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You know what Sherlock Holmes is great at doing? Picking up small bits of information and putting together one big picture. Well, yours truly is going to try to make-believe now. NO I will not run around with a walis between my legs and yelling in Latin, my quiditch and gladiator reinactements were yesterday. We're talking Son of Neptune, chapter 1 analysis right here.

All things have their beggining, and the great ones have chapter titles.


Okay, who did not feel something when they read 'Percy' right there under the roman numeral 'I'?

Maybe you were happy Percy was narrating, maybe you squeeled (I did, but it was madami of the fact that there was a chapter RIGHT ON MY MONITOR!), maybe you were disapointed that Percy was narrating instead of a roman.

Well for you, I give you good news! Percy won't get a whole book to himself, if so, why specify 'Percy' as the narrator? Personally, I think this was the best way to go to please everybody. I'm happy it's not ALL Percy narating, because I want to see the trained-roman-Point-of-View. Who knows what they're like?

Also, we're probably sticking to the Roman numerals as chapter titles again.

And we're also most likely going to get 2 chapters Percy, two chapters somebody, and so forth. And we'll probably have a 3 way narration to go with this, too, because RR is most likely sticking to the same format as 'The Nawawala Hero' throughout the series.

Percy's been sightseeing California like only a demigod can.

Meaning you're running for your life and you only remember the places you nearly died in, the beautiful sightings you've sabotaged and what you saw while sprinting as fast as you could.

I've made a map of where Percy has been according to the sample chapter. (PS- I could not find a map with all the locations I was looking for on it, so this is probably not the nicest, but I did a lot of research to try and make it as legit and precise as posible!)

The part that got all of us Percy/Annabeth mga manliligaw squealing like Hades

Annabeth is Percy's Thalia! She's the one thing he can remember from his old life! The tanong that will make those same mga manliligaw tremble in their togas now; to what extent?

a) Annabeth is my girlfriend; I will not let Hannah's flirting get to me because I already have a girlfriend
b) Annabeth's my best friend, but Hannah's really cute and she's hilarious and without her I'd have died on araw 1, so you know...

I have no sagot from you, but it's obviously very small and dim, so who knows how much he remembers? Looks maybe, personality, but relationships? Parentage? ???

A vague sadness weighed on Percy’s chest. Something told him he’d been to San Francisco before. The city had some connection to Annabeth—the only person he could remember from his past. His memory of her was frustratingly dim.

What does San Fran' have in common with Miss Chase?
-Her father lives there
-The whole Titan's-curse affair

So maybe, just maybe, Percy will tumawid paths with Frederick Chase. That would be so funny!

Percy, Bobby and Reyna were rushing across the city, scrambling to get back to the Caldecott tunnel.
"We don't have time!" Bobby said. "They're gaining on us!"
"We've got to keep going," Percy shouted over his shoulder. There was a huge car honk behind him. Percy looked over his shoulder. The driver rolled down his window and poked his head out; a guy with sandy blond hair.
"Get in!" He yelled.
"I'm Frederick Chase, get in the car!" The name echoed in Percy's head.
"Common!" He shouted to Reyna and Bobby.
"Are you insane Barnacle Breath?" Reyna asked.
"I know this guy!" Percy said. He ran for the car and got in the front seat. Reyna and Bobby got in the back and Mr Chase stepped on it.
"Who is he?" Reyna demanded.
"My friend's dad," Percy said. "An old friend from camp."
"Friend?" Frederick Chase sinabi it like he was amused. "That's all you're going to call my daughter?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Percy asked.
"Umm, Percy," Bobby sinabi hesitantly. "I think he means that Annabeth is madami than just a friend."
Percy's puso stopped beating for a second. He turned to look at the man who had an amused smile on his lips.
"You're kidding? That's why my memories were so sharp about her, but vague with the rest!"
"Oh boy, your memories are in even worst shape than Jason's, Percy!" Frederick said.
"Jason? What about him, he's still alive?" Reyna questioned.
"I don't know much, and I'm not allowed to talk to you a whole lot. Sit back, catch your breaths, enjoy the ride and we'll be at the Caldecott tunnel soon. And Percy, don't think about the last time I gave you a ride."
"Well that won't be hard," he grumbled.

