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This is the first half of the artikulo of the princess pairs that are most similar. The least similar pairs are listed first, with each pair considered to be madami and madami similar. The 20th Place Pair and above will be featured on Part 2. Enjoy reading!

36. Aurora and Mulan

These two princesses have been ranked as the most different princesses of all- and it is clear why. It's hard to find a madami opposite pair than a clumsy, tomboyish kick-butt heroine and an elegant, ladylike damsel-in-distress. These princesses have very little in common, so they were put as the most different princess pair of all.

“Aurora does nothing for herself, while Mulan goes out and kicks ass, not to mention save an entire country.”-ppgbelle4

“They're complete opposites. Aurora is very girly and would never be able to put up with fighting and saving her country. Mulan is a total tomboy, and there's no way she can be like Aurora.”- PrincessVandal

“I think Mulan and Aurora have at least similar determination in common.”-ppv

35. Mulan and Snow White

Mulan is here in another pair already... once again, this pair doesn't have much in common. While Snow White doesn't have as much grace as Aurora, Snow White still has plenty of cowardly moments, and this is a key reason why she's thought of as being very different from Mulan.

"Snow White was afraid of the forest...I seriously doubt she could handle the Huns!"-DreamyGal

34. hasmin and Snow White

Simply put, this pair is the difference between sweet and spice. Snow White and hasmin have extremely different ways of dealing with things-- their proactiveness, their general attitude, and their levels of satisfaction differ greatly. Even though it's not the bottom pair anymore, the general consensus is that this pair is very far apart.

"Jasmine is sassy, observant, and picky about who she likes and doesn't like, while Snow White is sweet, naive, and social."- madisonsavanna

"They have to be the most opposite ever. Snow White sits around and waits for love, while hasmin goes out herself to find it."- ppgbelle4

33. Ariel and Tiana

Apart from similar determination, these two aren't considered to have much in common-- Tiana is thought to be very serious, while Ariel is thought to be fun, silly, risky, and very reckless. Tiana, of course, is thought to have an entirely different type of determination, and is much madami cautious and rebellious than Ariel. Also, Tiana is considered to have a much better relationship with her father than Ariel did.

“tiana is hardworking and serious”- pretty_angel92

"Ariel is the typical headstrong teenager. She lives in the moment, is very risky and throws caution to the wind. She is very impulsive when it comes to making her decisions (example: She goes to see Ursula, despite her knowing, as well as dapa and Sebastian, that Ursula is very dangerous and manipulative.). Ariel is very rebellious and would do anything to break her father's rules. She also falls in pag-ibig with Eric at first sight.

Tiana, in my opinion anyway, is very cautious. She is a hard worker and is determined to do things the right way. She carefully plans out her life and how she wants to own her restaurant. She, unlike Ariel, plays the role of the voice of reason for her crazy friend Charlotte. Tiana is very smart, resourceful, and can quickly think of situations on her feet with what resources are avaliable to her. Now, when it comes to her falling in pag-ibig with Naveen, I find it debatable. She does not like him when she first sees him, but to me it seems like she falls in pag-ibig with him only after sinag tells her that Naveen loves her.

Both are very ambitious and stubborn, but I think that is where it stops. "- ppgbelle4

32. Pocahontas and Snow White

When looking at this pair, the general consensus was that they are near-opposites. While both pag-ibig mga hayop and nature, their differences are much madami pronounced. Pocahontas's perceived tomboyish, independent, and low-spirited nature contrasts with Snow White's girly, dependent and high-spirited one.

“Pocahontas is mopey and a tomboy and with her pag-ibig throughout the movie, then seperates with him at the end. Snow White is positive and girly, and is seperated from her pag-ibig the whole movie and meets him at the end. Also, everyone is interested in Snow White while Poca is interested in other people.”- princesslullaby

“"Pocahontas is brave, Snow White is a scardey cat
Poca is independent, Snow seems to depend on others (the dwarves, the prince, her animals) a lot
Poca seems madami mature, while Snow is very hyper and child like
Poca doesn't put pag-ibig first, pag-ibig is Snow's main dream
Poca's dream is to have adventures, Snow's is to have a happy domestic life.
Poca is always considered wise, Snow is always considered quite gullible and naive.
Even in appearance, Pocahontas is tanned, athletic with long flowing hair, Snow White is pale, slim/youthful bodied with short cropped hair."- MermaidTail

31. Ariel and Belle

This pair is thought to both "want", and are both bravo and curious, but that's pretty much where their similarities are thought to have ended. Ariel and Belle have major differences- Ariel is thought to be proactive, reckless, sometimes selfish, and flawed. Belle's perceived traits include her tendency to put aside her dreams, higher intelligence and caution, selflessness, and lack of flaws. Also, the relationships that Belle and Ariel have with their fathers are very different!

