L.M. Montgomery Updates

a comment was made to the pop quiz question: T/F: Is Lucy Maud Montgomery's name really Lucy? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: Is Anne too much of a Feminist? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your paborito Heroine of Maud's? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: Which of L.M. Montgomery's stand-alone novels is your favorite? (NOT INCLUDING SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS) 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favourite Charactor in The Story Girl Series? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: Have you read any of L.M. Montgomery's books besides the "Anne of.." series? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a comment was made to the poll: What is your paborito book from the "Anne of Green Gables" series? 4 months ago by ExplodingStars
a link ay idinagdag: The Works of L.M Montgomery sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Sharelle1212
a link ay idinagdag: What happened in Anne of Green Gables? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Sharelle1212
a pop quiz question ay idinagdag: T/F: Is Lucy Maud Montgomery's name really Lucy? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by musicalfreak
a reply was made to the forum post: Favourite L.M Montgomery Book Series/Stand-Alone sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Echoes
a comment was made to the link: Anne of Green Gables fansite sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by felinefriend
a poll ay idinagdag: Road to Avonlea or Emily of New Moon tv series? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Juliegoose03
a poll ay idinagdag: Is Anne too much of a Feminist? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Juliegoose03
a poll ay idinagdag: Who is your paborito Heroine of Maud's? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Juliegoose03
a comment was made to the poll: What's Your favourite book in the Emily Series? sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ecpjll
a poll ay idinagdag: Which of L.M. Montgomery's stand-alone novels is your favorite? (NOT INCLUDING SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS) sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by AnnaKay19
a question ay idinagdag: IF YOU ARE A FAN OF ANNE AND GILBERT AS A COUPLE, THEY NOW HAVE THEIR OWN SPOT. EMILY OF NEW MOON ALSO HAS A SPOT. THE LINKS ARE BELOW. PLEASE JOIN! :) sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by AnnaKay19