All that to say; Percabeth beloved is not out of the woods, yet.

Percy, the human GPS, was kind enough to tell us what Jason couldn't; Camp Ceasar Salad's location.

"The lobo Lupa had taught
him to sharpen his senses—to trust the instincts that had been guiding him south. His homing radar was tingling like crazy now. The end of his journey was close—almost right under his feet. But how could that be? There was nothing on
the hilltop."

He scrambled to the west side of the summit. It was too steep to descend. The slope plummeted eighty feet, straight to the roof of an apartment complex built into the side of the hill. Fifty feet below that, a highway emerged from the base
of the burol and wound its way toward Berkeley.
Great. No other way off the hill. He’d managed to get himself cornered. He stared at the stream of cars flowing west toward San Francisco and wished he were in one of them. Then he realized the highway must cut through the hill. There must be a tunnel . . . right under his feet.His internal radar went nuts. He was in the right place,
just too high up. He had to check out that tunnel. He needed a way down to the highway—fast.

I think the majority of us have figured out that the Caldecott tunnel is the entrance to Camp Ceasar Salad. Percy's now got some 'OMG I can find Roman structures now!' senses and Jason's gut feeling as he flew over it in the helicopter in 'The Nawawala Hero'.

But I'm here to talk about the apartment complex too.

An appartment complex, right susunod to the Caldecott tunnel. Who lives in there? I'm ready to bet that somebody does. And that somebody is probably important. A god? Remus and Romulus (who are gods themselves now; or at least Romulus is)? Who knows, but that appartment complex must be housing some peopl who are very tired of seeing big Aso and dirty, armed children running around.

Percy didn't wake up completely defenceless

Hera was at least 'kind' enough to give him Riptide (if you count her as still being able to rank herself in the 'kind'). Riptide is still perfectly balanced, and Percy can still read the name even if it's Ancient Greek. Wonder if that'll biteback against him later on (lame sword joke, I know, but seriously, will that come against him?)

Percy's a little slower than Jason at the whole getting-to-the-program thing. Or maybe it's just the Roman training getting in the way of his 5-day-heads'-up-for-going-on-a-quest-that-involves-the-safety's-world habbits.

He’d woken up with this sword his first night at the lobo House—two months ago? More? He’d Nawawala track. He’d found himself in the courtyard of a burned-out mansion in the middle of the woods, wearing shorts, an kahel T-shirt, and a
leather kuwintas with a bunch of strange clay beads. Riptide had been in his hand, but Percy had had no idea who he was or how he’d gotten there. He’d been barefoot, freezing, and
confused. And then the mga lobo came. . .

Two and a half months ago... Ayoye!

Alright; I think Percy woke up the araw after the solstice. Because until a few days ago, Percy was at the lobo House 24/7. So where were he and Lupa during the battle? The only humans at the lobo house on the solstice were the hunters, Piper, Leo, and Jason. Only 2 guys, so obviously Percy wasn't just Nawawala in the mix, and besides, Thalia at least would have spotted him, no? So obviously Percy wasn't at the lobo house during the battle.

Let's say he came in on December 22.
December 22+ 2 months and a half= Sometime in early March or late Febuary (either way, he missed Valentine's day). Aproximatively 75 days too.

But it doesn't matter, because Percy is on the road to getting his past nailed! And to bunch of other things that sound a lot madami painful...

Beano the gorgon rolls off your tongue better than Stheno, now doesn't it?

Percy stumbled away from the gorgon, almost falling off the edge of the hill.
It was the smiley one—Beano.
Okay, her name wasn’t really Beano. As near as Percy could figure, he was dyslexic, because words got twisted around when he tried to read. The first time he’d seen the gorgon, posing as a Bargain Mart greeter with a big green button that read: welcome! my name is stheno, he’d thought
it sinabi beano.

