Piper and Phoebe Halliwell Club
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Phoebe Halliwell was born in her family manor at 1329 Prescott Street, San Francisco, California on November 2, 1975 to the nalugod Ones mother Patricia Halliwell and mortal Victor Bennett. Phoebe has two older sisters, Prue and Piper Halliwell and a younger half-sister Paige Matthews. Phoebe was named after her mother's paborito aunt.

Although Phoebe was born with the power of premonition, her maternal grandmother Penelope Halliwell bound the powers of her granddaughters to keep Nicholas from killing them and taking their powers.

Her father and maternal grandmother argued about Victor being...
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Piper Halliwell is the middle daughter of Patty Halliwell and her husband Victor Bennett. All of her life she has dreamed of becoming a successful chef as well as finding true pag-ibig in her life. Also, being the middle sibling, she also had to play mediator between her older sister Prue and younger sister Phoebe. However, her life took a very bizarre turn and that turn would be both a blessing and a curse for her.

One night in 1998, her sister Phoebe found the Book of Shadows which was handed down from generation to generation in their family. Phoebe found a particular spell in it and when she...
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