Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by Metallica1147
Chapter 5: Tranquility Lane

Private made it to a small abandon car repair shop. Private looked at his Pip-Boy to see if he went to the right place, and it sinabi hanay ng mga arko 112. Private went inside anyways to see what he could find. The place was old and dusty, cobwebs everywhere. Private noticed a huge door on the floor on the far-left side of the room, and walked to it. He opened the door and it showed stairs that lead to the basement. He went down, but saw that this wasn’t the basement at all. Instead it was the entrance to hanay ng mga arko 112. Private looked at the control panel, and just simply just pressed the button that sinabi “Open.” The big door opened and the ibong dagat went inside to find his father. He looked around and noticed how it looked a lot like hanay ng mga arko 101, just exactly like it. Just then a robot walked up to Private and started talking to him.

“Welcome, resident!” sinabi the robot. “According to my scanners you are 200.3 years late. Please put on your hanay ng mga arko 112 jumpsuit. If you do not have one, I am authorized to give you a new one.”

Private sinabi he didn’t have one and was ibingiay a new jumpsuit. He put it on just in case if anything goes fishy and was told to head to the lower level of the Vault. Once he got there he saw pods in the room. One of them opened, and the robot that greeted him told him to get in. Private was a bit suspicious, but went in the pod anyways. He got in, and the pod closed locking him inside. A small telebisyon turned on and the susunod thing he knew everything went white.

Private look up, and looked up at the was black and white. He sat up and saw that everything was in black and white. But what was even stranger is that this didn’t look like the Capital Wasteland anymore. Instead it looked like a small neighborhood in the 1950’s. Everyone was dressed differently, buildings not destroyed, and people not suffering or killing each other. It was like the apocalypse never happened. Just then a ibong dagat walked up to Private.

“Hey there, sport!” he said, with a smile. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

“Whe-where am I?” asked Private.

“Where are you? Ha-ha! Should lay off the egg cream don’t you think? Why don’t you go to the playground, son? Your friend Betty’s waiting for you.”

Private was very confused, not having one clue what he just said. Private looked at a window from one of the houses, and saw that even he looked completely different. Instead of wearing the hanay ng mga arko 112 jumpsuit, he was in a striped t-shirt, and he wasn’t the same nineteen-year-old he was before. He was ten years old again! Private didn’t know what was going on, but he needed to figure it out quickly. Just then a dog walked up to Private and started to whimper. The dog couldn’t speak English but he was poking Private a lot and just wouldn’t stop. Private shoos the dog away, and the dog just walked away. Private waddled to the playground to talk to this Betty that ibong dagat told him about. He saw a female lemur that looked the same age as him; it had to be Betty.

“Um, hello,” greeted Private.

“Hi!” she sinabi in a burst of excitement. “Someone knew to play with! What luck I’ve been having lately.”

“Uh...can you help me find father sa pamamagitan ng any chance?”

“Gee, I don’t know. What does he look like?”

“A bit taller than me, flat head, and he’s a doctor.”

“Hmm, I don’t believe I’ve seen him. But anyways, do you want to play?”

“I really can’t, I need to find my dad.”

But then Betty started talking in a different, in a manly voice. “Listen here, penguin,” Betty said. “If you truly value your life then you will play with me now!”


“Goody!” Betty sinabi in her little girl voice. “I know what game we can play first. Do you see that chubby hayop ng oter over there?”

She pointed to a young hayop ng oter selling limonada susunod to his house. “Yes, what about him?”

“He annoys me, so I want you to tell him that his parents are getting a divorce and that it’s his entire fault.”

“What? I can’t possibly-”

And in Betty’s alternate voice again, she said. “Do it now or you will die!”

Private didn’t argue and went to go do what she said. He didn’t want to do it, but what choice did he have? This is another place and he has no idea what Betty could do to him. Private walked up to the hayop ng oter and did what Betty told him to do.

“Hi there!” sinabi the otter. “Do you wanna buy some lemonade?”

“Um, no thanks,” sinabi Private. “I wanted to tell you...that your parents are getting a divorce.”

“Wha...what, but why, was it something I did?”

“Yes...your parents sinabi they’re getting a divorce because of you.”

The hayop ng oter ran off crying inside the house. Private felt really bad that he did that, but it’s not like he had a choice. Private went back to Betty.

“There,” he said. “I did want you want.”

“That was funny!” she said, while laughing. “That was a great game. Now I have another one we can play.”

“What do you want me to do now?”

“There is this husband and wife that lives susunod door to me, and they just seem too happy for my taste. I want you to kill one of them with no one looking, and put the blame on the other.”

“I cant-”

“Do I have to explain this to you again? Now look, I’m going to play somewhere else for right now. I expect you to have the job done when I get back.”

