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added by lozza1078
added by Eviepops123
Source: £0.00
added by AnnaOrrey2011
added by C0smic
posted by UnicornComet191
Ok so most of you who had looked at my last post knows i'm a bad singer. But hey! This is my music!!! And also please leave a comment on what you thought! 😊MEEEEEEEEMMMMEEEESSSSS!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
YAAAAAAYYYYY MEEEEEMMMMMEEEESSSS!!!! pag-ibig MEEEEEMMMMEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!! Memes are what keep me sane with corona around!!!!!!!!! Tell me if you agree.
pag-ibig you all (in a family way) and I am AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
My fave song is Mr bombbastic sa pamamagitan ng shaggy.
I hate people who are mean comment if you agree.
I pag-ibig most of your posts especially the cute doggy one.
[ill do madami on this book at 10 comments and 10 things sa pamamagitan ng other ppl on my pader pls say when u notice this has happened ok] THE LONGEST balyena SONG
'why don't you come and help me with my breathing, Ella?' says Mum. I stare at her. 'You don't need help breathing, Mum. You just do it. Like, in and out, in and out!' 'No this is special breathing darling. For when I have the baby.' I wrinkle my nose. I don't really like it when she talks about the baby. I just want t forget about it. Mums e-n-o-r-m-o-u-s. her tummy sticks out so far so she can't even stick her sando over it. I can see her tummy button through the material and it makes me shudder. When was very, very little, I thought that was how baby were born: you just pressed the button and the tummy opened, and out popped the baby......... madami at see above and comment what u want me 2 do susunod kk
added by lozza1078
added by lozza1078
I WOKE WITH A START, my head hurting aching all over. For a moment I didn't know where I was. Indeed, I felt so fuddled I didn't even know who I was. Hetty Feather, Sappire Battersea, Esmeralda bituin [question mark]. I had three names now. Was I Hetty curled up in my soft feather kama in the cottage or shivering in the narrow iron kama in the Foundling Hospital [question mark]. was I sapphire tossing and turning on the servant's truckle kama in the attic or still as a statue in my mermaid's costume at the seaside [question mark]. Was I Esmeralda still reeking of isda in my nightgown or exhausted in my caravan bunk, with Elijah the elepante trumpeting in the distance [you know what]. I could hear shouting, thumping, scraping. I must be at Tanglefeilds Circus. Oh lord, was Diamond in trouble[.you know ]. I had to protect her. Had that evil Beppo beaten her cruely because of a tumble during her act........
IF you liked this please say so and I'll do madami ok.
posted by xSunnyxMistyx
Hi guys, its me SunnyxMisty! :3
My tanong today is what is your fav books??
I like My Sister Jodie, Best Friends, Rent a Bridesmaid and Little Darlings the most but I'm totally obsessed with a bunch of other Jackie books!!
I cant tell if her newer books r better or her older ones.
I kinda think her old-ish ones r better, like not old but not super new one like Primrose Railway Children. As popular as it is, im not a tagahanga of that books, idk why pls dont hate me if u pag-ibig that books.
I mean it is good but even though i have read it twice i still cant get into it with the actual excitement that i feel when i read other books such as Rent a Bridesmaid and best mga kaibigan or my sister jodie.
posted by jackwilsonlover
so this is a story idea so theirs a girl called Mille her nickname is miles and she has no freinds cuz shes
the bully she tell evryone that she's rich and lives in a posh
estate but really a rejected child who has none until
a girl called alesha makes freinds whith her and wants to do a sleepover but miles lives in a dump and one night she goes tahanan to find that her mum is nowhere to be seen
all she knows she was last at the coner tindahan swill life end up well for her

I would pag-ibig if you make book like this
posted by jackwilsonlover
so I will tell you about my self so I am 11and have been
OBSESED whit her dont wanna spell her name cuz i will spell it wrong so yh and i pag-ibig clay bead and i am not a tagahanga of talor matulin i pag-ibig to dance and i pag-ibig to wach tommy the clown my roblox is jackwinwilson or maddy and i am in a
dance drama group pag-ibig summers even tho my bithday is in the winter tring to do a deathdrop if you know how to di it then plz give me some tips im so scared i wont cach my self yh and i like to kight and my mum sinabi if i kight a jumper then i will get 100 pounds and my dad is gonna give me 60 pounds and my mum ows me 10 sowat should i buy tell me in the comments
Hi guys as you may see sa pamamagitan ng the pamagat I'm really interested as to how to create a club to make online mga kaibigan and get to know madami about you. Also as I may have sinabi in one of my other messages I have been Pagsulat extracts. sos about the short message.Big shoutout to winterwillow, sunnyxmisty,coSmic and to all you lovely people.

2.If you would want me to WRITE madami EXTRACTS.

PS also can you tell me what book you like the extracts to be from.
added by aprilkatniss
added by berly
posted by winterwillow
Hi guys,

Soz I haven't been on in a while - couldn't get on to my account! But finally I worked it out!

I am gonna tell you about one of my faves, sleepovers! So there is this girl called uri ng bulaklak and she has an older sister called Lily, who can't talk properly or walk. One day, at her new school, Amy, who is part of the Alphabet Girls, invites everyone to her sleepover birthday.

And then Bella has a birthday party. But when it is Chloe's party, uri ng bulaklak doesn't have a good time because Chloe is really mean. She tried not to invite uri ng bulaklak in the first place!
And, When it was Emily's party, she actually pushed uri ng bulaklak out of the car...

I pag-ibig this book and I hope JW writes a similar book!

I will post again soon!
winterwillow xxx
posted by winterwillow
Hetty Feather is one of the best books that Jacqueline has EVER MADE!!!!!!!

Hetty is only a baby when she is ibingiay to the Foundling
Hospital. She cries and screams her head of, but her true mother never came back to collect her, because her father went away to sea and never came back, either.

After a few days or so, Hetty was ibingiay to a foster family along with a baby boy called Gideon.

The foster mother was called Peg, and the father was called John.

They had about 8 children: Rosie, Nat, Eliza, Marcus, Jem,
Martha, Saul, and later on in the book, another Eliza.

On their 6th birthday, Hetty and Gideon...
continue reading...
posted by hollybeees
•    Best Friends
•    Buried Alive!
•    Buried Alive!
•    Candyfloss
•    Clean Break
•    Clean Break
•    Cliffhanger
•    Colour First Readers: Jacqueline Wilson Pair
•    Colour First Reader: The Dinosaur's Packed Lunch
•    Colour First Reader: The Monster Story-Teller
•    Cookie
•    Diamond
•    Diamond
•    Double...
continue reading...
posted by Falcon1000
uy besties. Falcon1000 here. Jackie is an amazing may-akda but some of the books end with a tanong or 2 I pag-ibig if you would do another book of the illastrated mum so we can find out if the mum comes out of hospital and if they live happily ever after and if dolpin is still mga kaibigan with oliver (Owly) I would also pag-ibig if Jackie did a book but their is a competition and you get it to review cause u know on the front of books it says what people sinabi about the book i would pag-ibig mine to be on their! Thx besties. Bye see u susunod time!

Falcon1000 x