Please help!

I got a new doggy a few days nakaraan and she won't eat! sometimes she eats a few pieces but that's it. can someone tell me what to do?
 Please help!
cuute!!!!!mine is also a shih tzu but shes 14 and shes white with cream.
Denelys posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
she is sooo cute!!!!!!
coriann posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
awww thx!!!
ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
 ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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Aso Sagot

ecpjll said:
Here are a few things you can do.

If your tuta has diarrhea, keep your eye on him to see how bad it is. If it is severe or if it doesn't stop after the first day, take your tuta to the vet quickly as dehydration can become a very real threat to your puppy's health.

Always put his pagkain and water in the same place to avoid disruptions in his behavior. Aso like stability, and moving his pot around will not help.

Avoid feeding him mesa scraps as this can disturb his digestive system and lead to certain behavior problems later on.

Make sure that his dining area is quiet during feeding times. It's difficult for a tuta to concentrate on eating when kids are running around, vacuums are running, and people are walking back and forth.

If other pets in the household are ipinapakita aggression, bullying or jealousy against your new puppy, keep them out of his eating area until he's finished his food. Nothing can jeopardize your dog's nutrition intake faster than mga hayop trying to attack him or take his pagkain while he's eating.

After you've ensured his dining area is free of distractions and disruptions, and if he's still not eating after a few days, take him to your veterinarian. Certain treatable conditions can interfere with his desire to eat. Worms is one common problem that can be cured quickly and easily.

Worms left untreated can cause your tuta to suffer with madami serious dog nutrition issues because worms actually devour the pagkain before your tuta digests it and absorbs its nutrient value. If left untreated, worms can cause madami serious problems for your puppy. The sooner the condition is treated, the sooner your dog will recover and begin eating again.

A puppy's growth rate and long term health are influenced sa pamamagitan ng his pagkain intake. tuta use up their nutritional intake madami quickly during the formulation weeks and months than they do during adulthood. This means that they require madami nutritional pagkain to meet the body's growing needs.

During his first year, feed him a good quality commercial pagkain that has been specially formulated to meet the nutritional demands of your growing puppy. sa pamamagitan ng following these simple steps, you can ensure your tuta grows healthy and strong. It's all about making sure he gets good dog nutrition right from the start.
P.S. IS THAT A LHASA APSO? IF IT IS, I HAVE ONE RIGHT BESIDE ME.MY DOG MIKA. :) good luck with your puppy! I hope he's okay.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
thank you so much!!! and no, a shih tzu :)
ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
let me know how he's doing in a araw or 2 (if u want): poor puppy.
ecpjll posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
awww thanks. :) I WILL.
ecpjll posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Denelys said:
Maybe the pagkain is to hard or she does`nt like the flavor.If it is to hard normally I wet my Aso pagkain and make it really soft she eats it.
if its neither of them im sorry I could not help.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
well thx for answering i really appreciate it :)
ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
yeah i did that too that helps:)
coriann posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
ur welcome my dog is also a shih tzu Muneca or doll in english
Denelys posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
oh cool
ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
iGotSwagg said:

If you know your dog is just finicky here are some feeding tips you can try:
1. Feed At The same Time Every araw If your dog does not eat the pagkain in 15 minutos pick it up and put it away. Do this a total of 2 times during a 24 oras period. Do not leave the pagkain out because your dog will learn they can get pagkain whenever they want.
2. Try Adding a Half a cup of Warm Water Let the water/food mixture sit for 5 minutes, and then offer it the same way as in tip #1.
3. An Adult Dog Can Go Without For a total of 3 days, as long as they are still drinking water. This is actually harder on us humans to watch, than it is on the dogs. Sometimes a dog knows his system better than we do, and will refuse food. This applies strictly to healthy adult dogs. Those with chronic disease such as diabetes, and tuta less than 3 months need to get to the vet. They should be eating regardless of how picky they are.
4. Feed In A Quiet Area Really shy dogs, those that have just come from a shelter, or those that are new to your family need a ligtas place to eat. A ligtas place is quiet, private (like a kennel or a porch), and free from distractions such as humans traipsing through to check on them. These Aso are not comfortable in their environment yet and need to feel safe. Of course, offer them pagkain for 15 minutes, and, if they don't eat, put it away until the susunod day.
5. Try a Few Different Varieties Some Aso just do not like certain varieties of food. Try to get some samples from your pet store and see what they like. Do not try the pet pagkain sarsa or homemade sauces. Save these tricks for when your dog is really sick and you need something super enticing. If you start with these now, you will not have anything to offer if they really do become sick.

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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
oh thank you so much i'll try these out! :)
ICONicgirl7 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Mistyflower said:
When I took my dog to the vet for the first time, the vet sinabi if my dog wasn't eating, I should cook up some peppers and meat and mix it in with his food. Also, if you change the brand of pagkain he eats too quickly, the dog won't eat it because its too fast a change.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
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