Why Don't We Club
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posted by seaveyxdaddy
Hi my name is Y/n I am 19 years old and I live in la I am Mexican my best friend name is Valeria My best friend loves why don't we these past days she has been really sad because her boyfriend cheated on her with her sister so I saw that why don't we was coming to la I got her 2 ticket for me and her to see them I have not told her yet that I got these tickets wish me luck

Y/n: uy Valeria

Valeria: Hi Y/n

Y/n: So I got you something

Valeria: What is it?



Y/n: So what are you going to wear to the concert?...
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posted by seaveyxdaddy
You get a call from Jonah you answer it and say

Y/n: uy Jonah what up

Jonah: uy y/n so I was wondering if you want to hang out today?

You blush and say

Y/n: Sure do we meet up?

Jonah: I will come pick you up be ready in 5

Y/n: Okay see you outside

Jonah: Okay I will call you

You hang up and blush you're mom comes in and say

Your mom: Oooo look whos blushing

Y/n: MOM!

Your mom: What true

She sit down susunod to you and say

Your mom: Spill the beans who do you like!

Y/n: I really like Jonah

Your mom: Oooooo I have heard he is great kisser

Y/n: MOM

Your mom: What!

Y/n: Just get out I need to get ready Jonah is...
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posted by seaveyxdaddy
One araw you are walking tahanan back from you're frined house and are on your phone you don't look where you are walking but then you bump into someone and you say

y/n oh my gosh I'm so sorry I just to busy on my phone texting my mom i'm on my way back home.

Daniel: No It fine I was on my phone to anyways

y/n Im sorry again have a great araw bye!

Daniel: You too!

You start to walk back tahanan and then you open the house door

Mom: Oh great your back tahanan can you take care of your younger sister

y/n why?

Mom: Because I have to go to the store for hapunan I will pay when I come back

y/n fine mom but hurry

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posted by 21blurryface
{Daniel Seavey}
"What do I wear?"
I only told you twelve times, the first dress that you put on is still your best find
We've been sittin' in this dressing room for hours
I need a break, baby
I don't have the brain power

{Zach Herron}
When you ask me my opinion
I'm always sure to be your minion
Girl, you're kinda like long division

{Jonah Marais}
Everything is difficult

Help me help you

{Logan Paul}
Girl, what you tryna do?
'Cause I don't got a clue
No, I ain't no scooby doo

Help me help you

{Logan Paul}
'Cause I'm hungrier than you
I just wanna get some food and you about to kill my mood

Help me...
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posted by LimelightAvery
Ever since Why Don't We started to travel

They're getting money like I get I trouble

Daniel be flipping his phone like a freak

He could buy a brand new phone every week

Been through some bad sh*t

I should be a sad b*tch

I am indeed but I'm also a broke b*tch

Corbyn be out here buying Yeezys

Getting Christina her paborito things

The boys are stylish

Got Gucci just bought em

They make great hits

Their music is poppin'

You like the band?

Don't blame you. Iconic

You see them

You like them

You hear them

You want them

Want Daniel? Ain't got him

Want Corbyn? Ain't got him

Want Jonah? Ain't got him

Want Jack? Ain't got...
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posted by LimelightAvery
I stared into the mirror, internally groaning and cursing myself out. I really hated how I looked and right now was not helping in the slightest.

You see, I have dark brown hair, which tends to look really greasy easily. And me being the idiot I am, I fell asleep watching Netflix last night and forgot to wash my hair.

So here I was, glaring at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out what to do with this mess.

I sighed to myself, tugging my hoodie down over my leggings. I finally decided to just pull my hair up in a messy bun and blend in with the crowd as much as I possibly could. I walked...
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