because she read all about him, but did not go into the embarrassing "Please, please, please, show me that scar"-rubbish. And while she was indeed insufferable for the first two months at Hogwarts, after that she treated him as an equal. Which is what true love should be all about, equality and trust. And this is sadly lacking with Ginevra, who first couldn't properly talk and furthermore be all clumsy when Harry was around, then ignored him until book five, and CLEARLY lacked any trust, as shown by her jealousy towards Gabrielle (quarter-Veela, but still only an eleven-year-old child! That was pretty low, Ginevra!) and then also towards Harry's ex-crush Cho (HELLO! There's a WAR going on! Can't you just put your petty jealousy aside at a time that Harry can use all the help he needs?!) Ginevra is the biggest disaster that ever happened to this series!
And still people say that the love didn't have to be perfect, as Harry Potter is not a love story. I tend to disagree. Why was Harry "The-Boy-Who-Lived" in the first place? Because it was the power of love (his mother's sacrifice) that protected him from Voldemort. If love is so powerful, then Harry needs a love that is actually believable. And Ginevra is simply not believable. Oh, she's good at one spell? Hermione is good at a hundred spells? "But she looks like Harry's mother!" Is Harry really that shalllow to judge someone because of her looks? It's more believable that after all the stories he heard about his mother, he would look for someone with his mother's character traits: Intelligence and compassion. Again, it's Hermione who has these traits: The brightest witch of her age and the ONLY times when Harry had an argument with Hermione, it was not over petty things (such as with Ron's jealousy in GoF), no, it was only because Hermione worried about Harry's safety. She was willing to even sacrifice her friendship with Harry just so he could be safe, in a way similar to Harry's mother giving her life to safe him. Be honest now, how much has Ginny really ever done for him?
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eponinematilda picked Hermione:
Perfect for each other! Luna would be good too, but I don't like Ginny with Harry, but I still like Ginny.
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cutiena1325 picked Hermione:
Oh Come On ! Ginny is Just a Piece If Ambitious Bitch who Does snogging in public places just for Harry To Get Jealous! Fuck you Ginny ugly Weasley!
While Hermione is Always There For Him! Even in the Deadliest Battles!
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BrilliantDodger picked Hermione:
Hermione is Better for Harry..
Not a Mary Sue
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