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Special thanks to:

jhilton0907 for the idea that Humphrey was part of another pack.

Chapter 4: Humphrey's Other Pack

After leaving the territory behind them, the group began to get to work. The cool morning mist slowly began to lift, allowing madami of the surrounding forest to become visible. The tall trees, with their many leaves shaded much of the forest floor from the beating heat of the sun.

Stinky began to take the lead, using his profound sense of smell to try and pick up his father's trail.

"Well, Stinky," Humphrey sinabi after letting his son sniff around for a few minutes. "What do you smell?"

Stinky looked up at his father. "You," he said. "But younger and less mature."

Humphrey gave out a nervous laugh, as he knew that Stinky hadn't the faintest idea.

"Yep," he said. "That's definitely me."

"Anything else, Stinky?" Kate asked, trying to stay on track.
"Hold on," he sinabi as he began to sniff the cool, morning breeze, then sniffed down towards the ground.

"There's a trail. It's faint, but it's there."

"Where's it headed?" Garth asked.

"Deeper into the forest."

"Well come on," Runt said, walking up towards the front. "Let's go see where it leads."

"Yeah, Stinky," Claudette agreed. "Lead the way."

"Okay," Stinky announced enthusiastically. "Follow me."

Kate and Humphrey looked at each other nervously.

"What?" Humphrey asked.

"The fate of this quest is betting on Stinky, Claudette, and Runt."

"Yeah? Try not to think about it."

They began to venture into the woods that were now just beginning to come to life with the sounds of the birds waking up.

As the araw wore on, it began to warm up and the group occasionally stopped to bathe in the warm spots of sunlight that broke through the canopy. It was early evening and the cold air started to return and the sun began to go down, but was still visible in the cloudy sky when the group started looking for a place to sleep and Stinky suddenly stopped. Humphrey approached him, wondering what was wrong.

"Stinky," he said. "What is it?"

"I smell something really strange. Not like anything I've ever smelled before."

Everyone looked at each other as they thought about what he could possibly be smelling out here. Kate looked down at him.

"Like what, exactly?"

"I don't know," Stinky replied, uncertainly. "It smells like a pack of wolves, on the other side of that burol over there." He looked over at a large burol which was completely barren of trees, not too far away from where they were standing.
"But there's something else about it," he continued. "It smells kinda like Dad."

"Well, maybe it's the pack where he was born," Lilly suggested.

"I don't think so," Stinky said. "I only smell Dad's specific scent. Nothing else resembling it at all."

"I don't understand," Garth said. True, not much was known about Humphrey's past, but it still didn't make sense why Humphrey's scent would be coming from a pack that he wasn't born into.

"Yeah," Kate agreed. "As far I know, he was on his own ever since he Nawawala his parents."

As everyone else stood around in the middle of the woods, with the sun continuing to sink in the sky, Runt took this opportunity to once again, express, the tree-hugger within and began heading towards the nearest tree. It was quite tall, and could've easily provided him with a good view over the hill. But Kate noticed him running off before he could get there and called him out on it.

"Runt," she said. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go take a look," he shouted back, not stopping. However, right when he was about to start climbing, Humphrey took notice and put a stop to it.

"Runt, don't even think about it," he sternly said.

"But Dad," he began, but was quickly cut off sa pamamagitan ng a much better and safer idea from Marcel.

"Don't worry, we'll go see what it is," he sinabi as him Paddy flew into the air to look over the hill. The sky started turning kahel as the sun started setting behind the trees on the other side of the hill. A few rays of sunlight allowed them to see into the woods behind the hill. Through the trees, they were able to make out a few dozen lobo dens, hidden in the trees before the sun disappeared behind the horizon. As they returned to the group, they began to talk amongst themselves.

"What did you guys see?" Kate asked.

The two ignored Kate's tanong and continued talking.

"That burol has such an amazing view," Paddy was saying. "It would make for an excellent place for a golf course, wouldn't you say sir?"

"Indeed it would, Paddy," Marcel agreed.

"Guys," Humphrey said, getting a little annoyed. "Let's focus, please. What did you see?"

"Oh, yes. Right. Well," Marcel started, but then Paddy interrupted him.

"We couldn't be sure," Paddy explained. "But it looks like there are several dens down there. Quite a big pack, I'd say."

