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Nocturnal Mirage Tanong

Should I start reviewing movies?

Lately, I've been toying with the thought of starting a series of articles, where I do reviews of both good and bad movies. In my line of work, I come across various media products, meaning it's a part of my job to watch a lot of movies. :)

So I was thinking I should review some from a madami professional approach, but in a light, straightforward and not too lengthy fashion.

What do you guys think?
Good god, this was five years ago. I was still in high school
Windwakerguy430 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
 NocturnalMirage posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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Nocturnal Mirage Sagot

lionkingartist said:
Go for it I think that would be kind of interesting.
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Windwakerguy430 said:
That sounds like an awesome idea
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solar_flare said:
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alinah_09 said:
Cool! :D that would be awesome!
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WillLock78 said:
Ah, another film critic. Hopefully you'd be better than Ebert and Roper.
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bladesfan2 said:
Go and do what you want
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Nowattt12 said:

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