Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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added by michellepotter
added by LidiaIsabel
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
Jamie plodded out of the forest with one of the packs and a borrowed gitara slung across her front. Mira and P.B. carried the other heading towards the tabing-dagat near Column's sub's hidden dock. Lips was already far up ahead belting out some popular song he was listening to on his earbuds. Jamie laughed and eyed the madami than 3 miles back cabin. Smirking she put her fingers to the workout on the guitar.
Shusui was about to introduce himself to the group when he heard a voice float from the road and then the unmistakable sound of his gitara being played like a professional. "Shusui?" Jushiro pointed...
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added by blackpanther666
posted by lovingflame
Jamie felt the comfortable heat of the oven. The sweat poured out carrying with it the black stink of vile pasts that till recently had resided in both her girls. She smiled and allowed peace to overcome her.
Lips and Mira had parked the car in a side ditch covering it with branches before setting up booby traps and sight postings. "Mira how long do we have?" Lips asked as he climbed down from the tree. Mira took a sniff and paused stiffly. "Quietly ilipat to the cabin and grab mom and P.B. we ilipat now." P.B. had just finished up making the tuna isda sandwiches from the few staples that had been...
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B4 you read my idea you should read where I got my idea from. It's is sa pamamagitan ng the may-akda Qire.

Louie healed Jean's shoulder before he took her back. "Why? Tell me why. What did I do?" Jean cried as he eased her tear streamed face into his own shoulder. Louie only tightened his grip, his emotions far too hot to be comforting. On his arrival to her apartment they were confronted sa pamamagitan ng a well dressed young woman with a warm smile that turned into concern as they neared. "Is everything alright?" Louie nodded. " Just a little over tired. That's all. Excuse us." The young woman stepped aside, but did not...
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Byakuya walked into the garden feeling suddenly lonely. He thought of his Hisana and paused. Looking at his mother's puno an odd memory came to him. A girl with long red hair bounced lively and carefree among its branches, while he struggled to follow. He had done this many times each time was indeed faster but never fast enough. Never like her, pausing. He followed her graceful movements barely moving a branch as she lit on one to another. His mouth dropping open as he had never seen anything so beautiful.
"Marry me." The girl suddenly fell backwards almost passing him. He snatched her arm,...
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posted by lovingflame
Why is it some of us seem to lose our steam or put too much in and get the story all confused. We start out all steady and calm and then when we go further in. It's like we stuck ourselves in a leaky bangka to go fishing and found ourselves in one hell of a storm and of course no fish. Just sucks and that is if you don't get sea-sick in the course of it all. Now I try to ilathala this and like hitting a pader it won't go through. Apparently, I'm not talkative enough so please bare with me.
Tell me what your think of my story good or bad, I know it gets crazy confusing I'm trying to sort it out....
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Rukia blinked at where her brother had been. Why had he suddenly disappeared? A slight breeze blew one of the robed figure's drawings over Jamies....could it be? A sudden shiver went up her spine. They were one and the same. She picked up the scattered papers going over and over the small details of the drawings and there was no mistaking it Jamie was her brother's guardian....but how could she? She sucked on her bottom lip. Who could she go to who could go where she could not. Well not until she passed her captain's test. She closed her eyes and thought. "Well she does owe me a few favors."...
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Marz breathed in deeply the sweet scent of the polished wood map mesa in Shauni's Captain's cabin. Opening his eyes he looked around the reconstructed room with no small amount of pride. It had taken over a century to collect what was left of Draco's Hoard. Crazy woman, had gone around the Horn, probably on purpose as she'd evacuated everyone before attempting it. He sighed. Marz loved her deeply, as much as he could feel pag-ibig for another woman. He hoped rebuilding her ship would grant him even a very small hope of his pag-ibig being reciprocated. "Marz?" Abel sinabi invading his araw dream. Marz...
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"Damn you Lips! How could you lose him?" Lips hit the accelerator as Mira berated him. " Will you shut the hell up! And as for the other thing....I don't know! One minuto I had him the susunod he was gone along with my tracker." Which got him a manuntok in the jaw. He hit his breaks making Mira nearly go threw the windshield. Experience allowed his body to block the susunod set of attacks from his side upuan passenger.