"Well, let's go," Humphrey said. He figured these other mga lobo might be able to help them. Besides, it was getting late and they needed a place to sleep.

"Wait," Garth said. "Are you crazy?"

"Does anyone ever say "yes" to that question?" Humphrey asked, then turned and kept going. He began to walk up the burol and soon the others stated to follow him, seeing as how there would be no changing his mind. As they reached the top, they stopped and looked down the other side. Not much could be seen anymore as the sun had long since set and the surrounding forest was nearly pitch black. But it wasn't long before the dim, blue light of the moon began to light up the forest as the moon slowly rose into the cloudy night sky.

"I see them," Kate said, looking down through the trees. It was true. As the full moon rose, its immense light broke through the trees, revealing a few dozen stone dens, hidden within the foliage. Everyone gasped in amazement as they had never seen a pack this large.

"Wow," Lilly exclaimed.

"That's a lot of dens," Garth agreed.

As Humphrey looked down at the forest, his gaze slowly worked its way back up the burol until he saw something that made him freeze. Kate looked over at him and immediately recognized his face from Father's araw a few days before. Something was wrong again, and she knew it.

"Humphrey?" she asked, but to no avail. "Just like last time," she thought. Kate followed her husband's gaze down the hillside to what he was looking at. But when she saw it, she was as confused as ever. As she followed his gaze, her eyes landed on a rotten tree, laying across the bottom of the hill, just beyond where the forest began again.

"That tree."

Kate jumped in surprise when she heard his voice so suddenly. But something still wasn't right. It sounded dazed, almost emotionless.

Then, suddenly, Humphrey leaped forwards down the hill, running faster then Kate would've thought possible for an omega. She shouted after him.

"Humphrey, wait!" But it was too late. Humphrey had already taken off. Kate hurried down the burol after him and soon the others followed her.

As Humphrey reached the tree, he stopped, hardly even panting as he did so. Kate came up behind him a few moments later, breathing heavily.

"Humphrey," she said, trying desperately to catch her breath. "Why'd you run off like that?"

"I remember this place," he replied, still looking at the puno and sounding a little less dazed. "I've been here before, a long time ago, after I Nawawala my parents."

Kate was confused. "But how?" she asked. "How did you know that you've been here before?"

"The tree," Humphrey answered, not lifting his eyes from the rotting tree.

"The tree?"

Humphrey finally looked over at Kate as he began to explain, just as the others were coming up behind them.

"Last time I was here," he said. "This puno almost killed me."

Everyone listened intently, as the cold night air blew around them.

"It was dark and stormy and I was looking for shelter. The storm was the biggest I'd ever seen. The wind was so strong, it was practically bending the trees over themselves, the rain was coming down so hard, you could barely see your own nose in front of you. It had been about a buwan and a half since I Nawawala my parents and I was barely surviving, all alone in the world with nothing at all when suddenly, there was a huge bolt of lightning that nearly hit me. All the balahibo on my body stood up, and then I heard it. The sound of a puno falling down. It all happened so fast, I barely had enough time to get out of its way, but not before it landed on my tail. The pain was undescribable and I couldn't get free, no matter how hard I tried. So I stayed there, all night and through much of the susunod day, until-"

"Quiet," Daria suddenly said, stopping Humphrey from finishing. "I hear something."

Everyone stopped and listened, but no one heard anything. No one but Daria.

"What is it?" Lilly asked quietly.

"I don't know," Daria replied. "It kinda sounds like-"

"Quiet!" Garth said. "I see something. There in the trees."

Everyone looked into the trees ahead, but not much could be seen, even sa pamamagitan ng the bright light of the full moon. Only a dimly lit figure moving through the trees could be seen. It was a wolf, but that was about all that they could be certain about. The mysterious lobo stopped just short of the puno line, staying within the darkness of the woods. Then he spoke.

"Hey there!" he shouted. "Who are you?"

Kate approached Humphrey. "Humphrey, we should go," she sinabi and slowly began to turn around, waiting for him to follow.

"Wait," Humphrey said.

"What are you doing out here?" the lobo asked.

Kate turned back around and walked back up to Humphrey. "Humphrey, we really need to go," she urged him.

"Something about him seems familiar," Humphrey told her. The lobo continued to talk.

"We don't welcome strangers into our pack. The last time we did, he nearly killed my son."

