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Alright, I'm posting this chapter of "Shadow's Life" on this account because for some reason, fanpop didn't like them on that one... And they in no way disturb the "Term of Service" and are completely appropriate...

It was only a few days after that an Alpha found me,"It's time for Alpha School kid" was his only words, he walked out of the yungib and I followed. I wasn't sure what was going to happen at Alpha school but I wasn't sure it would be fun... Soon we came to a small clearing within the forest, there were fourteen people lined up, and I made fifteen. I quickly got in the line and waited for the instructors to finish their conversations. When they finished a tan female lobo stepped towards us and called out "Drake, Gabriel, Callab, and Jake... Over to the hill, ilipat it." She started a brisk job over towards the hill, susunod stepped up an older grey looking wolf, with madami experience sa pamamagitan ng the looks of it. "Harold, Will, Kate, and Rick, sa pamamagitan ng the river." He instructed and turned to trot over,"Move those paws!" the four started scrambling over to the river, the last instructor, a large tan wolf, looked at us,"Alright, start running towards the treeline, and don't stop 'til I say otherwise... Go."

All of us dashed ahead fairly even in pace one started to slow down,"Troy, your falling behind, catch up" Troy then caught up just as the instructor sinabi rest,"Now, when I bark, you will stop jump as high as you possibly, land on your paws then immediately fall onto your back, roll back onto your chest, then pasulong roll and continue running, go" We started running back towards the instructor, and right away after five yards, bark, I stopped and jumped, then ran again, "Good Shadow, I've seen better though." another fifteen yards and another bark " Rose, try to jump a bit higher susunod time,bark" We did the drill yet again but Rose was still jumping a bit low. we had almost got back to the alpha then another bark sounded off and then we stopped,"Good, now sprint back towards the treeline and this time when I bark, do a pasulong roll, go." We made it a quarter way there when the first bark came the segundo was close following. "Troy, you need to keep up!" I looked back and he was slowing down, and with the expression on his face, I could tell he wasn't feeling well, but the susunod bark sounded and I couldn't roll without looking, just as we finished rolling we heard the drill instructor shouting, "egh, come on Troy. bark" I had finished before the fifth bark but the other's didn't. "Alright take a quick breather." We all sat panting, the girls decided to start complaining about how tired their getting, only a couple minutos passed before Troy was good enough to continue. "Alright, now you going to do log rolls, go." yet nobody moved, "Alpha, what's a log roll?" I asked when seeing the other students' confusion. "What? You don't know what a log roll is? Get on you stomach." I laid down, following his instructions," now roll over, That's a log roll, now start." we made it about fifteen yards when Troy stopped again, "C'mon Troy you need to keep rolling." Rose also encouraged him to continue, which he did. We did two madami log rolls and the Alpha wanted us to now sprint and when he barked,low crawl...

We started to run and about ten yards out he barked, we stopped and started to crawl,Troy wasn't low enough though,"Troy you have to be lower, everyone go back and retry." We all unhappily went back and started to run and then low crawl this time everyone got it right. We did a few madami of each drill the alpha told us to go over to the river nearby so we can start our susunod drill. The river is pretty strong where it comes into the clearing but slows down enough to lazily walk through just before entering the puno line and then it follows parallel to the treeline... "Alright, now, I want all of you to wade into the river and swim upstream to the bushes over there." He sinabi pointing to the only bushes in the clearing which were both susunod to the river and about twenty yards away from the bunch of trees."Go, and don't worry if you can't make it to them and get to tired, just float downstream and crawl out... well after an oras of effort that is." We started to swim towards the bush, we all seemed to do fine at first but when the current started to pick up, we all had a hard time. Rose, the smallest lobo in the alpha school, had the hardest time. Between the water's icy feeling and the strong current we all started to get exhausted. We made it about halfway up the eighty yard stretch of river when Rose,shivering and fatigued, gave up and floated back, we made it fifteen madami yards before Troy decided to quit. The girl susunod to me looked at me, and I could tell that she was not going to quit. Both me and her finished the susunod twenty-five yards just after the howl that marked the end of the day. We crawled out of the stream completely exhausted but managed to walk over to the rest of the students and listen to the last announcements of the day. The the male tan alpha, Elliot, was doing the announcements. "Excellent work today student's, you all gave a very hard effort, rest up and be ready to wake up early tomorrow and give an even better effort. Your all dismissed." he stated turning to go to the nearby alpha den. "And remember to wash up before you rest! It may be the start of winter but that doesn't mean that the diseases aren't still around." Nicole, the female tan alpha reminded. We all headed to the river to wash up.

Scar and I were among the first to get washed up, but unlike most of the students who went straight to the den, we decided to stay and chat for a bit. but before we could really get into a conversation, I saw patong lalaki get mad at Troy and try to hold him down under the water. "Drake, get off of him." I warned him, but he just ignored me, so I pounce him."What the, you should have stayed out of this!" he threatened,"Well now I'm in it, now I'll tell you again, Leave Troy alone."I sinabi flaring my teeth at him. "Fine." he turned and started to leave, I turned to check on Troy and he had already left the river."You alright? What was that all about?" "He sinabi that I was weak and would be better of an omega than wasting his time...Thanks" he said, I didn't get time time say anything before patong lalaki attacked me from the side and started trying to bite my neck, which he did on his third try, but I quickly clawed at his head and ended up putting some deep gashes on the tuktok and bottom of his eye forcing him to jerk back violently and yelping, all the while he cut into my neck. He then lunged at me right then I saw, out of the corner of my eye, the alphas were running out of the yungib and towards us. patong lalaki tried again and succeeded in grabbing my neck, I saw his leg and bit down hard and he instantly started yelping in pain. Just then an alpha push him off of me and restrained him and another restrained me when I got off the ground. patong lalaki stared at me and snarled and quick after whimpered in pain from his leg."What happened? Who started it?"Collin, the older alpha, asked the students half sinabi me half sinabi Drake. "Let's try that again, who started it?" This time nobody answered."Drake started it alpha." I sinabi and winced to the pain of my cuts."Yeah, I did start to fight you" "Drake can you walk?" "Yeah" he replied "Good, trot three laps around the clearing." which was answered with a low growl,"Sorry, I meant six laps." patong lalaki whimpered as he started. "Shadow, wash up and get some rest, you and Alpha Elliot can talk tomorrow..." he sinabi turning and watching patong lalaki trot his laps. "Same goes to you kids!" he shouted looking at the student den.
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