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posted by RandomFanGirl
Another two weeks—I was about four and a half months pregnant, half way done—or so passed without much happening. Well, there was one strange that had been happening: Courtney and I had become somewhat close friends. I think it was because we had something in common; I never would have imagined that Courtney and I would have something in common. It was strange to think that our mga sanggol brought us to be friends. The two of us had begun to visit each other often.

I went to her apartment madami often than she came over to Alejandro’s house since her doctor wanted her to take it easy as she got closer to her due date. Strangely, I hadn’t seen Duncan around, and I would soon find out why.

I knocked on the door, waiting until she waddled up to the door and opened it.

"Hi Heather," Courtney greeted me.

"Hi Courtney," I replied.

She stepped aside and I stepped in. We went about as we usually had for the past two weeks. Everything was going as it normally had; we sat at the kusina mesa and talked about whatever came to mind. Suddenly, we heard the door open. Courtney got up, with some difficulty, and made her way into the living room. I followed. When I reached the living room, I was shocked. Courtney was hugging Trent. Why was Trent there?

"Trent? What's going on Courtney?" I asked, still surprised.

She released from her hug with the guitarist and turned to me, "What do you mean?"

She looked confused. What the hell was going on?

"I thought that you and Duncan…what's Trent doing here?"

"He's my boyfriend.”


I felt like I was Lindsay, or at least should have been at that point.

Trent spoke up, “I think she thinks you and Duncan are still together.”

“You’re not?” I was so confused, “When did you two—“

“Let me explain,” Courtney replied.

The three of us got situated on the sofas in the living room.

“About eight months ago,” She started (Yes, she was eight months sa pamamagitan ng then; she had been about seven and half months when we ran into each other.), “Duncan and I broke up, again. I was feeling madami upset than I would have because I saw him cheat on me with Gwen (again). No matter how much I yelled at him, it didn't help, so I had just downed whatever of my parents' liquor I could find and got myself as drunk as I possibly could. I just didn't care. I just staggered around town until Trent found me; he took me to my house where I begged him to sleep with me—let me remind you that I was really drunk. I Nawawala my virginity that night.

"About a buwan later, I found out that I was pregnant. I'm against abortion, meaning that I saw no other option but to at least tell Trent. He promised to stick sa pamamagitan ng me. Since he is the father after all and we ended up just falling in pag-ibig in process, especially after we moved in with each other after my parents and his dad kicked us out, respectively.

"Trent's working as much as he can; hopefully, we'll have enough money when the baby comes. I had a job so Trent didn't have to work as much, but my doctor didn't want me to strain myself and made me take a leave. And that is why Trent's here."

It was strange to think that Courtney had gotten herself into such a position. I’m surprised she let herself do that when she had had so many goals and had been so bitchy about it. What happened to being a lawyer? I thought that that had been her life’s goal or something; I just couldn’t believe that she was doing that.

“Wow,” I replied quietly, “I thought you were going to be a lawyer or something like that.”

“I thought so too,” Courtney answered, staring down at her enlarged stomach.

I guess that Trent took note of the strained atmosphere and spoke up with, “How about we about something else?”

Courtney and I both nodded in reply.

The rest of the visit was fairly uneventful. I went back to Alejandro’s later on that afternoon and I was grateful that his mother supported us keeping the baby. I had no idea of what his father would think though—he was off on some business trip or something, and a long one at that. Yet, I still couldn’t help but wonder what he would think.
added by tdafan121
Source: trevormann8 did the base, i edited
added by luckyt8
Source: same
Alright, so we're back to the segundo part of the finale of...:

The mga boto have been counted, and 15 fans (There's 16 but I chose too so that counts me out xD)
are waiting for the results!

One of you earned 7% of mga boto from the fans, the other earned 44%, and the last
person earned 50%.

The person with 7%, meaning that they are leaving is...:


Jamie: *Sigh* Well, at least I made it to third place. *Leaves sadly*
(Jamie38459/Jamie, your prizes are a pagpaparangal and an invitation to my susunod fanfic!)

And finally, the person with 50% is...:

JARED!!! Meaning Fay has 44%!

Jared: OMG!...
continue reading...
Now, for the challenge...

Today, your challenge will involve your speed! Follow me back to the front of the
school, on the right side!

Today, you all will be running 6 laps!
But you will have to climb over walls, dodge electric wires, Avoid getting pushed into
the mud, and pato under the Piethrower Robo 5000! If you don't avoid those obstacles,
you're out!
All: Uh-oh.
Well, you guys better get started! *Blows whistle*

Rayven: *Accidentally pushes Fay into the Mud* Whoops, sorry Fay!
Fay: Hey! What did you do that for?!...
continue reading...
added by TdiFan4Everz
You'll See..........
added by dusty6700
added by DandC4evacute
Source: TwisterDxG
added by oOKimiHanaOo
Source: Me
added by kk99aa
Source: me
added by TDItwin
Source: me and v-girl96
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Total Drama Wiki
added by PhoebeWyoming
added by H2ofan210
added by vamp_grl_123
I wanted to do a vlog but not many r watching. will u?
added by GwenTrentDude
lol i find it funny :D
mama mia!
added by morganbru19
Source: ?
Source: Me <3
added by DXC
added by izzysawsome
added by KARIxTRENT