Humphrey suddenly looked up, his eyes wide with amazement as he remembered a crucial part of his puphood. "Oh my gosh," he exclaimed. "It can't be."

"Return to your own pack now before someone gets hurt," the lobo threatened, clearly getting annoyed with the delay.

Kate stepped pasulong in Humphrey's defense. "Try it and see what happens," she said, a slight snarl evident in her voice.

"Kate, wait," Humphrey sinabi as he began to slowly walk up to the wolf.

"Stop!" the lobo shouted. "Don't take another step or it'll be the last one you ever take."

"Pups, get behind Aunt Lilly," Kate sinabi as her and Garth started slowly advancing toward the wolf.

"Owen?" Humphrey asked into the woods.

"Who are you?" the lobo asked, the threatening tone in his voice now replaced with a hint of confusion. "How do you know my name?" As he sinabi this, he slowly stepped forwards, into the light of the moon, revealing his face.

He was an older-looking wolf, about Winston's age, maybe a little older. The balahibo on his back was a very dark brown, and his eyes had a bit of a brown tinge to them as well. As he stepped into the moonlight, Owen was able to see Humphrey's face as well and he recognized him immediately.

"Humphrey? I thought I was rid of you," he said.

"Wait," Kate said, stopping her advancement. "You two know each other?"

"Unfortunately," Owen said. "Who's that?"

"My wife," Humphrey replied, turning to look at Kate.

"You married an alpha? Are you out of your mind?" Owen exclaimed.

Runt walked out from behind Lilly. "You have no idea," he sinabi to Owen. Owen looked down at Runt.

"You don't know the half of it, kid," he said, then turned back to look at Humphrey. "I take it these are your pups?"

"Yes," Humphrey said.

"Why, what happened?" Claudette asked.

Owen smirked as he knew the answer to that tanong all too well. "Come inside our territory and I'll tell you all about it."

Everyone began to head past Owen, who remained still and silent. However, when Humphrey and Kate began to pass him, Owen stopped them and whispered in Humphrey's ear.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, kid. After what you did to Kyle-" but before he could finish, Kate snapped at him in Humphrey's defense before they continued on into the dark forest.

Owen led them on and soon, they began to see the dens madami clearly. Some were packed together, others were spread farther apart. They were made of stone with moss covering many of them. Each yungib was in the shape of a small dome with an arched opening in the front.

As the group was led through the puso of the territory, mga lobo from the pack looked at them in suspicion as they hadn't had a stranger in their pack for many years. Owen led them into a small clearing were there were fewer trees and the moonlight shined a little more. In this clearing, the first thing that everyone noticed was two dens, larger than all the others, fairly near to each other. The group was lead to one of them and it became clear that this one was Owen's.

When they got closer to the opening, an old lobo came out of the den, with dark grey, nearly black, balahibo and bright blue eyes. She seemed to be a bit older than Owen, but only sa pamamagitan ng a few years. Her tail was also a bit frayed due to her age.

Owen approached his wife as the group waited several feet away. "Where's Kyle?" he asked her.

His wife, Amy, having noticed the group that her husband had come with, waited a moment before answering. "He's off on a hunt with Grace," she said, then motioned towards the group behind him and asked, "Who are they?"

Owen turned his head around to look at the group, then returned his gaze back to Amy.

"You remember Humphrey," he said.

"Of course," she scoffed. "How could I forget the brat that almost killed my son?" She took a moment to look behind Owen and glare at Humphrey as she sinabi this. "Why did you bring him here? I thought we agreed to never let him within a hundred feet of our borders ever again. And who are they?" She looked back at the group that accompanied Humphrey.

"His family," Owen replied.

"He married an alpha?!" Amy exclaimed.

"That was my first thought, too," Owen said, beginning to walk past his wife so he could turn around and face the group. "They need a place to sleep tonight."

Amy stayed silent for a moment or two before she sighed, saying "Fine. You can use Kyle's den, he shouldn't be tahanan until late tomorrow afternoon."

The group started heading towards the other yungib and Kate and Amy exchanged dirty looks. As they entered the large den, they looked around, marveling at the sheer size. It was very roomy inside, bigger than any yungib they'd ever seen. At least fifteen adult mga lobo could comfortably sleep inside its walls.