This doesn't tell us much about the new book; but this is madami of a sidenotes. I don't think that the Romans are going to have dyslexia as a common trait. ADHD, yes, but dyslexia, no. Why? Because the Greeks used the Greek alphabet right? And most of their letters aren't used in our alphabet. The delta, the omega...

The thing is with Romans, a lot of their stuff is Greek or Persian or whatever with a little spin to it (*cough*name change*cough*). The roman alphabet -which is called the latin alphabet- contain a lot of the Greek letters, except with maybe different phonetic values and all. I'm talking A,B,E,Z... And it's the alphabet that English, French and a lot of other languages use today. So why would they have trouble with an alphabet their ancestors, inspirations, etc created? They shouldn't.

Gorgons are so thoughtful when they aren't trying to kill you!

I keep thinking of this one thing Stheno said; You know sa pamamagitan ng now that even Celestial bronze can’t kill us for long

There are other metals than Celestial bronze out there. Stygian iron, Imperial ginto (Nico and Jason's swords in respective order). So is there another metal out there that someone will discover works better? Just a thought, and probably a wishful one at that.

Annabeth would be so proud!

Even though his memory was erased, he knew he was a demigod the same way he knew his name was Percy Jackson. From his very first conversation with Lupa the wolf, he’d accepted that this crazy messed-up world of gods and monsters was his reality. Which pretty much sucked.

This is just one quote across the chapter that shows that Percy's seaweed is filled with info. Delightful, yes? So he's not clueless and sa pamamagitan ng the time they ship him off on his quest (or he runs away, you never know) he'll be good and stocked, and not that clueless!

Healing isn't entirely reserved for children of Apollo...

Percy’s throat constricted. “You added your blood to the Cheese ’n’ Wieners?”
“Just a little.” Stheno smiled. “A little nick on my arm, but you’re sweet to be concerned. Blood from our right side can cure anything, you know, but blood from our left side is deadly—”

Euryale and Stheno seem pretty dedicated to killing Percy. My guess is they'll be cropping up every now and then for the rest of the book. And can you not just see someone getting hurt, and Percy using nature's weirdest way of healing to fix it all?


“Before you slash me to bits,” he said, “who’s this patron you mentioned?”
Euryale sneered. “The goddess Gaea, of course! The one who brought us back from oblivion! You won’t live long enough to meet her, but your mga kaibigan below will soon face her wrath. Even now, her armies are marching south. At the Feast of Fortune, she’ll awaken, and the demigods will be cut down like—like—”
“Like our low prices at Bargain Mart!” Stheno suggested.

Gaea, Gaea, Gaea... Oh boy, where do I start? Ooh, I know! I won't waste puwang on this artikulo to write about the Feast of fortune and I'll just link you to the artikulo I already wrote on the Feast!


But I would like to direct the attention of you all to the part about armies marching south. And also, to the cover. On the cover, we see Percy or SOMEONE in a place that is obviously cold. I'm skeptic that it's Antartica, so sa pamamagitan ng logic it's in the North. We also see a temple crumbling. What if crumbling-unnamed-palace is the new Princess Andromeda? What if it's a base for Gaea and her forces, and the armies are marching south, to California (which is south from even New York), and so to Camp Ceasar salad D:

That ties in with 'The Feast of Fortune' because that would happen in a sacred or important place. Sacred places being sabotaged or invaded; no good, and you can bet your arm Gaea knows it! Right now, the only place I can think of for this is Camp Ceasar Salad, because I am not Rick Riordan, and I have not established the sacred places of the Roman world.

The Veneralia is a roman tradition, I picture Camp Ceasar salad as a madami traditional camp, so they probably do celebrate it. And it might be like the solstice; it's a sacred time of the year. Maybe it's like the winter solstice and all the gods are weaker then (though I don't see why you'd celebrate that), which is why Gaea is attacking.

