TV Couples All the couples i ship. Pick your LEAST paborito couple. (Part 6)

Pick one:
1. Beckett & kastilyo (Castle)
2. Nikita & Michael (Nikita)
3. Gillian & Cal (Lie to me)
4. Callie & Arizona (Grey's anatomy)
5.Addison & Mark (Grey's anatomy)
6. Ziva & Tony (NCIS)
7. Jenny & Gibbs (NCIS)
8. Kate & Ari (NCIS)
9. Mac & Harm (JAG)
10. Harriet & Bud (JAG)
11. Kensi & Deeks (NCIS : LA)
12. Nell & Eric ( NCIS : LA)
13. Addison & Pete (Private practice)
14. charlotte & Cooper (Private practice)
15. Katherine & Elijah (TVD)
16. Megan & Peter (Body of proof)
17. Mary & Marshall (In plain sight)
18. Jo & Zane (Eureka)
19. Allison & Jack (Eureka)
20. Piper & Leo (Charmed)
21. Prue & Andy (Charmed)
22. Phoebe & Cole (Charmed)
23. Lindsay & Tom (WMC)
 ladycountry posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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