"Wow," Runt sinabi in amazement. "This is the biggest yungib I've ever seen."

Everyone settled down to sleep wherever they wanted since it was so big. Kate and Humphrey were laying together in the far back of the den, talking quietly so as not to disturb anyone.

"What is it between you and Owen's family?" Kate asked. "What happened?"

"You know how I was talking about me getting stuck under the puno in that storm?" Humphrey asked.


"Well, as I said, I was out there all night, and most of the susunod araw when I saw another lobo pup come running out of the woods," Humphrey started explaining. "I yelled out to him for help and he stopped and came over. sinabi his name was Kyle, and that his dad was the leader of their pack. I asked him where exactly his pack was and if he could go and get his dad to help. He told me that they were just beyond the puno line and that he would be back soon. About ten minutos later, he came back with his dad and a few other male alphas and eventually they got the puno off my tail. The pain was beyond excruciating and I could barely even ilipat it. It was bleeding and I was so weak with pain, hunger, and lack of sleep, that I could hardly even get up. So they decided to take me in."

"But what happened that got you thrown out?" Kate asked. Humphrey was about to answer when they heard Stinky's voice from the other side of the den.

"Could you guys be a little quieter, please?"

Humphrey turned to look at Kate.

"Look, Kate," he said. "It's getting late and we should probably get to sleep."

Kate agreed and they laid their heads down to go to sleep. And as the cold night wind blew through the den, and as Kate and the others drifted off to sleep, Humphrey lay awake, thinking about Kate's question, and the terrible answer that accompanied it.
My 2nd chapter of new beginnings with Lilly please enjoy

It had been 3 days of school, I was out of school finally. On the last araw of school on the final hours all I could think of was Lilly. The air conditioning was out and there wasn't much for her to do in 8 hours other than watch some TV. I knew she couldn't wait for me, only if time can go faster. At school I'd hang out with my friends, Brian, David, and Jose. Today was also the araw all of us would be going our seperate ways to different colleges and taking different paths. Me and Lilly will be moving to the US where we'll be sharing...
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posted by sxyomega
After we finished in Alpha school I took Anna tahanan because Gavan and Dane had Alpha duties and I had to go get some practice so I could try and go and impress that pretty lobo that I met today. Slowly I began to realize, "I don't even know her name and I am talking about impressing her!" I thought.

Right now I didn't want to think about that stuff so I just finished taking Anna home.

"Thanks for walking me tahanan Jason." She said.

"No problem, hey, uh....I'm going out somewhere and I wont be back until dark, so don't wait up for me for super alright?"

"Ok. That's alright, see you when you get back,"...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
the air plain crashed. cause the driver was a fucking dumbass. right now im on a fucking beach. im probly on some island or something. now i got to find the rest of the guys. and its night...just perfect. "THEN HE HAD TO WALK ACROSS THE tabing-dagat TO FIND HIS FRIENDS!!!" the announcer said. "HEY SHUT UP!!!" i said. "NO YOU SHUT UP SMART MOUTH!!!" the announcer said. i walked across the beach. but the announcer WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. then...i found a body...IT WAS NICKER11500!!! he was laying on the beach. looked like he was still asleep. then i woke him up. "nicker11500 you ok?" i said. "trueshadowwolf....what...
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fans of Alpha and Omega get ready for the greatest...
Xi-Fire, that is a brilliant idea

Humphrey-no, no, no, you can't die on me now not after all we went through

most emotional...
Water- I pag-ibig you

in the history of the universe with the return of many friends
Garth- Xi, your out of the coma

and enemies

with new ones as well:
Arthur- maybe we should run
Hutch- there's nowhere to run Xi Omega
tales of Alpha and Omega- the return (part 1)
coming soon
posted by Blackwolf250
His name is David, though most call him Shadow. His balahibo so black,it is darker than the night sky,with dark blue decals and crimson red scars that decor his figure. He is a Lone-wolf, a wanderer, he never settles but for a short rest. Here I have recorded my sights of him, his travels and interactions with things:

Sunset, Friday, December 12, 2012:

He sits in an abandoned cave mouth, not relaxing but resting on this extremely cold night, scanning for something interesting in the distance...

