Santana and Finn Club
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Finn looked at the black tie he held in his hands stubbornly, just when Santana walked in, "Hey Finn, the wedding's about to begin soon." she told him standing susunod to him. "Oh, okay. I don't even know how to tie a tie." Finn chuckled a little. Santana smiled widely at his cute dumbness, "It's a clip on, sit down Frankenteen." she instructed with a small sweet smile. The Latina grabbed the black tie from his hands, as she did, their hands connected for a second, but in one segundo flat was gone. She smiled as she wrapped the tie around his neck. Santana neatly clipped the tie on perfectly and...
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Santana's body shock and she couldn't stop from shaking. The Latina held the pregnancy test in her hands lossly, staring at the two red lines that had formed. Small tears curled up in her eyes and as soon as she squeezed her eyes together they fell instantely. Santana toke two big breathes, in and out. She tried to keep calm. 'Finn..Finn &' she had a million thoughts racing through her head. "Finn's baby. My baby. Our baby." she quietly whispered letting the thoughts go to her mouth.


"I am so sorry." Santana weeped to Finn. Santana...
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posted by pucks-girl26
Finn was trying to find his math book. He really needed to find it or he was going to be late to class for sure. He’d been late to class every araw this week and he didn’t understand how his math book got Nawawala in his locker every single day. Did they make book finders like they made those car finder buttons? If so he really needed to get one.


He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard his voice. He looked to his left and Santana was standing there.

“Uh, yeah Santana?”

“Can we talk?”

“Listen, I’m really not in the mood for you to call me a cabbage patch doll or anything...
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