School payo Wanted

I have never liked math. It was always the one subject that didn't come naturally, and always the subject I struggled with. Not only that, but I can't justify why I need to know it. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, percentages, and even a lot of algebra, I understand. This comes up in your araw to araw life and I know why it is taught. But Geometry? Come on. Bob the Builder isn't going to sit there and write a proof to tell if the two triangles he needs are congruent. He's just going to look at 'em, and stick 'em in.

In my house, C's and down are NOT acceptable. I got a C in 7th grade Algebra, but the only reason my mom was okay with that was because the teacher hated me and we figured he dropped my grade on purpose.

This year, I understand susunod to nothing of the Advanced Geometry. I'm Nawawala all the time and barely getting a B. I told my mom I didn't want to be in Advanced susunod year, but she won't let me drop down. It's not even like it's a little bit of struggling - I struggle in Biology, but I don't want to drop down. I like the challenge. In Geometry, I just don't get it.

I don't want to have to go to the Advanced and then drop down to the susunod class half-way through the year, because my whole schedule could get switched around and seeming as I'll be going to a new school and I am really bad at making friends, I don't want to lose what little mga kaibigan I'll have.

Should I keep fighting her on it or should I drop it and take the advanced class susunod year?
 Kassaremidylynn posted sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
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payo Sagot

evviefoxx said:
Personally, I agree with your whole outlook on the subject of math. I seriously don't use anything but simple algebra in my araw to araw life as an adult. If it's something you're struggling with and your mother wants you to stick through, meet her half way and ask for a tutor. If it turns out that you just really wanna drop something that you know you don't like and don't ever WANT to learn (because wanting to learn it helps loads) talk to your student counselor about it and see if he/she can be a mediator between you and your mother. Ultimately, if you don't need that class and can drop it, it's your decision.
Good luck!
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Cinders said:
On the hating math thing - I think the fact that you hate it, that you don't know why you're learning it, and that you don't get it isn't your fault at all. Sounds like you just haven't had the right kind of math teacher. ;o)

But that's beside the point. You want an answer to your question. The math-is-awesome speech will come later.

So here's my suggestion about your situation. Come tahanan from school some araw and make your family dinner. If this is one of your chores anyway, make it a fancy one, or cook on a night when you don't normally have to. If both of your folks work, maybe even surprise them sa pamamagitan ng having hapunan ready sa pamamagitan ng the time they get home. This will not only make you look responsible, but it will feed them, and full stomachs make the best decision. Of course, if your folks are shrewd, they'll smell that you want something out of this. That's fine.

Sit down to dinner, and have a serious, adult conversation. Explain that a student learns best in her zone of proximal development, or ZPD. When they ask how you know this term, tell them you researched it. If work is too easy, a student gets bored, does not apply herself, and doesn't learn. If work is too hard, a student gets frustrated, stops trying, and doesn't learn. But if work is right in that ZPD - challenging, but not frustrating - that is the ideal environment for learning.

Use homework and test scores to make your case that you are not in your ZPD in your current math class. Also explain that colleges won't care if you have higher level courses if you aren't doing well in them. Explain that if you take a lower math class, you can further build your college resume sa pamamagitan ng spending less time agonizing over your math homework, and madami time in after school or community based activities, both of which colleges pag-ibig way more than higher level classes anyway.

Lastly, close with the emphasis that you are simply not happy, and you sincerely do not believe that you will be the best possible student in this math class that you are in. Your parents want your happiness and what's best for you, so you have to convince them that this is in your best interest.

As for the hating math, and what it's for, well, let me tell you, I would pag-ibig to have a conversation with you about that. I, too, hated math at your age. I avoided it in college. I was an English/Drama double major - no math or science involved. I took one math class my senior taon that almost convinced me to become a math teacher. Can you imagine? One class did that. Because I finally met the right teacher.

If you want to know the value of geometry, I'd be glad to answer any tanong you have. But that's a whole other rant for a whole other time.

Qualifications: I am a fourth grade elementary school teacher, who wants the best for any student that wants to learn and succeed.
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londonsrock said:
i have the same issue i just dont get sin and cos and the freaking unit circle. i think you should just stick to it, try it and hope for the best.
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xebbi said:
well, you are tackling with issues... you are not good in maths Big deal!!... like no one can't be perfect in everything..your mom wants you to take advanced subject then, take it,except advanced related to maths..
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taylorfan1234 said:
I understand EXACTLY what you are going through. My parents are the same way, other than I CANNOT get a C. I have to have a B or higher or I get grounded. Im in an advanced math class too. I try to understand, but it never works. So I went to my teacher, he was really nice about it.

Dont be afraid to ask questions. If you dont want to go to the teacher, go to one of your mga kaibigan that understand it. Have a study session before school or at each others houses. Then if none of that works, you really need to go to the teacher. If you STILL dont understand, thats when you tell your mom that you really have done your best to understand. Talk to her and say that that class just isnt for you right now. but youll try again later. I really hope I helped! ♥

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ginny_potter_97 said:
Ok so the only difrence between me and you in math comes naturally to me. So I understand not wanting to go into a advance class and then dropping down half way through the year. But look at it this way. If advance math is too hard you can always drop down a level, but if regular math is too easy you can't ilipat up till the susunod year. so my payo is to take the advanced class and if its too hard drop down(with the permission of your mom of course) and take it easy. Also strugling through something is better than crusing through something.
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