...Marvel Universe, often fighting for justice and equality. Their inclusion not only enriches the storyline but also highlights the importance of female empowerment within the superhero narrative. Let's dive in...
Welcome back to the show! As Agatha's coven continues to face the tribulations and actual trials of Witches' Road, we had a chat with Ali Ahn about her very musical experience. Also up this week we learn about the Salem Witch Trials...
...promising to reintroduce Blade to a new generation of fans. With Ali's remarkable talent, expectations are high for what he will bring to this dark and complex character in upcoming Marvel projects. Let's dive in...
It's time to give our Maximum Effort to the Honest Trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine! The film that makes everyone point at the screen and say "Hey I know that guy!" 500 times until they ask you to leave the theater!
Captain America: bravo New World reshoots are rumoured to be underway...but what happens next? Different versions of Captain America have been played sa pamamagitan ng four actors Chris Evans, Wyatt Russell, and Anthony Mackie.
Victor Von Doom has transformed over the years. Could Robert Downey Jr. have played a role in shaping the direction of characters like Doom during his time as Iron Man? sumali us as we analyze the impact of Doctor Doom on the Marvel Universe...