[b­]I would now like to go over opinions of the chapter[/b]

I heard a few people say that maybe this chapter didn't have as much action or Percyness as anticipated, and 'holy Styx, Annabeth came into the picture quickly!'

I'd just like to remind everyone that yes, the chapter was made short. Percy remembered Annabeth because she was the most important person to him, and Hera probably knew he'd need something to keep wondering because he wouldn't get on a quest as quickly as Jason would because of the Roman training he'd be going through, I mean, he's on his first 'test' 2 1/2 months after Jason! That also makes me wonder if Jason knew something about Thalia...

Also, 'less like Percy'. Well, that can be explained sa pamamagitan ng two things. One, the Pagsulat view changed. RR is Pagsulat like he's watching Percy go about instead of being the boy himself. Imagine how weird that must feel!

And it can also be explained sa pamamagitan ng the same reason that 'this was short with little action!'. EVERYBODY! Breathe, think happy thoughts! Percy, Tyson, funny quotes, this artikulo is nearly over, weapons, etc. That's only because it's a sample chapter. Not supposed to give us any substancial info. Just enough to drive us insane, have us getting countdowns on calendars and agendas, let us theorise on something and write artikulo like this!

Is anything in this one legit? I have no idea! Isn't that something you pag-ibig hearing after finishing the article? I know it is! We've got a long wait until October 4, so chill, drink herbal tea, make sure you get your sleep and keep the theories coming!

added by Alex13126
Source: EmmyMaxie on Deviantart
added by Redwall253
Let's remember 2013
Annebeth looked around the crowd despretly looking for Percy. Brown hair blue eyes,no Black hair hazle eyes,no.Then she saw Percy step pasulong in a purple toga "Welcome Greeks" he said"Please come so we can talk" Annebeth heard a creeking noise and saw a set of stairs unfolding from the ship. She rushed over and taking two steps at a time she ran all the way to the bottom the sprinted over to Percy and nearly tackled him in a madala hug. Then she backed up and punched him in the arm "Ow" he complained "What was that for" "That" she sinabi "Was for leaving me for 8 months." "Hey" he sinabi " I didn't have any control over that" Annebeth didnt ansewer she just hugged him again "Well'l talk later" he whispered in her ear. Then he turned to the Camp-Half Blood campers "Please follow me so we can talk" then he turned to what looked like a city and with his arm around Annebeth,she knew that she finnaly had Percy back.
added by somisista
added by somisista
added by Redwall253
added by bieber-epidemic
u ready for the movie i sure in heck am
added by wisegurl
Source: viria13 on deviantart
added by Jas55jar
Source: me, Jas55jar
added by Jas55jar
Source: me, Jas55jar
OK so, I see everyone preparing themselves for someoone (mainly Annabeth) to die in MOA but...

Who sinabi Rick is going to make it happen? How do we know that Mark Of Athena hasn't ALREADY happened? Maybe it's like what one of Franks ansorcters did? He was blamed for something that he did not do. And we saw in the chapter prv. that when Annabeth was talking to the statue he said:

"Oh, we know all about THAT goddess!"

Maybe Athena did something to the Romans long ago? And so her name needs cleared? How do we know that Mark Of Athena meens someone, mainly Annabeth, will die? Maybe Annabeth being...
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posted by bella372436541
OK so if you dont know me im sydney.
this is for your half blood
i need to know your age
and anything else
Name: Celeste
Age: 12
parent: posidon/athena
talents: water control, smartness, talking to horses
loves the sea
so that was an example so get out there and make some magic, kill some monsters, (medusa, hydra, gorgons, cyclopes, exc.) and make you charater
posted by Jasonfan44
Heyo! It's JF44 here. Some people know me for my comments about who's gonna die. Well, I thought of sharing with you with some of MY theories on who's gonna die.