He twisted her head to the sidewalk. Where two delivery men were going up a set of stairs. One was carrying two sets of Sweet Dream Tea. Mira looked at her tracker. She smiled and nodded....
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Byakuya's anger seethed beneath his skin. He had been not only deceived but had been forced to forget events....no not events, moments of his life. He touched the gem in the ring that the High King had ibingiay him to inform the royal when he had the Smith in hand. She would most definitely be in hand soon. The messenger appeared immediately with a small smile on his face but then it became perplexed as he looked around.
" Tonight at the dance, she will be with me." That made the messenger give him a startled look. "You didn't touch her did you?" Byakuya snarled. "As if I would touch such a loathsome...
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Mira made the young flyboys tuktok off the fuel, other liquids and wash the pretty birds before they even thought about putting on their helmets and plugging into the simulators. It took them all day. A few fist fights a couple black eyes which made the one group have to wait a araw before they even got as far as the simulators. Those that had done the tasks as a team, with minimum arguing were already on their 2nd araw of simulator training. "Phantom and Hawk how are your teams?" The two young men growled at each other. "Really? I thought you two wanted to fly and be the best of the best. The Elite...
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posted by lovingflame
Steven and Sam listened to the bullshit that Voro spouted out his well paid mouth. " Can you believe this?" Sam sinabi seething. Steven pressed his lips together and suddenly ran up and tackled Voro to the ground and started hitting the abusive, kidnaping jackass. "Jesus Christ Steven! " Sam ripped Steven off of Fuego. Who laid spitting blood on the conference hall's floor. Voro felt the fat lip and blackened eye coming on strong as well as at least 2 of his teeth now rattling in the back of his throat. Sitting up he spit them out. "I want this man arrested. He could even be one of the beasts...
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P.B. woke with an ice pack surrounding her head. Her eyes barely able to see as the swelling had yet to go down. There was a tell tail sound of the puff-puff as the silencer and then a body....no two. Assaulted her ears, P.B. swallowed hard. "I'm so sorry baby,but why couldn't you have behaved?" P.B. shrank away from his thick burbon stench."You gave me no choice." Her voice wobbled out of her bruised and cut lips.
Voro sighed heavily and sat across from her.
"Perhaps, but I pag-ibig you, and my pag-ibig is not so easily given. When I do, it is demanding. All consuming and it makes me volatile." P.B....
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posted by lovingflame
Kurosaki's house:
"What is the meaning of this?" Isshin yelled at the reapers around him and Karen. Mayuri's men sneered at the two.
"Yes, he's in the right of it. What is the meaning of this?" The High King's messenger and Headmaster Yamamoto sinabi appearing in the Kurosaki's living room where the two were bound. The men's captain calling it quits and destroying his expendable assets. Nothing was left as the men all turned into ash the poison in their blood working just as it was meant to. Nemu's brain still in his robes, its special container keeping it fresh and viable since the araw he had...
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Jamie laid on Ichigo's bed. Ichigo refusing to let her have the sopa in the living room, after getting home. Looking up at the few stars she could see out from where the curtains came together. A knock came at the door, then it opened. "Oh, your asleep..." Jamie raised a hand and motioned her forward. Yuzu approached the kama with some hesitation. What did she call her? Was she really some ancient ancestress? Jamie eased up and turned to her. Patting the mattress Yuzu came and sat susunod to her. "Are you happy?"
Yuzu blushed. "Yes....except I'm not as special as the rest of my family." Jamie frowned....
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Jamie walked down the road rubbing her arms to keep the imaginary cold away.
Why had the hollow not recognized her? And on tuktok of it all that stick in the mud royal reaper had been there. She rubbed her arms harder as she hated remembering the moment their eyes met only to pass out! She had no damn puso of hearts! So why was she reacting like it was still with her? A breeze brushed past her, and his smell made her look up and around. Where the hell was, he? She looked up. No nothing. As she brought her hand down, she caught the smell again. It was coming off of her! Turning the corner, she...
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