"Belle and Ariel are not similar at all when it comes to their relationships with their fathers."- AllegroGiocoso

"Well... in my opinion Ariel and Belle have very different personalities. Ariel is flawed - Belle is "prefect", Ariel is madami active and Belle is madami passive. Ariel does everything to get her dreams come true. Belle is willing to do everything to get her dreams come true but she just doesn't (because she has to take care of her father). I personaly think that Ariel thinks that she's odd but the others don't see it. Belle, on the other hand, thinks that she's quite normal but everybody thinks that she's odd (yes, she doubts that she's odd but I think that in her opinion she's not odd).

Similarities: well both of them wants something madami than their communities have to offer."- FullMoonFever

~Ariel is different, and she knows it, whereas Belle is different, and doesn't really realize it.

~Ariel is often seen as the most "flawed" princess, whereas Belle is usually seen as the princess with the least flaws.

~Ariel is willing to go after what she wants, even if she goes about it the wrong ways. Belle doesn't go after all that adventure she sings about wanting (some say she needed to stay with her father, but I don't buy that).

~Ariel gave up her family for her love, whereas Belle gave up her pag-ibig for her family.

~Belle is renowned for her beauty, and Ariel is renowned for her voice.

~Belle married into royalty, and Ariel was born a princess

~both are curious

~both want madami than they have in their current situations

~both start out not caring about pag-ibig (at first, Ariel wanted to be human just to be happy and free)

~both have no mothers"-firegirl1515

30. Sinderella and Jasmine

This pair has plenty of differences... that's for sure. Sinderella grew up poor, while hasmin grew up rich, and Sinderella was generally content to dream about a better life and tolerated her bad life, while hasmin ran away from her palace to try to find a better life, even though she is considered to have a far better life than Sinderella did. Also, Sinderella is thought to have much madami of a sweet nature and is thought to be far less strong-willed than Jasmine. Therefore, this pair finds themselves near the bottom of the similarity countdown.

"Cinderella is very sweet, passive, and doesn't really vocally stick up for herself. Jasmine, on the other hand, voices her opinion every chance she gets. hasmin is very spoiled and doesn't do any work, Sinderella works every day. hasmin runs away from a good life, Sinderella stays in a bad one."-princesslullaby

29. Sinderella and Mulan

Like with Sinderella and Jasmine, a large difference here with this pair is the way that they solve problems. It's hard to see gentle Sinderella going to fight in a war, and at the same time, it's hard to see Mulan to be as passive as Sinderella in her situation or as graceful as she was at the ball. These two characters are thought of as completely different.

"Let's see...a kick-butt princess versus a princess who keeps putting up with the crap she's been dished since childhood? I'm surprised they're still in."- becca85

"They are too different!Cinderella wouldn't hurt anyone but Mulan kicks a lot of ass."- deathchick9

28. Aurora and Jasmine

This pair is thought to be quite different. While both are taken care of, their satisfaction levels are thought to be very different- Aurora is generally much madami content than hasmin is, and when she is discontented, she doesn't complain to the mga engkanto about her problems as much. hasmin in contrast, is thought to be very straightforward about her qualms with whatever is going on, and is much madami rebellious than Aurora, placing this pair near the bottom of the countdown.

"Both spoiled girls, but Aurora has somewhat madami freedom. Aurora is madami laid back and passive, and voices her complaints to her animals. Jasmine, again, says right off what's bothering her, although she talks to Rajah as well. The basic problem again, is that I can't speak for Aurora because I haven't seen enough personality to indicate what she would/wouldn't do different from Jasmine. "-princesslullaby

27. Aurora and Tiana

Apart from living in very different worlds and being made at very different times, the big difference most people see in this pairing is that Aurora is generally considered to be very, very dreamy, while Tiana is considered to be much madami practical.

