a video ay idinagdag:
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations - (My Narration)
2 months ago by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Cicero's mga panipi which are better known in youth to not to Regret in Old Age
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Sun Tzu's mga panipi which are better to be known when young to not Regret in Old Age
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Benjamin Franklin's Life Lessons To Learn In Youth And Avoid Regrets In Old Age
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
If You've Seen 1000 pelikula You've Lived 1000 Lives - Robert Rippberger
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by filmcourage
a video ay idinagdag:
36 Life Lessons from MARK TWAIN that are Worth Listening To! | Life-Changing mga panipi
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Theodore Roosevelt – mga panipi that tell a lot about our life and ourselves | Life Changing mga panipi
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by sometim
a comment was made to the poll:
You are a young man in france you can either stay tahanan & help your sick widowed mother or sumali the french resistance against the Nazis, what is the right thing to do?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by sometim
a video ay idinagdag:
Leonardo da Vinci's mga panipi that tell a lot about our life and ourselves | Life Changing mga panipi
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Socrates' mga panipi you need to Know before 40
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
PLATO - Incredible Life Changing mga panipi [Stoicism] Part 1
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a video ay idinagdag:
Ancient Greek Wisdom - The Tools for Life - Plato & Aristotle mga panipi
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by ROTJ
a comment was made to the poll:
Which is worse?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by AudreyFreak
a reply was made to the forum post:
What are words worth?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by cloudcastle
a reply was made to the forum post:
Philosophy about the future of the human species
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by cloudcastle
a comment was made to the poll:
These words are different but mean the same thing. Which is your number one favorite?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by disnerdtobe
a comment was made to the poll:
Where did all of this come from?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by disnerdtobe
a comment was made to the poll:
do u agree that the 2 universal forces are pag-ibig and hate? ( i'd pag-ibig to hear ur comments)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by disnerdtobe
a poll ay idinagdag:
"Each thinking mind is a political mind."? by― Zaman Ali
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by adminfp
an answer was added to this question:
How will the world end?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by cloudcastle
a comment was made to the poll:
"Life is a choice." It is a statement we often hear. Do you think this statement is true?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Lusamine
a comment was made to the poll:
Which is better?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Lusamine
a comment was made to the poll:
Would you rather pag-ibig or be loved?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by xxxqueenMaryxxx
a poll ay idinagdag:
Would you rather pag-ibig or be loved?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by charizianne
a poll ay idinagdag:
"Life is a choice." It is a statement we often hear. Do you think this statement is true?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by charizianne
a comment was made to the answer:
I hope you don't mind, but how about a different approach. "The value of items and money are weighed on the scale of time, the value of a life is...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by TheLefteris24
a comment was made to the answer:
The world about which man speaks is nothing madami than reality in the way mankind perceives it; And this "world" changes every era, every century,...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by TheLefteris24
a comment was made to the poll:
What's your view on the Free Will Problem?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by RainSoul
a comment was made to the poll:
do you ever wonder is actually reality?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by RainSoul
a comment was made to the poll:
Have you ever found true wisdom in a movie or tv series? (Which one?)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by RainSoul
a comment was made to the poll:
Do you belive in the Spiritual world (Ghosts, White Magic, Fairies,Etc)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by RainSoul
a comment was made to the poll:
If time travel was possible,do you think one could change the past?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by RainSoul
a comment was made to the poll:
Is it possible to be truly selfless?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by dimitri_
a comment was made to the poll:
do u think too much knowledge is bad/can hurt u? (COMMENT)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by dimitri_
a comment was made to the poll:
would you lik to live 4 ever or be able to choose how long to live..(please comment)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by dimitri_
an answer was added to this question:
How does the human mind work, why do we think the way we do?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by inversegravity
an answer was added to this question:
Can anything be true, without absolute truth?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by inversegravity
an answer was added to this question:
How will the world end?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by inversegravity
a comment was made to the poll:
r u a coward because you don't want to know ur future??..
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by serenity0412
a comment was made to the poll:
Would you rather be a selfish or ignorant person? Please explain why in comments!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by serenity0412
a comment was made to the pop quiz question:
If you try to fail and succeed what have you done?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by j1edwardcullen7
a pop quiz question ay idinagdag:
If you try to fail and succeed what have you done?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by softsheldon
a comment was made to the poll:
Does pag-ibig Exist?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Rainshadow999
a comment was made to the photo:
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by Realm477
a comment was made to the poll:
Would you rather:
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by PlayingWithFire
a comment was made to the poll:
Your favourite of the main schools of Hellenistic Philosophy?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by halcyon-smile
a comment was made to the poll:
Which would you rather be?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by xxxqueenMaryxxx
a poll ay idinagdag:
Which is better?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by alicia386
a poll ay idinagdag:
Would you rather:
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas by alicia386