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The Dark Knight Tanong

When Batman was driving towards him, why did the Joker say "hit me"?

I am probabaly being stupid here, but I just have never been sure. Is he suicidal or something?
 elstef posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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The Dark Knight Sagot

DMLIME said:
Joker is crazy.

He wants to bring down the best people of all into his own stinking pit of crazy and evil. That is what he did with Harvey Dent: broke him beyond repair sa pamamagitan ng making him kill. The Joker knows Batman wants to kill him and is willing to die to bring down the Batman which is what would happen if Batman killed him. So he says, "Hit me."
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
Good answer!
SherlockStark posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
giantqtipz said:
batman is popular not because hes just a billionaire fighting crime while dressed in a bat costume. its because he has a golden rule, which is to never kill his enemies, and also because hes technically just as insane and crazy as the criminals.

batman operates outside the law and is willing to do anything to capture (not kill) the bad guys, while the joker is willing to do anything to make sure there is chaos. the joker became bad because he "had a bad day", and bruce wayne became batman because he too "had a bad day".

going back to your questions, joker wants batman to "hit him" because he wants to get batman to break his no killing rule. batman believes in justice, not murder.

sometimes the batman fans argue if whether batman should kill the joker. because in the comics, batman captures the joker, puts him in prison, then the joker escapes and kill madami people. the cycle keeps repeating. but batman just wont kill the joker at all. and the joker in return, loves to mess with batman because he really wants to get batman to kill someone and even the joker himself. that is all the joker cares about. causing mayhem and chaos, and trying to get batman to kill.

and yes, batman does want to kill the joker, but he has self control. so basically, batman is an unhealthy individual. he WANTS to kill the bad guys.he knows its necessary. but he wont. he thinks that what separates the bad guys from the good guys is that the good guys, have sympathy for the bad guys.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
Shadowsister said:
I was going to say because he's Joker he jokes but nvm

Joker knows that Batman wouldn't kill him,Batman is tempted to but he really just can't because the law or something told him to not kill anyone so yeah...that's what my dad told me

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son_goku said:
Joker wanted to make batman a criminal sa pamamagitan ng killing him i.e JOKER. So at the end Batman becomes a criminal sa pamamagitan ng blaming himself for the murder happened at the end. ;)
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
ChuckyLover1 said:
Because he dared Batman to hurt him, and to see what he would do.
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