"I think Aurora has madami backbone than Snow White, so she is slightly madami like Tiana than Snow White."-ppgbelle4

"I've sinabi this before: Aurora is the most dreamy princess and Tiana is the least dreamy princess IMO :)" -FullMoonFever

"Aurora doesn't do much
Tiana does"-BKG201

26. Snow White and Tiana

This pair is thought to have quite a lot of the same differences that Aurora and Tiana have, except Snow White is thought of being not quite as dreamy as Aurora and they both have a passion to cook. But Snow White is thought to be much madami laid-back, happy, and contented compared to the madami ambitious, determined Tiana.

" Their personalatys are nothing alike (both like to bake I guess), and well their looks have nothing in commen (well both have black hair). "- JonnaSe

"In my opinion though, Tiana is ambitious. She works hard to get what she wants. Snow White, on the other hand, sits and waits."-ppgbelle4

25. Ariel and Cinderella

People notice quite a large similarity and quite a lot of differences with Ariel and Cinderella. While both are thought to be very dream-focused, Sinderella is considered to be far madami patient, passive, elegant, calm, and selfless, while Ariel is considered to be madami stubborn, determined, immature, hyper, and a bit madami self-centered. Thus, their significant similarity and their numerous differences do a good job of indicating their slightly lower than average ranking.

"Cinderella was less lazy, and had madami patience than Ariel. She lived with an evil stepfamily that hated her and made her clean, cook, sew, and basically be their personal maid. Ariel on the other hand was the paborito daughter and didn't do anything."-lepetitsouris

"Ariel couldn't live with affectionate family, Sinderella did live with step-relatives, who hated her."- ppv

"Their most noticeable traits, and biggest faults are pretty opposite.
Ariel's most disliked fault seems to be the idea of her abandoning responsibility and family to chase her dreams, ignoring payo and orders. Cinderella's most disliked fault seems to be the idea of her not pursuing her dreams, doing what she's told too much, and staying with her cruel family at the expense of her happiness. There's also something really different about their demeanor to me, Ariel's all about hyper, childlike glee, Cinderella's all about elegant almost maternal sweetness."-MermaidTail

" The only similarity between them is that they are both very dreamy."-ppgbelle4

24. Ariel and Aurora

Tbe biggest differences involving this pair that are generally noticed are relatively similar to Sinderella and Ariel's differences- Ariel is thought to be dreamy, and also very determined to get what she wants, and is thought of as being madami childish than Aurora. Aurora is also thought of as very dreamy, however, Aurora is often thought to have several of Cinderella's traits that made her different from Ariel, like her calmness, patience, and elegance that both of them share. Therefore, it's no surprise that this pair was ranked right susunod to Ariel and Cinderella.

"“She's nothing like Ariel Ariel's heroic, stronger, prettier, smarter, and a tomboy while Aurora is smart and gorgeous she's girly, weak, and a damsel in distress”- KataraLover

"TBH I don't find them too similar, or too different. They're both dreamers without too much of a care in the world. However, when Aurora finds her true pag-ibig & she's stopped sa pamamagitan ng authority she gives up, whereas Ariel breaks the rules to go after Eric & ignores authority.
Unfortunately I don't know much madami about Aurora's personality to say what else is different. I could say Ariel is madami fun but we don't know that. However, I can say Ariel is probably madami childish, and definitely a lot madami pasulong than Aurora. But Aurora didn't exactly run away from her prince, either."-princesslullaby

23. Belle and Mulan

In regards to this pair, there is a mixed bag of opinions. Some think that they are similar, as both members of this pair are generally considered to be independent-minded and very close to their fathers. But Belle is thought to be less bravo and bold than Mulan, and Mulan is thought of as considerably less princess-like.

