Nick Jonas Future Wives Club
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added by HarryPLover
Source: NickLover
added by mileysmartcyrus
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by MaaikeJonas
Source: Nick Jonas
added by smep_jonas
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by BrhiannonJonas
posted by cocoland38
alright everybody knows niley is over and that the song hello beautiful is for miley but what we don't know is NELENA!!!! the song pag-ibig bug was nick's idea for selena gomez selena gave nick jonas a big halik for the song and they got caught sa pamamagitan ng paparazzi threw a window and posted it in some newspapers i saw the artikulo it was called 'nick jonas for selena gomez' when miley cyrus saw the paper she was sad, jealous, angry all at the same time so she started dating justin gaston and nelena wen't on till 2009 january to 2009 march jiley went on till 2009 febuary to march 2009
added by mileysmartcyrus
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by smep_jonas
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by mileysmartcyrus
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by princessweese09
Source: 559 Rucker Rd.
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by BrhiannonJonas
added by Kristina123