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How do you solve battle scenes in RP's? Please help

I have made a few Rp's they were decent and made popular content but died for some reasons but i always had one main problem.....

How can you solve battle scenes between two characters without causing problems?

I mean you can write [ Jake punched Tim and Tim nose was broken] but in the end no one wants there character to lose the fight which causes problems, or can make and endless string of post because everyone wants to nice

[ please help because im making a VIKING Rp soon and hope to see a lot of fights and death! lol help ]
 Palin_X765 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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nang hindi pinipili ang papel na paglalaro Sagot

dragonsmemory said:
I've written quite a few battle scenes in RPs before. The trick is not for one person to write the whole battle, the trick is to leave openings. For example, using the fight you demonstrated, it should be written like this:

PersonA: "Jake's fist cocked back, ready to manuntok Tim in the nose"
PersonB: "Tim had no time to dodge as Jake's blow landed square in his face, shattering his nose"

Or something along those lines. You need to let the other person decide if the blow is a hit or miss.
Think of RP fight scenes as playing Battleship. You can't make a ilipat until you know whether you hit or missed.
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
yes but still Someone has to lose. Or it could end up endless post or no winner is decided because of an outside event stopping it
Palin_X765 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
As the battle goes on, it'll become clear which character is the most likely to survive, and which isn't. Remember that game of Battleship? After a while, you can easily figure out where your opponent's ships are. Once you reach that point, unless your opponent did too, then the rest of the game is just you sinking the rest of the ships
dragonsmemory posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
but,still,no one wold make their character lose,even if he is the one supposed too........................well, i myself won't!
pipiqueen posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Once you get that far in the story, you have an idea o who would win or lose in a fight. Think of it as battling with Pokemon (excuse the reference). Each one has its unique type, abilities, and attacks, meaning that every battle is different
dragonsmemory posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
Riku114 said:
I tend to have that problem as well, and I know this is an old tanong but meh. I was bored XD

Because of that problem, I dont look at rps very hopefully though I am part of 'The Banished' which does have quite a few fights.

Like the person above me said, you do have to leave openings and allow the opponent to actually respond to the attack. Also we all know everyone will just have their characters dodge and dodge and dodge and it will be an endless battle. Thats why firstly, you gotta be logical and fair otherwise is simply become overpowering if its so easy. Then again think about the characters skill level. That stuff is all important but the two biggest things to me are the following.

1. Rp with people you know you can Rp with

2. Plan our the victor or how the battle is going to end

Some people arent compatible with rping well with. Like the people that wont drop their pride in their character enough to loose a fight. Maybe someone to match that would be someone who cant win a fight (this is a rare species of rp-er). Also it is helpful if you can talk to the rp-ers so you can actually agree on things rather than just manuntok manuntok punch. This leads me onto the segundo thing.

Plan. If you dont have a plan for the battle or an idea for the battle, you will get no where. Sure its easy when you are fighting your own characters but its just a bit harder when you are fighting another rp-er's characters. Thats why you should know who you are rp-ing with and talk with them. Dont start a pointless fight. A pointless fight wont have a good ending and if it is a pointless fight it should end without a winner like them fleeing. Every battle done should have at least a BIT of point to them. Usually when there is a point to them that you have talked out with the other person, it is easy to come to a conclusion

And just a few tips.

When you make a fighting rp, remind the rp-ers that there will be death, especially if you expect it.

Also remind them that their characters arent all mighty and will have to loose occasionally

And a loss isnt always a bad thing. Its good for character development...... Which always makes a fight good

I think there was one madami thing but I forgot it
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posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas 
Im best compatible with Wantadog over in liyama land.
Riku114 posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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