"I think that they're quite similar... they go on their own way, without think about what people says about their behaviour.
Mulan goes to the war to save her father, Belle goes to the Beast's kastilyo to save her fater.
They feel as they're "strange" and "different" from all the young ladies of their countries...
Yes, I think they're quite similar!"-Elie_star

"Belle Like to Read Alot But Mulan On The Other Hand Like To Train To Fight In Combat Alot!"-soxfan89

22. Sinderella and Pocahontas

Overall, the general consensus says that these two aren't that similar. Their most noticed differences are that Pocahontas is thought to be outdoorsy, unrestrained, and adventurous, while Sinderella is thought to be indoorsy, bossed around, and not particularly adventurous. But the consensus also suggests that while these are significant differences, the other pairs below have quite a few madami differences than this pair.

"Cinderella is forced to do things. Pocahontas had a choice to do things. Cindy's indoorsy and Poca's outdoorsy."-PrincessVandal

"Pocahontas isn't overworked, unlike Cinderella!"-Tigressfan10689

" Pocahontas is curious about everything and very adventerous, while Sinderella is a bit boring in my opinion."-LionaChoco

21. Aurora and Pocahontas

This pair is generally considered to be different, but not as strikingly different as some of the lower-ranked pairs. Both of these pairs are considered to be relatively well-to-do for their cultures and nature-loving, but Pocahontas is thought to be madami adventurous, while Aurora is thought to be madami ladylike. But the differences between these pairs are not considered to be as major as the lower pairs, seemingly fitting for a pair at the bottom of the first part of the article!

"Pocahontas is madami adventurous to the life of the outdoors. Aurora is madami calm and graceful, not completely risky."-PrincessVandal

"i personally think they aren't THAT different. sure, one is dramatic and playful at the same time, and the other is a dreamy romantic...but they both like to wander the forest and have forbidden boyfriends. "-percyandpotter
I got this idea from KataraLover after a long time of wondering what to write about. It was actually very easy to assign you all to these characters. I only have one, maybe two users for each princess so don’t feel bad if you’re not on here, we haven’t been very active lately on fanpop anyway. Anyway, on with the list!

1. Snow White

MalloMar - I’ve only just recently gotten to know her on here, but she’s really sweet and kind. I like her way of Pagsulat and can always appreciate her optimism so far. I’m looking pasulong to getting to know you better!

2. Cinderella

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Usually I don't post artikulo here any longer, because I have my own blogs to take care of. But this is a little project I did specifically for this club: Entry letters you can use every time you write an article.

Now, I first wanted to sort Disney Princess characters on letters, but I soon realised that there are way too many characters whose name start with A, B or P. I would have been impossible to include even all Disney Princesses if I had done it this way. So in the end, I decided to do a plant based alphabet. I hope you like the result.

I picked the Anemone for John Smith for a...
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added by tiffany88

11. Charlotte's wedding dress
This dress is very....interesting. Like there's some parts of it that's pretty but it's kinda over the tuktok and so so so pink Obviously this is a dress for charlotte because almost every formal dress we see her wear is kulay-rosas and over the tuktok because that's her style. I'm always for people wearing what they want, whether it be cosplay (don't judge me, I'm a geek and proud :P ) or just wearing a different colored dress. This, however, doesn't exactly scream "wedding dress" to me. It actually reminds me of one of those cakes that has the doll in the middle of it....
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
posted by princesslullaby
Considering that this is an artikulo about fanpop, I thought it was best to let the fanpoppers speak for themselves and keep my comments to a minimum.

11.Snow White

The general consensus on Snow White was that while people could connect with her kindness and enduring optimism, she is just too purist and naïve bordering on clueless for anyone to relate to.

"[I] Try to be optimistic, very caring towards animals, work hard, pag-ibig cooking. I think people irl see me as naive too, which I dislike. I can be a bit trusting, although that's dwindled as I get older." -Audreyfreak

"We have very little...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by yorkshire_rose
Source: wallpapercave
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: disney.co.jp
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: facebook.com/DisneyPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: facebook.com/DisneyPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: facebook.com/DisneyPrincessScans
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
posted by WinterSpirit809
I may be a little late for this but here we go...

So I have this opinion that I don't know whether or not it's popular, but I know at one point it wasn't. Everyone is just like "oh, she's going to be horrible as Belle!" But I strongly disagree, and here is why.

People say she looks nothing like Belle, so I'm just sitting here like soooo....? She looks no less the the same as Emilie de Ravin does, and she makes a great Belle on Once Upon a Time! I get it, when people see the live action versions of these movies, they want to see the characters similar in both personality wise and design...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88