Boomer was on the computer Brick was pagbaba and Butch was watching spongebob squarepants every spongebob ever BUTCH: yay! it's my paborito episode the curse of bikini bottom! wait this is't it oh god it's the one where squidward turns into a zombie. [smacks head] never watch this episode again BOOMER: uy guys could you be quiet over there? BRICK: Noooo... BUTCH: NO WAY THIS IS SO CREEPY IM SCREAMING AAAAAHHHHHH![stuffs head in sofa] BRICK: let me guess the part where evreyone turns into a zombie? BUTCH: Yes BOOMER: Shut up over there! im watcing this video! COMPUTER JINGLE BELLS!!! JINGLE BELLS! JINGLE ALL THE WAY! OH WHAT FUN IT IS TO RIDE AN ONE HORSE OPEN SHLEIGH! BUTCH Turn it down okay! BOOMER no it's on it's normal volume BRICK Reley okay i belive you The end