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14 new bituin Wars: The Last Jedi larawan from a galaxy far, far away

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called bituin Wars: The Last Jedi mga litrato from a galaxy far, far away
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Movies This Week\'s Cover: Darkness surrounds the light in \'The Last Jedi\'
Movies New \'Star Wars: The Last Jedi\' image reveals Rose’s mystery necklace
Movies The \'Star Wars: The Last Jedi\' countdown is on
© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd.; ILM/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. (2); Jonathan Olley/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd.
fan! You look like you could use a quick trip into the galaxy far, far away. As part of EW\'s new four-cover issue devoted to
, here\'s a gallery of new images (with more to come and in the week ahead).
We begin with Finn (John Boyega) and Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) escorting BB-8 through the affluent corridors of power in the casino city of Canto Bight. Not exactly the kind of place you want to be caught wearing a grubby jumpsuit or a hand-men-down jacket. But at least the droid looks sharp.
Mark Hamill\'s Luke Skywalker watches from a cliff on the Jedi-sacred island Ahch-To as Rey (Daisy Ridley) practices her skills with his old family lightsaber. "Rian Johnson could have just made me another benevolent Jedi teacher but, you know, we’ve seen that before. And no one can do it better than Sir Alec Guinness," Hamill says. Instead, this Luke is a broken warrior. And he sees dread in this young pupil, rather than new hope.
Here\'s Daisy Ridley\'s Jedi hopeful in a dangerous situation, with the looming presence of Adam Driver\'s Kylo Ren behind her. For more on the push-and-pull relationship between these two Force-wielders, head here.
After Carrie Fisher\'s unexpected death last year,
film. Seen here with filmmaker Rian Johnson, her job in this movie is to hand off the reins of power. To Leia Organa, Oscar Isaac\'s Poe Dameron is both a surrogate son and a potential leader for the Resistance.
Oscar Isaac says he and Fisher had a similar relationship to their characters, seen here in the midst of a First Order attack on their fleet. "We\'ve always been very direct with each other, you know?" the actor says. "There was just such an honesty, and it\'s a really beautiful little scene that happens here between the two of them."
Another character EW will explore in more depth (but without spoilers) is Laura Dern\'s  Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. She steps in to bring new vision to the Resistance but ends up clashing with Poe Dameron, who has different ideas for how the war should be waged.
Porgs don\'t make this ship fly any faster, but they sure look cool on the dashboard.
Nothing Lasts ForeverAnd we both know hearts can change
There is much debate about this shot from the trailer. Is Rey raising her lightsaber against Luke Skywalker ... or is she actually lowering it, and the footage was played in reverse in that promo to throw off the deep-dive analyzers? There\'s no question it\'s a moment of aggression, but one mystery of the film will be which directions she takes from here.
Kylo Ren loses his helmet in this movie – if smashing it to pieces in a white-hot rage counts as "losing it." Adam Driver says the anger and unhappiness inside the former Ben Solo makes him push himself to extremes. He\'s constantly trying to prove something, if only to himself. "As with anybody who has faith in anything, it requires doubt," Driver says. "That makes you more resolute about how you move forward."
Kylo Ren\'s bat-winged shuttle hovers over a line of AT-M6s – the "gorilla walkers" that are surging across the salt flats of the mining world of Crait, heading toward the Resistance holed up in an abandoned Rebel base that dates back to the battles of the original trilogy. 
Ed Miller/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved
To buy this cover featuring Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley, click here. 
To buy this cover featuring John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran, click here.
Oscar Isaac: Ed Miller/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved; Laura Dern: David James/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved
To buy this cover featuring Oscar Isaacs and Laura Dern, click here.
Bruno Dayan/© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved
To buy this cover featuring Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, click here. 
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