This is a prebiyu to my full Story which is at link please paghahanap the
Black and Red lobo Pack for any new artikulo in this series...
posted by Blackwolf250
They call me Shadow,though that is not my real name. I'm a wanderer, forever walking through forests and arctic tundras, searching for a purpose. Yet in my four taon effort... I have repeatedly failed... This is where my story began...

It was a cold "December, 12, 20-12" I heard humans say. I was but a pup that year, a pack claimed my families entire being. That taon held two wars in it, one for us wolves, and one for the humans. The human war was short-lived for the war, which held humans defenders and all other forces attackers, had an inevitable end... Our war though was between two packs:...
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Brandt’s POV

It was there, I felt it. I breathed in, and out. In. Out. In. Out. The feeling of power, the feeling of flames. I had thought my apoy powers had gone long before Kia was pregnant with her first litter but it seems that my children may have very well been born with some powers of their own. It’s hard to tell if Blaze does because he hasn’t sinabi anything. I’ll have to remember to ask him.

I watched Kia from my paborito perching position and squinted as I tried to find something that wasn’t there. After the two of us “made up” last night I believe she may very well be...
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uy people hope you had a great Easter but please comment and message me

When Nathan went to sleep on the kama of damo it was a big mistake. " ohh hes so cute a lot better than before, I know blab blab blab " oh I think hes waking up " Kate said. " I am now and why are you guys being do nice " Nathan sinabi sleepily.
" he hasn't noticed yet " eve told the girl mga lobo surrounding him. " haven't noticed what " he added and went to rub his eyes. " HOLY SH#* , why do I have paws and why are you guys a lot taller then me " he yelled. " you slept on the ancient kama of mulahum ,he was a great wizard"the...
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
Chapter Prologue: link

Chapter 1: link


"Pinned ya!"

"Dang it!" Seth yelled from outside. Dawn was ontop of him, holding him down after he tried a surprise attack on her.

"That's three outta five." Dawn said, getting off of him.

Inside the den, Garth had just turned around to face the group. Kate and Humphrey were wondering why he had sinabi you're welcome to Lilly. Garth, knowing what they were thinking, moved out of the way to let them see Lilly. She was sitting there, her tail wrapping around the front of her around her legs. The red and white bulaklak sitting behind her left ear, keeping the...
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verse 1:
family gone this mornin
said forever
i will hold my head up high

verse 2:
we need pag-ibig in our life
but i bet without it
we could fly!

verse 3:
i walked outside into the street
and from this pack i heard
thunder and scream!

verse 4:
i walked inside so i could hear
and the lobo beside me
gave me a beer

verse 5:
he had his paw up in the air
called me pack brother
said my mga kaibigan are over there

verse 6:
they called themselves the metalwolves
ever trueest of the true
and in that very moment i was born again like new!

they sinabi you must hold your head up high
raise your paw up in the air
continue reading...
posted by MarvelousAlpha
Chapter 1: The Train Ride

Kate woke up after a peaceful night of sleep and stretched before walking over to the entrance of the cave to see Humphrey and Garth on their way over. She walked back into the cave and put her paw on Lilly's head, gently shaking her, "Hey, Lilly. Wake up, Garth is almost here."

Hearing Garth's name made Lilly sit up and push her hair away from her eye. Ever since Garth sinabi her eyes were beautiful, she kept her hair from blocking her eye. Lilly and Kate woke up their parents and sinabi they would be back in a couple days and explained that they were leaving with Garth...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
A few years after the debacle that had led to an insane tumawid country trip with a delusional, if handsome, white dog and a very delusional hamster, Mittens found herself, once again, lonely. The part of the country she lived in, the Midwest, was profoundly empty of other cats. She had yet to see madami than one other cat since they'd moved there after the studio apoy in Los Angeles. The solitude both cheered and depressed her. It was cheerful because there weren't Pusa around that would be able to ferret away Penny's affections, but depressing that there weren't Pusa around at all. But, in Mittens'...
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posted by Katelover812


balahibo color- jet black

Eye color- Changes color to mood.
Blood Red-Pissed or Determined
Green-In the mood

paborito Food- Pizza

Mate-Kylie Alpha

Traits- Cares for all family and friends. Keeps mga kaibigan close though enemies closer. Will do anything for my mate Kylie. Don't piss me off and the floor wont have to be the color of my eyes.

Likes- Pizza(Derp), family, my mate Kylie, good friends, technology, German Shepards, hunting.

