Jeremy & Tyler Club
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added by LunaKelly715
JT just fit. In fact, I think it is strangely healthy.

I think Jyler is the only ship/relationship that really brought Jeremy's empathy out towards others. At first it may have seemed that he would do it as a reflex to Tyler's aloofness but it was just the sort of guy he could be if ibingiay the chance. On the surface, Jeremy appears selfish etc and in s1 is clearly put off moralistic ppl like Elena etc. but when left with the alternative of being somewhat in a bubble of self-centered-ness like Tyler..he chooses to care. I thought Tyler's personality naturally brought out Jeremy's rebellious streak...
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added by Brucas4evr
added by samjhart
Source: iwrotethissong
added by samjhart
Source: tumblr
added by Eclyps
added by samjhart
Source: tumblr
added by samjhart
added by samjhart
Source: iwrotethissong
added by samjhart
added by damon_elena
added by damon_elena
Source: lj @ venacavaa
added by damon_elena
Source: lj @ venacavaa
added by samjhart
Source: samjhart
added by samjhart
Source: iwrotethissong
added by samjhart
Source: oximore
added by samjhart
Source: burningchaos
added by damon_elena
Source: lj @ venacavaa
added by damon_elena
Source: lj @ venacavaa
added by damon_elena
Source: lj @ venacavaa