This One is For the Nerds Wall

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nagppalabas sa wall ng kasali sa 1-3 at 3

Attirox2 sinabi …
In science class and the teacher says " Read all the pages from 1-209 and do all of the lesson reviews"
I raise my hand and say " I finished the book and the lesson reviews already, can I do something else? ''
She looks and says '' oh that's my little nerd for ya' isn't that sweet."
That's sad even my teacher calls me a nerd. Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
TheKingsWard12 sinabi …
Today in class we were discussing in religon class about thre body of christ then I raise my hand and say quite proudly
"A few years nakaraan NGC had a stupid and daft thing about Hesus followers being Cannibals!"
(laughs) everyone stares and I do a geeky laugh. (morto) even the teacher stared
nerdy enough? Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Mapware100 sinabi …
*Whips out lightsaber*Nerdy enough? Posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas