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added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by kellinator
Source: innocent_motive@livejournal
Friday, Cuddy’s Office, a little past 10PM

House was slowly limping through the lobby when a faint glimpse of light, coming from Cuddy’s office, caught his always alert eyes. He looked down at his wristwatch and noticed, with unhidden curiosity, that it was way past her proverbial ‘bed time’. Rubbing his forehead in puzzlement he quickly decided to get to the bottom of this mystery and, in one pivotal move, changed his direction. segundos later he barged into her office, visibly startling her. She definitely wasn’t expecting to see him.

Cuddy slightly jumped in her seat, immediately...
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added by huddyfan1996
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal i watch 4 cuddy
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal i watch 4 cuddy
added by Lady_Augusta
credit sa pamamagitan ng TheAneta93, Music: Queen- pag-ibig of my life
house md
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
pag-ibig of my life
tagahanga video
Okay, even though, I’m a bit busy because we do have A NEW PROJECT TO WORK on to now, but I still managed to compile this #Huddy-Hilson Scenes with Rachel.. It’s longer than 15mins. So, I had to cut it in two parts..
huddy scenes
hison scenes
season 7
dr. greg house
dr. lisa cuddy
added by cicino1
Source: made sa pamamagitan ng me
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: IMinCOMA on twitter
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
Three weeks later..

"OH. MY. GOD."
Wilson rubbed his face, irritated and slightly annoyed, having to have the same argument he had not too long ago.
"Don't. Listen to me, we had sex, again, unprotected at least three weeks ago."
"And why is that relevant?"
Cuddy wasn't listening to him. She was just thinking about what she should do.
"I don't know yet." She sinabi curtly.
"Let me know when you do."
"He is becoming less and less of himself the longer he's with me."
"And that's bad because...?"
"It changes his way of thinking. His decisions. His actions. I don't want that to be because of me."
"You don't...
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ok, so i know everyon is totally jazzed about EPISODE 6 just now, and i am too! Found this in one of my ancient folders so thought i would post it here so that i actually got someone's opinion on it! Be brutual, but not mean please! not that my fellow huddies would!

What on earth is she doing on that computer? wondered House as he stood at the nurses station, trying to look busy, trying to put off having to start his clinic duty. In truth, he was waiting for Cuddy to come out of her office and yell at him to get a ilipat on. She usually made sure she had a break at the same time he was to go to...
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