Betty skipped away to another area to do what she wanted. Private couldn’t do this much longer. It was one thing to lie to someone innocent, but to kill someone innocent just wasn’t in him. He didn’t know what to do now, but then that same dog came up to him and tried to get Private’s attention again. He wasn’t sure what the dog wanted, but it looked like he wanted Private to follow him. Private didn’t know why this dog wanted him to follow him, but what did he have to lose? He followed the dog inside an empty house filled with walang tiyak na layunin items. Private wasn’t sure why this dog led him here, but the dog touched the radio in the room and it made a ding. Private figured it out; the items in the room would open something up that could help Private escape this world. There was a radio, a glass pitcher, a bottle, a gnome, and a cinder block. Tapping all these items in the right order would solve the puzzle. He tapped the bottle next, and it made the same ding the radio made when it was touched. He was getting a bit closer. He tapped the cinder block susunod but made a different type of ding, which meant he had start over. So now the ibong dagat tapped the radio and the bottle again, and then tried to gnome and that made the right ding this time. There were only two items left, and from a stroke of luck Private tapped the cinder block again and made the correct ding. So that meant the glass pitcher was the last item to touch. He tapped the glass pitcher and after it made one final ding the pader on the far right of the house opened up.

Inside was a machine that had screens that showed everywhere outside. This is was cause of this whole different world, and what Betty must have used to trap everyone in hanay ng mga arko 112 to be stuck in here. Private switched the machine off, hoping to end this terror once and for all. But once he did he started to hear gunshots outside. Private ran out, and saw hanay ng mga arko guards all over killing everyone outside. This isn’t what he expected to happen at all! He thought it would send everyone back to the Vault. Betty ran to Private and she was very angry.

“You idiot!” she said. “Do you know what you just done?”

“I suppose not because everyone is being killed!” sinabi Private.

Betty started talking in her male voice, but then a little in her child voice. Like there was a malfunction or something. “All I wanted was to be with ruined that for me! I never wanted to trap everyone in hanay ng mga arko 112 in this dream...but...I had no one else....”

Private was confused, he didn’t know what to say.

“I’ll send you back now,” Betty said. “You...and your father.”

“My father?” asked Private.

But before his tanong was answered he was sent back into the real world. He woke up inside the pod, which was now opening. Once it was fully opened he got out and was now back inside hanay ng mga arko 112. Another pod started to open, Private wasn’t sure who was coming out of it...but then he say his face. It was his father, Skipper.

“Dad!” Private shouted, as he ran to hug his father.

“Oy!” he sinabi on the impact of the hug, but then smiled and returned the hug. “Private, my son. It’s good to see you again!”

“Dad...DAD!” Private’s voice quickly turned into anger. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to leave the Vault! You left it in chaos!”

“Private I-”

“The Overseer tried to have me killed!”

“I know son, but-”

“I spent days wondering and trying to survive just trying to find you!” Private’s anger then turned into tears, crying on Skipper’s chest.

“Private! Listen to me. I‘m sorry I left you, but it was too dangerous for you to come. I‘m very lucky that you‘re not dead now. I had to leave because-”

“For Project Purity?”

“Yes, that is why.”

“I know about it now, and I’m sorry I angry with you right now.”

“It’s alright, and thank for you saving me from that horrible place.”

“That Betty character sinabi you were inside there but I couldn’t find you.”

“Private, who else do you think was helping in there?”

“You were that dog?”

“Yes, and I hope to never become one again. Feels good having flippers and walking on two legs again. Well, stubby legs, anyways.”

“I listened to your journals back at Jefferson Memorial, did you find that G.E.C.K., and does one even exist?”

“No, there wasn’t one here, but I was right about Rockgut’s studies. However the technology is unstable, and even dangerous. But it CAN be adapted for Project Purity.”

“Do you know where to find one?”

“No, but we need to head back to Rivet City so I can talk to Doris. If we can find a G..E.C.K., then we can make Project Purity work.”

“’re going back to Rivet City and keep working?”

“Yes, but this time I would like for you to come with me. I want you to be there when we finally open the floodgates, and finish what me and your mother started years ago.”

Private smiled at his dad, giving him another big hug. They went to Rivet City to work on Project Purity together as father and son, and give hope to those mga hayop that were less fortunate in the Capital Wasteland.
posted by Metallica1147
Author’s Note: I don’t care if you don’t like the story. Haters gonna hate is what I say. All I ask is that you don’t flame me for my grammar. I try my best to edit as much as I can but I can’t seem to fix all the grammar errors. But I do try. Enjoy the story! :)

     Chapter 1: Early Years

War... War never changes. Since the dawn of mankind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything:...
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Request sa pamamagitan ng link. Hope you enjoy. ;D


Doris's New Beau: Take 1

[KOWALSKI and PARKER are shown walking down a dock]

Kowalski: "She...needs me?"