Dislikes- People that troll on everything they can, Muddy balahibo -_-, our government, bad weather(Cant ride my four wheeler)
posted by crazyryan123
Kate was Nose to nose with me she had a big smile spread across her face. Kate saw my open my eyes and yelled"You know what session started." Ryan"What?" Kate"IT`S MATING SESSION SILLY!" Ryan"Oh no I`m not mating with a wolf." Ryan sat up and sat in the back pader of the den. Kate`s ears fell and she got sad. Kate"Awwwww but you are part wolf. Ryan"well how do I know that?" Kate"Wana find out?" Ryan"well how?" Kate"OK I or any other female lobo bite you." Ryan"NO!" Ryan then got up and put his uniform and his mga baril on. He walked up and found Eve in the front of the yungib growling in tackling position....
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Kate & Humphrey Adventures.
Winter of 2011 Chapter 2. Part 2 of 2. “The Cave.”

The rapids swept Kate around the bend leaving behind an echo from her screaming. Hutch bolted towards the bend and fell in as well. He was swept around the bend and forced under sa pamamagitan ng an undercurrent. A few segundos later the undercurrent got stronger and pinned him against a rock. He managed to grab a hold of the rock and climb up it. A figure appeared above and he immediately felt a pierce in his skin. He then broke the surface of the water and climbed on tuktok of the rock. Kate was right beside him as she took...
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Verse 1:
These Voices!!
Calling round in my hollow
dark, shallow bed
And As I close my eyes, turns black and blue
And my nightmares come true
It all revolves back round
back to echoes in my head

Verse 2:
These shadows
Swimming round in my abismal
Clouded, deathly space
And as my immersion grows, and freedom gone
Feels like life is done
It revolves back through
To when my words fell from grace

These dark echoes in my head
Deprive me of my respect
No one heard just what I said
These dark echoes in my head
They say DIE!!!!

Verse 3:
These monsters
Clawing at my quivering
Deadly icy nagyelo back
As my fear takes...
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posted by Blackwolf250
"But you saved my life..." She said

"Look,You owe me nothing...now why don't you go back to your pack?"

"I don't know where they are, I Nawawala them when those guys attacked me.They had alot of other guys attacking the pack,I think their dead..."She looked down,

"Alright,you can stay with me...but only until we reach Jasper,K?" I asked and she looked up with excitement and hugged me"We better go,we're wasting time..."she let go of me and I kept going southeast. It soon got dark and I noticed her starting to get tired"Wanna ride?You look tired...and I'm not stopping..."She looked at me and smiled

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we are the furries (we do what we will)
like a ulupong curled up on your window cill
like a lobo howling at the moon and its light
like a madala for its pagkain never gives up the fight
like a cat stretching after a long rest
we use are forces, we are the very best
humanity never had nothing on us
thats why those bastards make o so much of a fuss

we'll have you know
you cant control what we feel
you wont make us ever kneel
we are the furries, and we will never reveal
what we are!

we are furries of the the night
and we ilipat in for the kill
we are the furries
and we....
we do what we will!

continue reading...
part3:the flood. while at headquarters sly and garth is on a paghahanap and sly said:hey we will find them garth just need to find this map and we can find them!. garth:i hope we do. sly:just one sec i'm looking for them now". while in the woods kate and Lilly was walking around and all worried.kate:where are we?Lilly:i don't know where we are at!.Lilly looked confused and scared.*gunshots in the distance*sly:this is sly dog returning call over!. Garth:hey i found them sly!sly:good work garth you found in the woods walking?we got get them out of there!Garth:ok lets go get them!. meanwhile in the...
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posted by KateLillyWolfy
One day, when Eve was on a hunt with Winston, she began to stalk 3 caribou. She called Winston over quietly. They were getting closer and closer, slowly, she was ready to pounce, when one of caribou noticed her. She and Winston started running, and Eve was trying to keep up. All of a sudden, Eve hurt her paw, and fell to the ground, and a caribou hit her. Winston ran after her, and whimpered. He carried her back to the den, and wouldn't leave her until she healed, which was in two days. After that, the first words she sinabi were "Winston, lets make sure we rip off that caribou's tail, and shove it down it's throat!". And after that day, she had violent mood swings.
Who should I do next? I'm thinking Hutch or Kate.