Kim Possible Operation: Kimmunication.

Shockwave88 posted on Jun 20, 2009 at 09:01AM
A new campaign from 'The Fight For Five' is booting up.

The manifesto:

"Nothing is impossible for a Possible!"
Operation: Kimmunication is a petition and campaign from the unimaginably large world wide fan base of Kim Possible to Disney to get Kim Possible itself brought back onto the air in the form of a new movie and -if successful- a new series or season based upon that movie or the original show.
I (and millions of others) were very disheartened -if not heartbroken- to learn/know that the series/franchise had ended current production since Kim Possible is such an amazing television show.
This petition is designed to be a double middle ground for both Disney and the collective fan base (including those various splinter groups inside the Kim Possible community who either believe that Kim Possible deserves a fifth season or the others who have decided they were satisfied with the ending of Kim Possible in the fourth season compared to the simple 'kiss' ending seen at 'So The Drama' in order to reunite them into one coherent group once again) across the world who wish to see Kim Possible back onto the air in one form or another.
The fact of the matter is, asking for a full and fifth season of Kim Possible at this very moment in time seems very unlikely to happen, and no news has been heard of regarding the future of the Kim Possible franchise.
The original viewing base has also "grown up", with many of the original viewers themselves now into or post High School so the College theme could easily fit in with their television viewing palettes.
Aside from a new ride opening in one of Disney's resorts, nothing has been heard of anything new to do with Kim Possible and it's quite obvious to see that Disney sees the franchise as being fully concluded even thought it's still insanely popular amongst people of all age groups and nationalities across the world.
The fan base is just simply asleep due to official Kim Possible inactivity; this also makes it a sleeping giant ready to be reawakened..
This would also be a great 'toe in the water' for both the fan base in the world wide at large and Disney themselves by having a possibly lower budget (compared to a full series) televised movie which is a less risky test to see if the show, and by extension, the entire franchise has any hope of continuing to be a money maker (let's face it, Disney is a business, they have to survive) and fans will be able to see if the show has finally 'Jumped the Shark'.
This would be a better option than letting this excellent show fade into relative obscurity, and if Disney acts with decisive smartness it could also be a great money earner for them.
The ratings for Kim Possible back in its prime (and indeed, in the shows current last season) were enough for it to hold its own/out compete newer shows brought onto the air, a testament to the popularity of the show.
The original show creators are freelance (guns for hire) writers; they're not completely bound to Nickelodeon or any other studio so that means that although they're working at Nickelodeon right now on the Madagascar spin off show it also means they can come back to work for Disney upon new Kim Possible material. They've had an entire year and a half to recharge their creative juices, and it's been mentioned many times before by themselves in various Internet forum posts and interviews from various sources that if Disney gave them a window, they'd go back to working on Kim Possible as long as they had original storylines planned out.
If enough people sign this petition (again, even a greater number than the original season four campaign) this might be enough to at least make Disney reconsider the Kim Possible franchise as being a completed piece, which can lead to other possibilities for the franchise such as the aforementioned movie idea.
Kim Possible is a sleeping giant ready to be reawakened; all it needs is support.
If you support even just one of the points in the above mission statement, sign this petition so we can hopefully convince Disney to change their minds about Kim Possible being a 'done and dusted' franchise.
Spread the word, sign the petition: Kimme depends upon it!


The link to the petition is here:


And here's the Fight For Five forums.


If you want more KP, jot down your e-signature! :)

Kim Possible 1 reply

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas MokeyPokey said…
Hey I want more!! Kim possible is awesome!!