Parker: "Her very words. sinabi you're the smartest guy she's ever met."

Kowalski: *smiles huge* "Ah, always knew Doris would come to her senses someday. It's the casual-" *steps on end of board and the other end smacks him in the face* "Daie!" *falls over*

Director: *sighs* "Can someone please fix that?"

GuyOffSet: "On it!"

Director: "Kowalski, are you alright?"

Kowalski: *gets to feet and rubs head*...
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Private woke up that morning feeling sluggish. His stomach was moaning like an iriated beast.
S: "Good morning, Private!"
P: "Good morning, Skippah."
S: "You hungry?"
P: "Yes, extremely, actually."
S: "Good! Cause we're going fishing!"
P: "Wait, did you say we are going fishing?"
S: "You heard me, we are going fishing."
P: "Yay!"
S: "You have to learn sometime. Besides, you've earned it!"

The two kalapati into the icy water. Little did they know their scent was caught sa pamamagitan ng two blood-thristy predators. Skipper led Private cautiously towards a colossal school of fish. Skipper motioned to Private to open his...
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Skipper woke up late that morning. He waddled to the sleeping Private. A smile came across his face as he stroked Private's head with his gentle flipper. Private opened his eyes sluggishly.
P: "Good morning, Skippah."
S: "Good morning, did you sleep well last night?"
P: "Yes, I did. Did you?"
S: "Yeah, you want to see the colony today?"
P: "Okay!"
S: "I'm going to get breakfast. Remember all the rules."
P: "Can I come?"
S: "No, not yet. I don't think you're ready now."
P: "I've fished in the pond at tahanan before."
S: "Yes, but there aren't those carnivorious beast there."
P: "I can handle it. Believe me....
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Private: ACHOO! *sniffle*

Private sits tiredly on the table, as Kowalski probes around Private with thermometers, stethoscopes, and a tape measure.

Kowalski: According to my calculations, it seems that Private has become sick with some sort of virus.
Private: Ah.. Ah.. ACHOO!
Kowalski: Eh, and a very sickly one, I might add.
Rico: Eww.
Skipper: Well, nothing a little sleep and some tsaa can't cure!
Private: But Skipper, I feel like my head weighs a thousand tons! Don't you have any-
Skipper: Wait, you sinabi your head feels heavy? Do you happen to be sneezing uncontrollably and feeling faint every...
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posted by krazy4kowalski
Sorry it took me so long to update! This was a difficult chapter to write, but I’m pleased with the final product. I hope you enjoy it and, yes, not all the characters are going to survive this. Just wanted to make that clear.

Hopeless Situations

“Um, excuse me, Dr. Blowhole?” Private said, “I-I’m still stuck here!”
“Oh, I know, Private,” he responded, “I know.”
“Hey, let the private go, Blowhole!” Skipper ordered.
The dolpin bowed mockingly, “Your wish is my command, Skipper!” At that moment, the floor began to tremble. The penguins hit the floor, and Kowalski...
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posted by nookehene
New Transfer
It was early in the morning when I was getting the team ready for today's schedule. They were all there except for Kowalski. I had ibingiay Kowalski orders to go and see what all the commotion was about in Alice's office last night. I was almost done telling everybody everything for today, when Kowalski jumping into the H.Q. "Speak man." I commanded him. He was out of breath and looked excited and worried, which was making me anxious. "We are getting a new transfer." Kowalski sinabi when he caught his breath. "New transfer!" I exclaimed. "Tell us more" Private sinabi anxiously. "Well..."...
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added by Bitt3rman
Source: me
added by Rikopriski
Source: Best Foes
added by Sassl
[DISClAIMER: I do not own this; this was uploaded sa pamamagitan ng ThibaultAnd.] Didn't see this here so...yeah, "Penguins of Madagascar getting slimed. Without watermarks in center and in good quality . Enjoy ;)"
penguins of madagascar
added by Jibanya
Source: Me
added by AnxiousSoul
Source: juski.png
added by Featherson
Source: Penguins Of Madagascar
added by chaos-ice
Source: Me ^_^
added by Cowtails
added by Tressa-pom
Source: King Julien for A araw
added by PenguinStyle
added by PenguinStyle
posted by spmana123
Silence....that's all I could hear in that tiny room. The smell was overwhelming, probably because of Rico's corpse, I could tell that we were all losing it, I couldn't tell how long Kowalski was going to last anymore.

Private: skipper....I miss Rico...

I looked over at private to try and comfort him, but I could tell between his reared eyes, that he wanted to get out of here, away from it all.

Skipper:I know you do private, we all do....but there's nothing we can do to bring him back's funny.....I'll never see Rico again...never see his crazy ideas when we go on a mission, never to...
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