the emo kid Club
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added by Emosrcool
added by GinnyBlack
added by Sprinter23
added by indian_emo_boy
added by x_xGiGix_x
added by x_xGiGix_x
posted by SilverFanGirl
A 15 taon old girl holds hands with her 1 taon old son. People call her a slut, no one knows she was raped at 14. People call another Guy fat. No one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight . People call an old man ugly. No one knew he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping. I bet 95% of you wont.

What is wrong with people these days? I am judged before I get to be known. Why? Idk. Is it the way I look? The way I dress? The way I act? I transferred to another school and a friend...
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posted by deathofjeyad
Life isn't fair....You live,You die,Your reborn again.But what if god chose some that want to die sooner than expected?What about them?Some of those people are kids!It's not fair that I(along with others)Want to die!We hate what life throws at us and we made our own race...EMO..
Mentally challenging
I know that's not what it stands for but isn't that what it is?We aren't the same as one another
but we see through the same eyes.

My Savior
We are not skilled to understand
what many things the future has planed
family and mga kaibigan help us along the way
but someone like I has planed...
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added by AnnaL0V3xoOx
added by Sprinter23
added by VegasButterfly
added by justanEmo
added by jaxsky1
Source: emo jax sky
added by mat29cool
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky
added by jaxsky1
Source: emo jax sky
added by GinnyBlack
added by GinnyBlack
added by Dark_Silence
Some kind of truth and lies about emo.
tickle me