Season One edit - Exit historical view

Return of the Kings

Brady and Boomer are twin teens.After being bullied by the toughest guy in the whole school, Mason and a group of warriors from their kingdom in kinkow come to bring them home.They break the sacred  ruby and the volcano on the island erupts. Lanny tricks them into going to get another sacred ruby so they would die in the dark side of kinkow. While they were in the dark side,Brady and Boomer were caught by the tarantula people. Luckily,Brady has the chain that controls them.They were able to get the sister ruby, and save the kingdom.However,the chain that controlled dangerous tarantula men on the dark side of the island falls off Brady's neck.The men find it and use it to awaken a mummy on the dark side.  Pair-Of-Kings

Beach Bully Bingo

 Brady and Boomer are banned from the beach by the top surfer Hibachi.After that,they return and they make an impossible bet with Hibachi that they will beat him in a surf competition and take back to beach.Hibachi states that if he win,then no one will be able surf on the island ever again,but him and his friends.Brady and Boomer enlist in a boot camp run by Mason,who attempts to train them so they can learn how to surf. Brady and Boomer train and take on Hibachi,while Mikayla decides to keep an eye on hibachi's friends.she discovers that they were trying to cheat by shining light from the sun into the eyes of Brady and Boomer by using a reflective shell.she puts the ones responsible to sleep with darts.Brady and Boomer win the competition,and make Mason the new "Big Kahula".BeachBullyBingo

A Mermaid's Tail

The two kings find mermaids on the beach and bring them to the castle to turn them into human princesses of the castle. Things go bad when the mermaids take over the castles and turn Mikayla into a mermaid. Meanwhile, Lanny falls in love with one of the mermaids.

Where the Wild Kings Are


Big Kings On Campus