1: Annabeth: Yes, we all have probably either read or watch the video of the first chapter. So Annabeth is most likely the 7th(probably the most vital). Remember i the SoN when Frank was talking to his grandmother about the whole thing? How 7 was an unlucky number? While I was thinking of when the ship landed in Rome, I was also thinking of what could happen to Annabeth while in Rome because she is the 7th demigod of this prophecy....
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Title: Hanging Onto the Past
Part: An Unexpected Find

Rating: T (to be safe, lol)

Type: Fanfiction

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns all the characters.

[A/N- This may or may not be continued. Maybe later when I find the time and patience to continue it. for your enjoyment! :D]


An Unexpected Find

The past is hard to let go of.
“Lieutenant! There is something on the radar!” a girl about the age of eleven said. Another girl about sixteen walked over to her companion, and frowned.

Her expression remained calm and unconcerned, but her eyes showed a flicker of surprise...
continue reading...
posted by DevilTriggerDMC
Hi I am DevilTriggerDante from and here as DevilTriggerDMC. I'd like to give my thanks to venus143 who got me into this website. That's all. Enjoy.



Far, far above in the swirling iridescent rays of moonlight, the heavens lit itself aflame in harmless silver crests and waves to alight the visions of Mount Olympus into clearer clarity.

The muses played their sad tunes of Nocturne as the chariot of Apollo set under the horizon of California's northwest coasts.

The winds swept the cool air throughout the different levels of altitude, bringing the temperature down in a mass plummet...
continue reading...
posted by universalpowa
Title: Following Like Thunder

Rating: T (paranoia)

Type: Fanfiction/One Shot

Characters: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez...

Disclaimer: All characters are owned sa pamamagitan ng (c) Rick Riordan.

[A/N- There was an error with this artikulo which I lack the skill and ability in which it gets cut off.

If you want to read the full version,
its in the comments.
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posted by greekOmega
Disclaimer: All this stuff is own sa pamamagitan ng Rick Riordan

The mark Of Athena


    Percy looked at the giant bangka that was landing at camp Jupiter. This could be the best araw since he had woken in the lobo house, or the last. He knew that Annabeth and his other fellow Greek demigods were inside that ship. And Jason. Jason Grace, Praetor of the legion, the slayer of Krios and the Nawawala hero of Camp Jupiter. Jason was the only one that could prevent Octavian from executing him. Sure, he could beat Octavian easily in case of emergency, but he couldn’t beat the entire legion, not...
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Chapter One
Annabeth's POV
Camp Half-Blood, sa pamamagitan ng the cabins
Late evening

"You coming, seaweed brain?" I laughed. Percy--my boyfriend!--came running up the hill, panting. "Geez, Annabeth! You could beat a dryad in a foot race!" But he was smiling that incredibly cute grin, that always made me melt. What was it about that smile?
Anyway, he stepped toward me, putting his hand on my cheek. I leaned in, expecting a long kiss, but our lips had barely touched when Percy cursed. "Campfire!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. "C'mon..."
We ran toward the trees where smoke curled up toward the ever-darkening...
continue reading...
posted by wisegurl
This artikulo is about meaningful/weird lyrics that go with percy Jackson/heroes of Olympus-

I found out these weird lyrics in "sparks fly" sa pamamagitan ng Taylor swift. They go perfectly with annabeth and Percy going missing in the Nawawala hero...

Hit with those green eyes
Gimme something that will haunt me when ur not around.

^^ it's kinda ironic because Percy has green eyes, and now he's gone...
This  relates to the 1st great prophecy.  
It's "firework" sa pamamagitan ng Katy perry. 

If you only knew what the future holds,
After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

^^ "knowing too much of your future is never a good...
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posted by halfblood963
uy it's Halfblood here to represent halfblood's everywhere.
Well im here to talk about The Son of Neptune.
We all know its probally about Percy and his adventures as the son of neptune (darn you Romans except Jason of course) But you see i was thinking what if the son of neptune is about two demigods.Of course Percy because he's well Percy.
And then you see i have a prediction that theres only gonna be new people and what if Percy was like an eight then at the end the greek camp confronts the romies then everyones kinda mga kaibigan then the oracle's both talk deeply and say i see the future of these...
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