Just to let you know, I'm the guy who knows every single thing about Chao! So, if you have any Chao related questions, post on my profile.
Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
can any one give me a link to downlaod it on my pc? (and please give me a link that you download it from it)
Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Some things about chao: Chao reincarnation takes at least 25 hours. A chao can only become the age of 5. Chao have stats because you can enter them in chao races and karate. Once you get a chao's stat to level 99 its stats would be 2,500 - 3,300. If you be nice to a chao, it reincartaites, which your chao goes into a kulay-rosas cocoon, then comes back as an egg so you can raise it again. If you are mean to a cha, it dies, which goes into a grey cocoon and disappears forever and ever.
Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
My best chao is a white/red striped hero/run/power chao. It beat all the races and is maxed out. It also has shadow hair with jagged parts on the end. :3 its sooo cute!
Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas