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In August 2014, my mga kaibigan and I started high school. We were nervous about starting high school, but knowing that we had each other was comforting. When we started, we did get bullied. At one point, some of the bullies threatened to beat me because of my haircut. Andrea came up to the bullies and said, "If you hurt my friend, Peter, you'll have to answer to me!" The ring leader said, "We're going to beat him anyway." She said, "No, you are not! If you want to beat up somebody, do it to me." The ring leader said, "You heard the lady!" I cried, "Andrea, no!" She said, "I'd rather it be me than you." The bullies started beating on her. I said, "Hold on, Andrea! I'll go get help." She sinabi in agony, "Please hurry!" I ran and found the principal and one of the teachers. They said, "Slow down, Peter! What's going on?" I said, "You need to hurry. Andrea's getting beat up!" They rushed to the scene and pulled the bullies off of Andrea. She wasn't moving. I cried out, "Andrea!" She moaned in pain. I knelt down beside her and said, "Talk to me, love." She said, "I'm hurt bad." The school nurse came. She said, "I think Andrea will be okay. She should go to the hospital just to be safe." Thankfully, she was okay. She was just badly bruised. She made a full recovery. Later in the year, we got a body guard, who defended us from bullies for a year. Right before we went on pasko Break, I noticed that Andrea was in pain. I asked, "Andrea, are you all right?" She said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I said, "You're pagganap like you're hurt." She said, "I'm sure I'll be fine. I think it's where I slipped and fell on a patch of ice this morning." Marie overhead the conversation and said, "Look, I'm not a doctor, but you should definitely go see one." The susunod morning, I went to see how Andrea was doing. She did not look well at all. She was very pale, and she complained that the pain had worsened. I said, "I don't think you're hurt. I think you're very sick. You need to tell your aunt and uncle right away." She was taken to the hospital, and her aunt and uncle promised to keep me updated. Later, as I was sitting in my bedroom, my mother came in and said, "I just got a call from Andrea's aunt. Andrea has appendicitis. Her appendix has ruptured, and she is going into emergency surgery." I became very upset. When the appendix ruptures, it's very dangerous. I couldn't madala the thought of losing my best friend. Later, my mother came back into my bedroom. She said, "Andrea's aunt just called. Andrea is out of surgery, and she's going to be okay. They're going to keep her for a few days just to be sure." I felt relieved. I visited Andrea in the hospital. I even took care of her Aso for her. She soon made a complete recovery. Towards the end of the year, she called me and said, "You're not going to believe this, but I was struck sa pamamagitan ng lightning last night." I cried, "What?! Are you okay?!" She said, "I'm fine. I have a few burns, and I got the wind knocked out of me, but other than that, I'm okay." I said, "That's good. I'm sorry you're hurt." Overall, our first taon of high school was a really good year.