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Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw Tanong

After all they've been through, do you think they're still meant to be?

Well, I'm not one for relationship problems. But, especially after what happened in Sunrise, I think they need to sit down and have a long talk. :D I can't really say if I think they'll be back together.
i think they r ment 2 b! they pag-ibig each other!!! firestar and sandstorm didn't get along at first! they ended up havin kits!!! brambleclaw shud b gratefull and so shud squirrelflight!!!<3
laurenmichaela1 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
 ttmrktmnrfn0830 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw Sagot

crushonjames said:
they are being stupid they need each other! they shouldend let a few kit get in there way!!
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knexley said:
I think that they deffinetely are; they just don't realize it. They need to talk it out and get over it.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
MewMewSecrets said:
Well, a lot of relationships have problems, and a lot of the relationships can lead to fighting. But, I believe that they are meant for each other. They just need to try and talk with each other. Everything was just misunderstood.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
laurenmichaela1 said:
yes!!! i think they r so cute 2gether!!! its so horible that they even fight this much!!! they shud b gratreful for each other!!!
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